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The Fans Favorate Oasis Quotes

As posted on the official website. Before we begin i'd like to say thanx to all those on the message boards at cos you inspired me. These are all your favorate quotes. These are the original messages posted on the official oasis website but they were soooooooo funny that i just had to screen them. Some of them had me crackin' up... hee hee. Hey any more to add? Email me at: or keep on postin' them on the oasis website!!!!

Hey anyway, here are a select of them.... enjoy!!!

"...all because I wanted one of them buns....." Liam ( on the plane incident)

"...he's had an easy life...I'll tell ya that" Noel on Liam

"...tryin' to keep our kid from uttering complete and udder bullshit" Noel on touring with Liam

"....I don't know anyone named Sally, I've never known anyone named Sally, there is no Sally!" Noel on ..well Sally

" see the thing about Liam is, when he's inside, behind his door, he's just...William, but when he comes outside, his shoulders get all hunched, his knuckles start draggin", and he's all 'er..who wants it', then he becomes Liam..." Noel on....Liam/William


Noel, regarding Liam's "sobriety" for SOTSOG.... "Liam only drinks twice a week now... which is Monday-to-Thursday and Friday-to-Sunday." And the epitome of truth:

Interviewer to Noel: "Describe Oasis in one word". Noel, looking dead-pan into the camera, with emphasis..... "ME!"

Amen to that, noel g. Gunter

"Some people like to think that all drug users are skinny white guys with fuckin needles hanging out of their arms and the're not! Some of them are doctors and lawyers"

-Noel taking about drug attics. "Using drugs is like having a cup of tea in the morning." -Noel


I agree, that MTV interview with Noel where he sez taking drugs is like having a cup of tea, and everyone in the house of commons uses heroin...fuckin classic!!!! and wibbling rivalry is the absolute best!

Lisa Gallagher

i agree that Noel's interview about drugs is great but you forgot the best part! When he says that stuff and then he asks the reporter "D'you wanna line???" Ha! I also love it right before the played champagne supernova at Earl's Court and Noel said (about Liam) "I fuckin' hate him, he;s a prick!, He's a twat! He's a bald fuckin twat!.....and this one's called Champagne Stupid Ugly Fucka!" that's just pure Oasis for ya!

I also love the whole interview with Liam about the airline incident , especially when he says "I'll tell you one thing kids.....I'd rather walk."

And what about that interview with Liam after he left the tour to deal with his house ? That reporter aske if he came first before the fans and he said : of course i fucking do yeah! I come first before any fucker! And thats me attitude aight?"

And of course my favorate quote is when Liam was in an interview in the early days talking about him and Noel and he said "We can't agree on nothing....we can't even agree to disagree". It's not that funny but i just love the video footage. cheers


"You know,some bands never sell 7 million their whole career" -Noel talking about the "disappointment" of Be Here Now



i agree sean its got to be FUCKIN MAD FER IT!!! CIA


All these old farts,slagging us off - they'll be dead and buried by the time we start getting senile and shitting our pants. And we can remember all their shit tunes. "I've got my mind set on you" , "When we was fab". The quicker they fucking go, the better for everyone. Anyway, John and Ringo were the Beatles. Isn't it a pity ? It will be when I meet George Harrison, I'm gonna stand on his head 'an play golf. I'm gonna do me Roy Castle impersonation on 'is head. So who wants a fight ? Any old fart who's allowed out of the rest home wants a fight with me, yeah, After I've had me steak an kidney pie, I'll be ready. Do you want it? Any of you senile bastards want a ruck I'll meet you in the pub, six o'clock, yeah it's unlikely, but you never know, they might turn up. Whoof...I'll do the lot of them. That should be the headline : "I'll do the lot of you". I had a dream, when I drop kicked him in the throat, George, and smashed McCartney from here to Jupiter and back. He didn't have his seat belt on, MY NAME IS DISTURBANCE ! I love the music, I played the game. Thought I wasn't bothered then I thought - I do want it. Keith, Mick and any other old bag who decides to get out of bed in the morning to slag us off. Dirty old nipple, sweaty old mushroom. I wanna meet you in the middle of primrose hill, Thursday afternoon 12 o'clock on the green. They say they got misquoted, I won't be misquoted. The main thing we're talking about here is this : any dick who wants it, regardless of what time of day or what shoes I've got on. Anyone who wants a rumble will get it because the man is mad fer it and that's the end of it...I don't like fighting but you've not been slagged off like me. And there'll be no big chaps around, man - just me and me dick, man, I'll hit him with me knob. I've said I wanted to chill, but I've got loads of knobs picking on me anyway, so I might as well say - LET'S HAVE IT !!!!! Liam during an interview for GQ, Feb '98

I am disturbance ! Liam on James' bedroom: "He's mad for Star Wars. There's half planets coming out the walls, Death Star right in the middle. Sometimes I say to Pats: 'I'm sleeping with James tonight.' And she goes 'Come to bed Liam.' And I'm like 'Well lets have our room done like this then."

Noel with George Harrison's son:

"Hello George, here's your son. You've just been Gallaghered."

Liam on laser pen abuse:

"You fucking cockney darth vader! I'll come down there and stab you in the throat with me credit card. You'd be lucky. Throat slit from here to here with my platinum."

^i couldn't stop laughing *sprnva* supernova goes pop

"....Ok, this is gonna be the last one, then I'm gonna go beat the shit out of the singer" Noel at Fukuoka '00, after Liam had to leave cause he lost his voice.

"...don't ever do that again, ya twat" after Liam kissed his cheek at Wembley

"...lets talk about music, music, music, music, music, lets talk about music, lets not talk about you bein' a 'ard guy"

Do I have to tell you...? Wib Riv "D

"...I just got really tired of sitting around for days with a bunch of people that are complete and utter strangers, talkin' shit, about UFO's, and stuff" Noel, about moving out of London

Someone should write a book called "The World According To The Gallaghers", and it would just be quotes......classic

manc67 !!

I like the one referring to being banned from Pacific Airlines. "Anyway kids, I'd rather walk!


OHHHH LOL!!!! I love that "rice krispie" comment!! I remember hearing that interview on the radio, it totally cracked me up!!!!!!!!!

Lisa Gallagher

I got a million of 'em, man.....I'm just pacing meself....... as long as Noel & Liam talk, this post will be alive !

Thanx Liams locks, too much fun

" do it, you do it, you do it, you do it...he doesn't do it....he's a Buddhist" Noel in the tiolet, discussing the House Of Parliment's drug habits.....he he

cheers all ! manc67 Liam - "Anyone could be Rock 'n' Roll. The guy in the butcher's shop could be rock n roll. guy in the butchers shop, know what i mean?" Not a classic quote but the interview was amazing. It was the one before Be Here Now was released (I think a BBC interview)

Liam's Locks

"If anyone near the stage falls over, pick them up please. I don't want anyone dying before they've bought a fucking T-shirt and keyring." Noel at The Reebok Stadium, Bolton, Sunday 16th July, 2000.


I reference for his love for his brother Noel said (not word for word)" I love Liam, but not as much as i love Pot noodles" Liam on his relationship with bro "we disagree to agree" homers 3rd daughter


"I'll give yer two guesses. The first one's 'No', the second one's 'No.'. No, I haven't seen it, if I wanna go and watch a fucking workout video, I'll buy a Jane Fonda workout video, I don't wanna go and see 5 fat cows puncing around in fucking miniskirts with cellulite, trying to sell fucking chips and chocoalate and coke to kids" - Noel on Spiceworld

The Eggman

Liams quote after the Australian Airline incident, when asked who was annoying him on the plane Liam says: 'some panhead who needs stabbing with a pick axe', i know its not that great but when i first seen this footage i just couldnt stop laughing for ages, Liam was at his best.

From: "Digsy's dinner"

Basically the entire Wibbling Rivalry....... this one isn't funny, but I love it anyway, it's sweet, Noel: "There's time for being a rock star, when your in the studio, on stage, or on TV, but you have to make time for being daddy, and getting chocolate rubbed in your face"

From "Manc67"

I don't give a shit what Liam does outside the band. I don't care if he blows heroin up his ass with a rocket launcher." - Noel

From Fast Eddie

"..why write your own songs, when you can nick someone elses?.." Noel

"....I don't know why all these other bands are slagging us off, it's not our fault we've sold the most records, and were the best band.....don't ignore homage..." Noel

"....If Liam walked in here right now , and told me he's been a woman all his life.......I.....nothing that boy does surprises me..." Noel

"...they may 'ave had to do thier parts over again, but......I pretty much got mine in one take, actually...." Liam

"....fuckin'...fuckin', cuntin' wires everywhere...........bastard!" Noel at the very end of Flashbax

and the most profound statement Noel has ever made, "....I pulled me fuckin' groin!" at the very end of Carry Us All (from the SOTSOG demo boot)

From : Manc67

here are some other good ones Liam "I've got one thing to say, sauseages"-at MTV awards

Noel- "I don't own a computer. I don't wish to own a computer. ....Computers are rubbish guitars, thats all i'm sayin'"

Noel- "...I just think he going senile isn't he?" Refuring to paul mcartney

From: *~*C-MaN*~*

Hi, me again...we can't let this post get away from us, it's too much fun, so here goes.............. "...America excites me, lager excites me, stools excite me....I'm one excited young man!" Liam being asked if he's exciterd about going to the US, on the MTV documentary.

"...It's not that we don't have the odd night out, I mean some nights I stay up till ....11:00.........." Noel on his calmer life in the country

"...why write yer own tunes, when you can nick someone elses..." Noel on songwriting

"..whats mine is mine, and whats his,....I give him half of.." Noel on Liam's share of the $$$

"...she used to be in Rice Krispie she's married to a rice krispie...hehehe"

Noel on Howard Stern talking about Liam & Patsy Manc67

I'll hopefully get more up soon. Hey add yer own at the official oasis website (see the links page) or email me at : Till then take care and bye bye!!!!!!!!