HUGE New match added to Outrage
Posted on August 29th, 2008

The latest OLW Outrage lineup has been reworked, with a huge match added - a modified 9 vs 9 tag team match! In what promises to be an explosive situation, old enemies have been forced to team up. The Stone & Steel Syndicate teams with their old rivals Minority Uprising (recently returned to OLW) and The Gathering, as they take on both sets of Untouchables and OLW Trios Tag Champions The Brotherhood!

Due to time constraints, rather than straight up elimination, if a wrestler is defeated through the normal means (pinfall, submission, knockout), his or her entire team will be eliminated.

OLW is still accepting new talent, with a preference for Trios Tag Teams and female wrestlers. Apply here.

Outrage lineup
Posted on August 26th, 2008

The latest OLW Outrage lineup has been posted, and can be found on the Card page. The main event sees Daeriq Damien defending the MA/CS Title against Frank Dylan James. Also on the card is a match between veteran wrestler but OLW newcomer, C.Bones, as he takes on Alliance journeyman Curtis Penn. Both men will be working for OLW on a per-appearance deal.

Outrage to air from Ocean Downs, Ocean City, MD!
Posted on August 9th, 2008

Following Outrage, three names were released and one new one was signed. Eddie Jones and Jim Candy were released for not showing up ready to work, and Chris Kaladaro's contract was not extended due to what management called "not getting their money's worth in talent". However, on the heels of these three releases is the signing of Corinthian Cross, who will debut this current Outrage, taking on Halloween.

This Outrage will air from The Ocean Downs at Ocean City, Maryland. The small stadium usually used for horseracing has been arranged to accomodate an open-air wrestling ring. OLW was at the Ocean Downs slightly over a year ago - a performance that saw among other things, a violent crowd brawl between Daemon Curtis and Ripper Longshanks that briefly took out the entire arena's power!

Outrage will be main evented by a trios tag title defense pitting defending champions The Untouchables (Kai Scott/Heidi/Adam Delicious) against The Brotherhood. Other matches on the card include a number one contendership match for Daeriq Damien's MA/CS Title between Adrien Cochrane and Frank Dylan James, and a tag match pitting Python and Eduardo Domingo against Christopher Barton and Khalid Jad.

Abrupt new signing brings lineup change
Posted on July 26th, 2008

A young wrestler by the name of Halloween sent promotional footage to OLW that arrived the day after the official Outrage lineup release. With the card still roughly two weeks away, he was added, being placed in the match between Chris Kaladaro and Eddie Jones, making it a Three Way Dance.

Old Line Wrestling presents: EL RELAUNCHE GRANDE
Posted on July 26th, 2008

After a month off due to wrestler burnout and management turnover, OLW makes its first steps into the Cito Conarri era with a huge card. Hot weather in Baltimore prevents it from being held at The Amphitheater... but c'mon, with a card like this, a free gate event would be business suicide!

Outrage is headlined by an OLW Heavyweight Title defense, with defending champ Python taking on Christopher Barton. The match, formerly scheduled to take place in Wrestlecoast Cascadia, was cancelled and rebooked in Maryland. Barton threw the entire OLW upper card into disarray when he first debuted and scored a rapid series of upsets, including one over the champ himself!

We've also got a singles encounter between Khalid Jad and Heidi. Jad, an employee of hated WWA World Champ Ryan Blasier, made his Outrage debut last card, where he came up short qualifying for Summer Games. Heidi is currently one third of the OLW Trios Tag Team Champions. Both wrestlers basically good natured but endentured to two of the most brutal heels in the business (Blasier for Jad, Kai Scott for Heidi)... oh yeah. And it'll be the first ever meeting between a WWA World Champion (Jad) and a CAL World Champion (Heidi).

There's much more this card, including many debuts... stay tuned to the front page for more updates throughout the promotional period, and check the forums for discussion.

OLW Heavyweight Title defense in Wrestlecoast: Cascadia!
Posted on July 10th, 2008

Python, the reigning OLW Heavyweight Champion, heads up to the Pacific Northwest and to OLW's allied promotion Wrestlecoast: Cascadia, to defend his title against #2 contender, Christopher Barton!

Barton, though not undefeated, has proven himself to be an upper level OLW wrestler, holding wins over Python, and top contenders Danny Vicious and Eduardo Domingo. He was unable to win Vicious' coveted #1 contender spot.

This defense will not affect the #1 contendership - the winner will be defending the belt against Vicious on the next Outrage, unless Vicious no-shows Summer Games. Should Vicious no-show Summer Games, the #1 contendership will be vacated and OLW Commissioner Cito Conarri will hand-pick a challenger.

Update July 26th... the match was cancelled and rebooked in OLW. More above.

NEW OLW MANAGEMENT! Also, Outrage, news
Posted on July 10th, 2008

As most know, OLW has been on hiatus after failing to produce the last Outrage card.

The good news is that a fan snuck a camera into the arena, and then released the episode to the internet almost in full. We have posted it on the website, on the Results page.

The bigger deal though, is the resignation of commissioner Robert Lancaster. Due to diminishing interest in wrestling and increasing commitments outside the ring that, in fact, interfered with his duties, Lancaster has relinquished the commissionership as of immediately.

His replacement, possibly temporary possibly semi-permanent, will be Cito Conarri. Conarri is of course the play by play commentator, head of a training camp that works to an extent as a developmental territory to OLW.

Conarri's first announcement was that OLW will remain on hiatus until after Summer Games, the World Wrestling Alliance's flagship event. Representing OLW in the surivor series style tournament that is Summer Games, are OLW Heavyweight Champion Python, along with Daeriq Damien, Danny Vicious, and Joe Drago (formerly el Lobo, who unmasked shortly prior to the last Outrage). Also on the card is Eduardo Domingo, defending his WWA Double Crown Title against Jimmy Danger, formerly of the AWA and currently without a home fed.

His next announcement was that OLW would not relaunch until it had six new singles wrestlers for the roster, as the current, he claimed, was inadequately small to hold suitable variety in matches. His next was to mark the releases of OLW talent. Street Credit Crew (all three members) were fired for no-showing. Demonio Blanco, Monstruo Rojo and manager Rev. Demento of the FreakShow had departed, leaving el Lobo to unmask as Drago. Lastly, Bishop was fired for no-show his debut match.

OLW in trouble with sponsors following Deathmatch
Posted on May 26th, 2008

When OLW went down to Virginia, everyone expected a rough card. But the performance put on by Jeff Andrews, Danny Vicious, Ronnie Long, Python, Christopher Barton, Karl Pace, Impact, and Frank Dylan James shattered all expectations. A gruesome match that saw cactii, lightbulbs and sheets of plate glass involved, all eight men, including match winner Pace, were taken straight to the hospital following the contest.

The gore factor, which earned that particular showing of Outrage a TV:AO rating, also caused trouble with its financial backers. These problems would be too tedius to discuss on the front page, but they caused a two week delay and the cancellation of what would have been the May 23rd episode of Outrage.

None the less, OLW is back, with a new lineup. As the WfWA is gearing up towards its annual Summer Games PPV, three of the matches on Outrage will be Summer Games qualifying matches. The card will also see The Brotherhood take on Street Credit Crew (no one involved in either team expressed interest in Summer Games), and Chris Kaladaro takes on The Black Wonder (ditto).

The main event will see a match we didn't expect to see so soon - Jeff Andrews and Ronnie Long, teaming with Python, to take on their rivals and OLW Trios Tag Champions The Untouchables (Kai Scott/Heidi/Adam Delicious) in a non-title match.

OLW is hiring singles wrestlers, but only if they weigh less than 240 lbs. Strong preference for Cruiserweights and Female wrestlers. Apply here.

Outrage heads to The Pit!
Posted on April 30th, 2008

With the most recent episode of OLW Outrage having nearly ended in a riot, OLW management decided that it was time to take a break from The Arena and let the fans calm down. And while they're at it, let the wrestlers work out the kind of aggression that leads to them smashing each other over the head with weapons and tearing apart the arena and causing damages.

Speaking of damages, Impact will be paying 100% of his salary towards replacing the entrance frame.

But anyway. When The Arena is no good, and you need somewhere that the wrestlers can't hurt... it's time to head down to Total Impact Wrestling's old stomping grounds. The Flood Zone in Tidewater, Virginia, better known as The Pit.

And OLW brings one crazy main event. Python, the OLW Heavyweight Champion, allying with The Untouchables (Andrews/Vicious/Long), to take on the team of Christopher Barton, Karl Pace & Impact of The Brotherhood, and outsider Frank Dylan James!

Other matches will include Chris Kaladaro and The Great Milenko wrestling for the #1 contendership to Daeriq Damien's CS/MA Title, Team Wrestling Inferno taking on The Freak Show, and a non title match between the Street Credit Crew and OLW Trios Tag Champions The Untouchables (Kai Scott/Heidi/Adam Delicious)!

You can check the history by going to Info, and then clicking on any title you want.

OLW is hiring singles wrestlers, but only if they weigh less than 240 lbs. Strong preference for Cruiserweights and Female wrestlers. Apply here.

Title Histories updated
Posted on April 30th, 2008

OLW has recently made the decision to acknowledge the title lineage of our predecessor fed, the Innovative Wrestling Alliance. As the IWA began operations in May 2001, that gives OLW's titles nearly 7 years of history behind them.

You can check the history by going to Info, and then clicking on any title you want.

The IWA Heavyweight history was merged into that of the OLW Heavyweight Title, the IWA Key West Tag Titles into the OLW Tag Titles, the IWA South Atlantic Title into the OLW Mid Atlantic Title, and the IWA Tropical Sun and IWA Triple Crown titles into the OLW Chesapeake Title.

Please note that there is a second front page update below this one.

Sad day in OLW
Posted on April 30th, 2008

OLW Heavyweight Champ Python was unsuccesful in wrestling the WWA World Championship from defending champion Ryan Blasier. At one point Python appeared to have the match won, but Blasier had an ace in the hole - Aaron Vasquez. Vasquez, who has issues with OLW over the Trios Tag Titles, hit Python with his own OLW Heavyweight Title to give Blasier the chance to knee Python with a titanium knee brace for the win.

In regards to the Trios Tag Titles... long story short, Kai Scott announced that he was stripping the Faces of Death and Aaron Vasquez of the titles for inactivity and retroactively awarding them to The Untouchables. His version, of course, the one consisting of himself, Heidi, and Adam Delicious for having won the tag battle royal last Outrage.

If you're wondering why Jeff Andrews didn't go to Python's aid as he did last Outrage, it was because The Brotherhood delivered an apalling beating to The Untouchables that concluded with Impact jumping off Karl Pace's shoulders and delivering The Aftershock to Andrews. Andrews suffered two cracked ribs and internal bruising from the attack, and was taken straight to the hospital.

Chris Kaladaro handed in an impressive performance when given a shot against two upper carders like Eduardo Domingo and Christopher Barton, and was bounced from the match early when DQed by referee Spaz Easton for an inadvertent low blow. Barton would go on to win the match when he used the ropes to turn over a cradle by Domingo.

In the opening match, Street Credit Crew continued their winning ways as they put down The Freak Show.

Small card, HUGE MATCH
Posted on April 2nd, 2008

This week's OLW Outrage will have only four matches on the card. But one of them will see Ryan Blasier defend the WWA World Championship against the OLW Heavyweight Champion, Python. Things started when Blasier showed up on Outrage to perform commentary and bury Python and his three top contenders, and they exploded when Python layed out a challenge and got a beating from Blasier and his bodyguard in return.

OLW has held the WWA Double Crown Title almost exclusively since the title was reinstated, with Python himself, Jeff Andrews and current DC Champion Eduardo Domingo all representing OLW. It also kept a firm grip on the WWA Tag Titles via the departed Conspiracy. Only the WWA World Title has eluded it.

Blasier was given his title shot on previously having been arguably the best WWA Champion of all time. Is Python going to have enough to topple him?

Also on the card is a match between Christopher Barton and Eduardo Domingo. They, along with Danny Vicious, are the top contenders for Python's title, and a win for them means a step up in the rankings. For the hell of it (and because we couldn't find him a singles match), Chris Kaladaro got placed in the match to make it a 3 way dance, which gives him a chance to follow in Barton's footsteps and get a huge boost up the roster.

Rounding out the card is a showdown between The Brotherhood and the Andrews/Vicious/Long version of The Untouchables, and a meeting between OLW's two new trios tag teams, the Street Credit Crew and The Freak Show.

The next Outrage lineup should be up by tomorrow afternoon. Er, this afternoon. If it's 4 am, and you haven't gone to sleep yet, is the afternoon tomorrow or today?

Ryan Blasier confronts Python on OLW Outrage!
Posted on April 2nd, 2008

The WWA World Champion, Ryan Blasier, was on hand at Outrage again. On the 3/16 card, he played guest commentator, mocking OLW Heavyweight Champion Python and top contenders Danny Vicious, Christopher Barton and Eduardo Domingo mercilessly. This week he was more direct. With the help of his bodyguard Cunningham, Blasier cost Python his match with Eduardo Domingo, and orchestrated a post match beatdown - until Jeff Andrews of all people attacked Cunningham and rallied the OLW fans behind Python!

Python has his problems with Blasier, and is in fact the #1 contender to Blasier's WWA World Title. But it was ordained that the OLW Titles must be defended at least once every 4 cards, and that means Python has a defense coming up soon. Only... is it against Vicious, the #1 Contender, or Barton, who earned a questionable win over Vicious on Outrage?

In the singles match between Barton and Vicious, Vicious introduced a chair. Barton later reversed a suplex on Vicious, DDTing him onto the chair as a counter to get the win. The question was, did Barton commit a DQable offense by inadvertently using the chair? The debate continues, but Vicious is currently still the #1 contender.

The Untouchables - the Kai Scott/Heidi/Adam Delicious version - became the #1 contenders to OLW's Trios Tag Titles when they won an entire fed tag battle royal. Heidi, who against all odds made the 330 lb Impact tap out to an omo-plata earlier in the night, won the match for her team, eliminating the Jeff Andrews/Danny Vicious/Ronnie Long Untouchables last with a one-on-three submission that choked Andrews out.

Other notable events were the debuts of the Street Credit Crew and The FreakShow. Both new teams won their debut matches, beating The Gathering (who admittedly was shorthanded, Johan De'Lovely having no-showed Outrage without notice) and The Children of the Damned respectively. Also, Chip Van Horne was discovered to be injured, he'll miss an unspecified amount of time.

OLW is hiring singles wrestlers, but only female wrestlers and cruiserweights (<230 lbs). Apply here.

Trios Tag Division switch-up
Posted on March 19th, 2008

Old Line Wrestling's trios tag division has undergone something of a radical shift over the last month or so. The Stone & Steel Syndicate and The Black Dragons, both OLW mainstays, have both abruptly jumped ship to Japan. The fedhead and mentor of Black Raptor and Yoshikazu YAZ, John Yamamoto, has opened a new promotion, and both teams left to help him get it off the ground. This also means that Raptor and YAZ have regained the rights to their Ultra Raptor and Yaz Illika gimmicks as well... neither team ruled out a possible return to OLW.

With the division short-handed, SURGE "The Rush" offered to take Black Wonder and Zorro up onto the main roster. Zorro and BW maintained a decent win/loss record even working as talent enhancement, and they performed well in the Trios Tag World tournament.

Also, Gazz Maybury of the Beer Buddies asked for and received his release. Should Violent Dave and Llewelyn's services be needed they'll team with JustSid Krugersan or something.

Then, most unexpectedly, OLW obtained two new trios tag teams. With both the Street Credit Crew, and the Freak Show (unrelated to The Gathering as far as we know) signing with the fed, the division looks to be as good as ever.

Our new teams will debut on the current Outrage. The lineup can be viewed on the Card page.

Outrage pushed back a week
Posted on March 1st, 2008

A scheduling conflict at The Arena in Baltimore has caused OLW to move Outrage back a week. All tickets purchased for the event are still valid. Wrestlers should check the Card page for all the relevant updates in regards to dates and deadlines for promotional footage.

We apologize for any inconvenience to both our fans and our wrestlers.

Match added to Outrage
Posted on February 23rd, 2008

A new match has been added to Outrage. Following the signing of Bull Bishop, he was placed in a singles match against Chris Kaladaro. Kaladaro debuted last Outrage in a losing effort to Brian Simon

Title Defense on Outrage!
Posted on February 19th, 2008

Chip Van Horne is a funny sort of case. Although his win/loss record isn't the greatest in the fed, he's come through with impressive performance after impressive performance. He's held his own against some of the best in the fed, and he (along with non-OLW wrestlers Abraham Lozada and Steppe Scuragrec) not only went all the way to the final round in Trios Tag World, but held the eventual winners to a draw in their division final match.

So now CVH gets his first direct singles title shot in OLW. He takes on Daeriq Damien, the reigning CS/MA Champion, in the main event on Outrage.

Also on Outrage, The Untouchables - the newer group, consisting of Kai Scott leading Heidi and Adam Delicious - make their debut, taking on The Gathering. The Gathering is fresh off a win over the other Untouchables (Andrews/Vicious/Long), and looks to keep the momentum moving.

And a return. After retaining the Double Crown Title, Eduardo Domingo returns to Outrage, as he teams with Python against Danny Vicious and... Christopher Barton? Another newcomer with a series of impressive performances, OLW management simply wants to see how Barton performs in the upper echelon of OLW. Vicious, as far as anyone knows, is OK with teaming with Barton, despite the fact that his regular tag partner, Jeff Andrews, is unbooked.

The card is rounded off by a meeting of the former tag partners, Brian Simon and Ronnie Long, and Mariko Kurosawa of The Black Dragons taking on the Stone & Steel Syndicate's Saori Kazama.

As far as other news goes, Big D has requested the Brotherhood be given some time off, as he's suffering from migraines. We at OLW wish D a speedy recovery. Brimstone, too, is taking some time off, although in his case it's a self-imposed exile. Lastly, Angst is fired.

Domingo retains Double Crown Title, Conspiracy gone...
Posted on February 17th, 2008

With the release of the WfWA PPV, Crown of War, the results of the Double Crown Title defense have been released, and Eduardo Domingo has surfaced still the Double Crown Champion, and with the physical title belt back in his deserving hands as well.

After Domingo defeated Demetrius Burrell (then of AWA, now of WCWA), he immediately had the title belt stolen from him by AWA's "Handsome" Jimmy Danger, who stole and defaced the title belt. At AWA, several wrestlers, including Burrell, Danger, Domingo, and OLW's own Daeriq Damien, butted heads over the title. A brawl was kicked off following inflammitory remarks from Malik Johnson (a name familiar to some of our old CAL fans), and Damien ended up with the title belt, and the number one contendership.

Damien and Domingo faced off at Crown of War, and Domingo came out with the win. Incidentally, 3 of the last 4 Double Crown champions have been OLW - Domingo, and before him Jeff Andrews and Python.

As far as the tag titles and The Conspiracy goes... some fans commented on the fact that the Conspiracy were removed from the OLW Roster a few weeks ago without explanation or update. Long story short - Wyatt Connors, the mastermind behind Deacon Dale and TJ Ratigan - got bored. Connors had planned to trash the WWA Tag Titles, but WWA Owner, Victor Mandrake prevented that from happening. After some contractual oneupsmanship, Mandrake simply bought the titles back from Connors.

With the mastermind behind them gone, Dale and Ratigan fell in a defense to the same team that won Trios Tag World - the Faces of Death, represented by Kengoro Sugamoto and Nicky Corozzo.

Connors also resigned from OLW. As Deacon Dale and TJ Ratigan were not contracted to OLW, but rather directly to Connors, they are no longer considered OLW employees. The door of course remains open to Dale and Ratigan. Anyone who believes that the door is relevant where Connors is concerned is, as they say, stupid.

A shocking return on Outrage
Posted on February 4th, 2008

Outrage lacked both the State of OLW Address from commissioner Robert Lancaster and the update on the OLW Trios Tag Titles that it promised. But the shocking return of Heidi and of Kai Scott may have made up for it. Kai, even after his less-than-gracious exodus from The Untouchables a few months ago, still maintains an intimidating presence, and the sight of Heidi apparently traumatized and viciously attacking Python at Kai's behest stunned the OLW fans to silence.

There was actually another return on Outrage as well, less shocking but no less surprising. Brian Simon, the controversial IWA Tag Team Champion, unmasked as Nairb Nomis after handily defeating The Kumquat Kid.

This all happened on the February 1st episode of Outrage, the first one since Trios Tag World.

The lineup for the next Outrage, scheduled for February 15th, has been released. The roster page has been updated.

Hopefully on this coming Outrage we will get the State of OLW update and hear from the Faces of Death and Aaron Vasquez in regards to their plans for the OLW Trios Tag Titles.

Rumors of our demise are greatly exaggurated
Posted on January 22nd, 2008

First, a belated Happy New Year to all of OLW's fans.

With Trios Tag World now in the books, a new Outrage card has been released.

Trios Tag World came upon its first shock when The Conspiracy was eliminated in the first round by the team of Brimstone, The Black Wonder and Zorro. Many had predicted that the Conspiracy would sail through the tournament like they had most everything else.

As far as surprises go, The Brotherhood - the tandem of Big D, Karl Pace and Impact - put forward a very strong showing. They dropped the Three Man Army in the opening round, took down Team Brimstone in the second, and earned a tough victory over "Team ABC" in their division finals.

The Untouchables, as represented by Jeff Andrews, Danny Vicious and Ronnie Long, cleaned up in their division of the tournament, winning a tough match over The Gathering in the block finals.

However, the eventual winner of the tournament was, perhaps not unexpectedly, the team of The Faces of Death and Aaron Vasquez. A non-OLW team. The FoD & AyVee were entered in the second block of the tournament, destroying the Manos del Muerte and the Stone & Steel Syndicate before hitting a roadblock in Team Plexity. Plexity - consisting of OLW's own Chip Van Horne, the GEC champion Abraham Lozada, and the HOSTILITY aligned Steppen Scuragrec - held the predicted winners to a time limit draw.

On Cito Conarri's call, both teams advanced into the final round to take on the Brotherhood and The Untouchables in a 4 way dance. And in that 4 way dance, Serbo of the FoD pinned Long to win the titles.

In other news, OLW has added affiliates to the website. Fellow WfWA territory "Gladiators of the Eternal City", Victor Mandrake's Rome based promotion. Douglas County Wrestling, a just-starting federation in Oregon. And the Ultimate Fighting Project, an MMA based endeavor run by a former OLW affiliate and IWA wrestler. Take a look.

Site updates
Posted on December 20th, 2007

With the Trios Tag World tournament in the works, OLW staff has been working round the clock to coordinate a massive 24 team tournament. In the process of keeping things running smoothly, some of the less important staff duties have fallen by the wayside.

Case in point,, which hasn't been updated in nearly a month.

However, it's updated now.

OLW is still open, still healthy, still involved in Trios Tag World. As noted on the OLW forums, TTW is the last show of 2006. It will take place on Friday, Dec 28th, at the 1st Mariner Arena. And thanks to the WfWA's financial backing, it will be available on PPV all across the USA and Canada for only $9.99.

OLW does have one new signing to announce - The Kumquat Kid. Seriously. TKK did not sign with OLW in time to be included in Trios Tag World, but he will make his debut the first Outrage of 2008.

Posted on November 26th, 2007

Back in April, when The Conspiracy won the WWA World Tag Team Titles, commissioner Robert Lancaster vacated the OLW Trios Tag Titles. He announced that OLW would be having an Event surrounding the titles. Something big. Spectacular.

Spring turned into summer, summer into fall, and nothing.

But now there's something.

Trios Tag World.

Trios Tag World is a semi-open invitational tournament for the OLW Trios Tag Team Titles. Over 20 teams - OLW wrestlers, WWA wrestlers, alumni, and assorted independent wrestlers - have come together to make this event. It will take place at the 1st Mariner Arena in Baltimore.

OLW is still accepting applicants for Trios Tag World - through December 2nd.

The Card page has yet to be updated and will not be until the lineup is absolutely finalized, but for a preview of the teams, head to the Trios Tag World Forums!

The roster page has been cleaned up for ease of navigation.

Title Changes, title news
Posted on November 13th, 2007

On the most recent episode of OLW Outrage, three titles changed. Firstly, Eduardo Domingo lost his OLW Chesapeake Title to Daeriq Damien, but gained the WWA Double Crown Title in the process. In the four way, 2 falls match pitting Domingo and Damien against Chip Van Horne and defending DC Champ Demetrius Burrell [AWA], Damien punned Burrell in the first fall to win the CS Title, and Domingo pinned CVH in the second to win the DC Title.

In possibly bigger news though, Python - all 178 lbs of him - is the new OLW Heavyweight champion, having taken down Danny Vicious of The Untouchables in a grueling, 27 minute match. As Python held the title over his head, the fans celebrated by throwing red, black, white and yellow streamers into the ring, nearly burying him. Neither Python nor Vicious have spoken about the title match yet.

There are more title changes on the way. First, having won the Chesapeake Title, Damien now meets Big D in singles! Although D technically vacated the Mid Atlantic Title, as the last man to hold the belt, he steps into a match that will see the titles joined together without being fully merged. After the titles are joined, the defending champion will pick which set of rules - Lightning, or Pro Wrestling - he wishes to defend under before the match

Also, OLW has a major event planned for the long vacant Trios Tag Team Titles. More updates on that will be posted in the next few days.

Angst's profile has been added to the OLW Roster page, although he doesn't have a logo yet.

OLW is looking for six more singles wrestlers and two full-time trios tag teams. Apply here.

More updates than you can shake a stick at...
Posted on October 29th, 2007

With the fact that there are new owners in OLW but said owners not known, the staff has been in turmoil, resulting in the 10/19 episode of OLW Outrage not being ready for release on time. It has finally aired, however.

Brimstone for one, has to be very frustrated. Not only did he and Python lose their three on two match against the Untouchables (Danny Vicious/Jeff Andrews/Ronnie Long) while he was chained to a section of guardrail, but he was fined by OLW commissioner Robert Lancaster! Lancaster cited his near attack on backstage interviewer Duane Eckelbury as the reason. "You may not, at any time, lay hostile hand on any of the non wrestlers who work in this company." he said. Brimstone would have been forced to cover Eckelbury's medical costs had there been any, but Eckelbury, who was hired partly for his size and hardiness, was uninjured. Instead, Brimstone received half his usual paycheck.

Adrien Cochrane of WWA affiliated Allstar Wrestling Association, was backstage at Outrage and suited up no less, ready to help Python and Brimstone in their handicap match. However, negotiations between Cochrane and OLW couldn't be concluded in time, and he was not permitted to go ringside. Whether Cochrane will try again remains to be seen, but his friend Python does have a big match this Outrage...

Daeriq Damien showed a flash of his old heel persona in his match against Chip Van Horne. Although his efforts to reform his old ways seem more likely to be sincere the longer he stays walking in the light so to speak, he's been very frustrated with his inability to hang onto gold once won. He defeated his old tag partner Ronnie Long to win the Chesapeake Title only to lose it to Eduardo Domingo, and before that he, along with Gemma Lockhart and Brad Andrews (now retired) held the Trios Tag Titles, defeating the Stone & Steel Syndicate before losing to The Conspiracy.

The upcoming Outrage lineup is headlined by Danny Vicious making his first OLW Heavyweight Title defense, taking on Python. Python was pinned by Vicious' stablemate Ronnie Long last Outrage, but has built up significant momentum against the champion.

Also, the WfWA Double Crown Title is heading to OLW! The current DC Champion, Demetrius Burrell of the AWA, defeated Jeff Andrews for the DC Title when Andrews defended in AWA. Now, he brings the belt to OLW, defending in a four way dance against Damien, Domingo, and Chip Van Horne. But... he also has an opportunity to win the Chesapeake Championship! The four way dance is a 2 falls match, with the first fall winning the CS Title (and taking place under CS rules), and the second under standard rules, for the DC Title!

Other matches on the card are newcomer Angst taking on Johan De'Lovely, a showdown between the Stone & Steel Syndicate and the trio of Big D, Karl Pace and Impact, and a singles match between Brimstone and Ronnie Long!

Heidi quits! Gemma released! More...
Posted on October 6th, 2007

After a shocking loss to the Conspiracy in under 4 minutes, Heidi Christenson, former CAL World Champion and IWA Heavyweight Champion, abruptly quit. Walking away from the ring, she said only, "I'm tired of trying.". She also mentioned the incident at CAL Coronation II, in which she threw a career vs mask match against Ultra Raptor, only for Kai Scott to nullify the stipulation and threaten to sue her if she quit... Heidi has been moved to the inactive roster. What this means for Adam Delicious is unknown at this time.

Ironically, the same card that Heidi quit saw the resignation of her arch-rival Gemma Lockhart. Back in the Innovative Wrestling Alliance, Gemma held nearly every undercard title available, including the Florida Nightlife, South Atlantic, and Key West Tag (alongside Daeriq Damien). As one third of the Children of the Damned (alongside Damien and Brad Andrews) she captured the OLW Trios Tag Titles. We at OLW would like to wish Gemma the best as she enjoys her retirement, and to state that the door is always open should she wish to come back. As for Daeriq Damien, he has stated that the Children of the Damned are NOT done, but that he wants to focus on his singles career while he gets his team reorganized.

Speaking of releases, Dante Angelus is already released.

The current Outrage lineup has been released, and is headlined by Python and Brimstone taking on The Untouchables (OLW Heavyweight Champ Danny Vicious, Jeff Andrews, and Ronnie Long) in a 2 on 3 handicap match. It also features a grudge match between Eduardo Domingo and The Great Milenko, as well as a match to decide the #1 Contender to Domingo's Chesapeake Title.

OLW is looking for four more singles wrestlers and three trios tag teams. Apply here.

WWA World Tag Title Defense on Outrage!
Posted on September 14th, 2007

The most recent episode of OLW Outrage has hit the air. The main event, a tag showdown between The Untouchables and Python, Heidi and Adam Delicious turned chaotic when Big D, The Conspiracy, and Brimstone all managed to involve themselves.

Two cards ago, Heidi and Adam became the first team in OLW to defeat The Conspiracy, when Adam hit Deacon Dale with a backslide, earning the number one contender slot to The Conspiracy's WWA World Tag Titles in the process. The match was booked for this week. With Wyatt Connors still "injured", the OLW Trios Tag Clause (in which WWA Tag Title defenses in OLW can take place under trios rules if the defending team can provide a third person) is void, and thus, the match will pit Heidi and Adam against Dale and TJ Ratigan.

Although this is Heidi's first foray into tag team wrestling since she and Dawn teamed in the year 2000, she's no stranger to the upper echelon. A record setting IWA Heavyweight Champion, both in reign length (160+ days) and succesful defenses (4), as well as a former CAL World Champion. Adam Delicious is a former IWA Heavyweight Champion himself, and widely acknowledged as a rightful CAL World Champion, although due to the "Nasha Incident" he never actually held the title. On the other side of the ring, Wyatt Connors is a former NWC World Champion himself, with numerous other regional titles that, being NWC rather than CAL, this writer isn't familiar with. And under Connor's tutelage, Dale and Ratigan have successfully defended the World Tag Titles twice already.

In other news, Eduardo Domingo is the new Chesapeake Champion, dropping defending champ Daeriq Damien in about 8 minutes to win the title. The #1 contender to his title at this point is unclear.

OLW has signed Dante Angelus, who makes his debut this Outrage, taking on talent enhancement type The Black Wonder.

OLW is looking for three more singles wrestlers and two trios tag teams. Apply here.

Cleanup at Summer Games!
Posted on September 14th, 2007

Although Team Old Line Wrestling did not get the clean sweep victory over Team Outlaw Championship Wrestling that team captain Jeff Andrews had hoped for, Team OLW did defeat Team OCW, and the WWA Double Crown Title did stay with OLW. However, the DC Champion is no longer Python, but Jeff Andrews himself! After Python eliminated his rival Michael Lennox, he was attacked by a chair weilding Team OCW member Sean Jackson while Andrews taunted Lennox. Andrews in turn defeated Jackson with the Andrews Driver IV to keep the title in OLW.

The other wrestlers on team OLW, Daemon Curtis and Heidi (billed by her full name, Heidi Christenson, for unknown reasons), had unspectacular showings, but did do their part in the match, Curtis eliminating OCW's Justice before being eliminated by Lennox, and Heidi eliminating and being eliminated by CJ Rowell of an improperly bridged dragon suplex.

Andrews would move on to a six man battle royal pitting the winners of the survivor series matches. He bagged the first 2 eliminations himself, but was himself eliminated while attempting his second one. This means he placed Fourth in Summer Games.

The Conspiracy also retained their WWA World Tag Titles, with Deacon Dale and TJ Ratigan defending the titles against an OCW team, "Superiority Complex" (consisting of Ryan Blasier and Evan Jansen). Blasier turned on Jansen during the match, leaving the Conspiracy to pick up an easy win.

More disturbing was Wyatt Connors' post match assault on the already beaten down Jansen, pummeling him bloody with a crutch before ripping the cast right off his "injured" leg. Connors' status is unknown, but officially he is still on the injured list, although unofficially he's recovered - that is, he's recovered if he ever was actually injured.

Speaking of The Conspiracy, they suffered one of their first setbacks since arriving in OLW, as Dale and Ratigan lost to Heidi and Adam Delicious in a non title match after Delicious managed to backslide Dale. A WWA World Tag Title defense pitting The Conspiracy against Heidi and Delicious is set to be scheduled.

Jeff Andrews and Python are both in contendership for the WWA World Title (currently held by Wrestling Republic's David Paige), Andrews ranked at #7 on the contenders list and Python ranked at #10.

Jeremy Winters and Jesse James have both been removed from the inactive list and placed on the roster archives. Kai Scott has been removed from the roster and placed on the roster archives.

OLW is looking for four more singles wrestlers and two trios tag teams. Apply here.

OLW SOLD! Also, Outrage, new lineup
Posted on September 1st, 2007

On August 28th, OLW front offices received word that Kai Scott is no longer the president of OLW. In fact, he sold the federation shortly before End of the Line, back in March of this year.

When Kai first created OLW, he stated that to run a federation effectively, the owner must have no personal interest invested in anyone on the roster - and therefore, he must be removed from the visable product. Although his presence was felt, Kai did not appear at all on OLW television for the better part of three years. Fans were mystified when he broke his vow to never appear. Now, we know he only returned to the wrestling part of wrestling after removing himself from the administration.

The new owner is not known, but an announcement will be made the first Outrage after WWA Summer Games airs.

OLW itself has been slow on the updates due to the WWA PPV, Summer Games. The most recent Outrage results and the next lineup have been released.

OLW is looking for two more singles wrestlers. Apply here.

Outrage to continue airing through Summer Games
Posted on August 7th, 2007

In a drastic change from the way things were done back in the days of the Coalition of Affiliated Leagues, Old Line Wrestling will remain open and active during the World Wrestling Alliance major event, "Summer Games". While The Conspiracy heads to California to defend their WWA World Tag Team Titles, and Jeff Andrews leads Daemon Curtis, Python and Heidi to the Summer Games survivor series gauntlet itself, OLW continues to put on full if stripped-down shows for the live fans.

The most recent episode of OLW Outrage was bumped from television by local programming. Luckily OLW was aware ahead of time and arranged an internet release. We'd like to thank Mikey "Megaheel McBain" Cassidy for his recap of the Outrage event. Megaheel McBain will be doing these until such a time as OLW gets its television slot back. Probably (and surely not coincidentally) after Summer Games is over.

Outrage this week will be headlined by the Conspiracy, Deacon Dale and TJ Ratigan, in a non title match against the tag team of Heidi Christenson and Adam Delicious. It will also feature a headlong collision between The Untouchables (as represented by Danny Vicious, Ronnie Long and Jeff Andrews) and Minority Uprising, a singles match between Python and Eduardo Domingo, and much more.

The OLW Website crew has gotten their act together in regards to the Roster page. Logos for Eduardo Domingo, Great Milenko, Johan DeLovely and Sloe Buford, Lemual Jordan, Chip Van Horne and Brimstone are finished. Jordan, Van Horne and Brimstone have profile pages. Owsei still isn't offically under contract and has nothing.

New Outrage to feature outside superstars
Posted on July 25th, 2007

OLW completed a West Virginia that, despite a week long delay caused by what some have termed 'Benoitgate', was profitable. OLW will surely go back to West Virginia some time - but for now, it returns home to Maryland and The Arena in Baltimore. Following the WfWA PPV "Summer Games", OLW will head to TIW's old stomping grounds of The Pit in Tidewater, Virginia.

On the upcoming Outrage, OCW superstar and Summer Games hopeful Billy Deserati will be making the journey to Maryland to take on none other than Heidi. Deserati may be known to some OLW fans, as he represented WR in OLW's first match in the WWA - an interfed 3 on 3 that team WR won.

Outrage will be headlined, however, by the first ever singles collision between Python and Jeffy Andrews! Python has been quite open about his disdain for Andrews, and although the two will be teammates come Summer Games, Python has wanted this match. For his part, Andrews wants to swat Python's head into the bleachers.

Also on the card will be a Chesapeake Title defense, featuring Daeriq Damien taking on Ronnie Long, and surprisingly, a Trios Tag Title defense with Minority Uprising taking on The Conspiracy! But... Wyatt Connors is injured! Will the Conspiracy fight a man down, or just drop the titles without argument?

Christenson, Longshanks fired!
Posted on July 22nd, 2007

As of Thursday, June 20th, OLW superstars Cole Christenson and Ripper Longshanks were both relieved of their contracts. Unlike most wrestlers who are released under similar circumstances, Christenson and Longshanks were both major superstars.

Longshanks was a former Chesapeake Champion, and in the views of some, the man who got deathmatch wrestling banned from OLW, after he beat a man named Markus Maximus so badly that Maximus needed a blood transfusion. Longshanks was embroiled in a feud over the Chesapeake Title with Daemon Curtis, and in fact lost the title to Ronnie Long when Curtis distracted him during a defense.

Christenson, however, was not only a former OLW Heavyweight Champion and the man who won the War Games event at End of the Line. Strangely, after winning War Games, he was never the same afterwards, dropping his title to Danny Vicious in his first defense with little fanfare. Taking his girlfriend Dawn home with him, he leaves behind his older sister Heidi, who remains on the OLW roster.

Heidi and Adam Delicious are now down 2 to 1 in their ongoing battle with the Untouchables - whether they go recruiting or insist on battling the odds will have to be seen.

Python/Curtis off , new 'resource'
Posted on July 15th, 2007

Python, who in addition to being a wrestler here in OLW, is the reigning Double Crown Champion, has a defense scheduled in fellow WWA territory WCWA, against WCWA's Mike Sloan, and HRW's Cobra. He asked for, and received, the week off from OLW to concentrate on his title defense.

Python off the card, this left Daemon Curtis without a match. Curtis has instead joined forces with his Summer Games team captain, Jeffy Andrews, and they'll travel to OCW and take on Ryan Storm and Michael Lennox.

On the "Resources" subsection of the OLW forums, a post explaining how wrestler movesets work has been added. Give it a look over.

New Outrage Lineup
Posted on July 8th, 2007

With apologies to our fans, the July 2nd episode of OLW Outrage will not be airing due to complications stemming from the recent tragedy in the wrestling world. We trust that, having been given the week long break, all OLW employees will be ready to get back to work.

OLW has signed Lemual Jordan, formerly of OCW. There have been no releases.

The new lineup can be viewed on the Card page. "Predictions" can be found on the OLW website forums.

OLW heads to West Virginia... Outrage, more
Posted on June 11th, 2007

The Outrage card took place on Friday night, June 8th, and the taping was released on time, Sunday evening, June 10th.

With the WWA's monetary force and ability to procure arena deals backing OLW, OLW heads to West Virginia. Two, possibly three, Outrages are planned on the West Virginia tour. The June 22nd episode of Outrage will air from the Gassoway Community Center in Gassoway, WV, with a gate of approximately 900 expected.

The Untouchables, or at least two of them, will be notably absent from Outrage, as commissioner Robert Lancaster suspended Jeffy Andrews, Ronnie Long and Kai Scott without pay for their actions in injuring Yukio Kurosawa. Danny Vicious, however, was ordered to be present and to wrestle - apparently, OLW Management considered forcing Vicious to wrestle solo was a bigger punishment than suspending him.

For his part, Vicious has issued an open challenge for the number one contendership to his OLW Heavyweight Title! He will pick his opponents, and give them a chance to wrestle. The catch? They have to beat him, to claim their title shot!

Also in action, Daeriq Damien and Python teaming up against the WWA Tag Team Champions The Conspiracy (Deacon Dale and TJ Ratigan), and a full out collision between the "anti-Untouchables" and Minority Uprising, with Heidi, Dawn, Adam Delicious and Cole Christenson taking on Monstruo Enmascarado, Lobo Loco, Billy Killjoy and Daemon Curtis in one of OLW's trademark mass tag team matches.

The most recent episode of Outrage is viewable from the "Results" page.

OLW Newsreel: WWA International Wars fallout
Posted on June 7th, 2007

OLW had a spectacular showing at WWA International Wars. The OLW Heavyweight Title changed hands as Danny Vicious pinned Cole Christenson with The Canadian Bombshell to become the new OLW Heavyweight Champion. Python retained his WWA Double Crown Championship against Wrestling Revolution's Jake Devins in a bloodbath of a match, and The Conspiracy, represented by Deacon Dale and TJ Ratigan, defeated Outlaw Championship Wrestling's The Texas Outlaws to become the new WWA World Tag Team Champions!

The absense of Wyatt Connors in The Conspiracy's match was due to an attack in the locker rooms prior to the match that will have him out of action for at least a couple of months. At this point there are no clues as to the assailant's identity. Connors has made a long list of enemies in his career. What effect this will have on OLW's Trios Tag scene is unknown, although there is currently talk of vacating the titles, then holding an open-invitational tournament to build up some interest in the division...

Cole Christenson stated that he would not seek an immediate rematch for the OLW Heavyweight Title, and named Python in particular as someone he thought more deserving of the next shot at Vicious than himself. Python, however, is still involved with the DC Title, but there are several other contenders chomping at the bit.

OLW Commissioner Robert Lancaster is said to be displeased at the amount of run-ins occuring, and particularly about the destructive brawls that have taken place. He has warned the roster that they are to act professionally. Jeffy Andrews has already responded, saying that "Next Outrage, I intend to break something for no other reason than to spite Blahbert Lamecaster." Andrews is a jerk.

Outrage results! New lineup...
Posted on May 28th, 2007

The anticipated main event matchup between Daemon Curtis and Heidi ended, as predicted, in a clusterfuzz. It saw The Untouchables, Children of the Damned, Python and Ripper Longshanks get involved, as well as Curtis' and Heidi's respective factions. Following the match, commisioner Robert Lancaster gave both Curtis and Heidi a card off to "chill out".

Outrage will be headlined by a grudge match between The Untouchables and Yoshikazu YAZ. YAZ and Andrews were both stablemates and teammates back in the days of The Unforgiven II, and managed to develop an intense hatred of each other during that time.

Another notable event is the redebut of Dawn. Stepping into the ring as a wrestler for the first time since the fall of 2001, she takes on Billy Killjoy, in a bit of an ironic match since their higher ranked stablemates Heidi and Daemon Curtis respectively just got done fighting with each other.

The card will also see a singles match between Python and Daeriq Damien, Ripper Longshanks defending the Chesapeake Title, and much more!

Don't forget, Outrage this week will air from The Ocean Downs in Ocean City, Maryland! The Ocean Downs is primarily for horse racing, but the ring can, and will, be set up there - and as an added bonus, the OLW roster gets to hang out around the town - the boardwalk and clubs - before and after the card.

OLW has officially released The Borgata Connection.

OLW Newsreel: Christenson, Vicious, Curtis
Posted on May 22nd, 2007

OLW Heavyweight Champion Cole Christenson caused a bit of controversy recently when he rallied against the idea of defending his OLW Heavyweight Title on an interfed pay per view event. He is set to defend his title against Danny Vicious at WWA International Wars, which will take place in Belfast, North Ireland, the last week in May.

"I think that having the OLW Heavyweight Title defended in Ireland is a terrible idea. Taking away that which belongs to our fans, and putting it in front of a bunch of people who won't understand it and can't appreciate it. OLW's titles should be defended in Maryland, where they belong. Not Ireland, not Texas, not anywhere else. When you take an important OLW match and book it somewhere else, you are robbing the fans."

Christenson also petitioned OLW management to have the match made non-title and to book a title match on an episode of OLW Outrage.

Danny Vicious, for his part, has been frustrated lately. He reformed the infamous Untouchables stable with Jeff Andrews, Kai Scott and Ronnie Long. And while that alone brings him some added notoriety, his problem is that fans and wrestlers alike see him as being significantly below Scott and Andrews in rank.

"They're my teammates, not my leaders" Vicious claimed. Needless to say, a win over Christenson would grant Vicious the top title in OLW, and do a lot to dispel his image of being a lower tier wrestler.

Daemon Curtis, who takes on Heidi in the main event of the upcoming Outrage, has promised that there will be another 'Money Maker' segment - the Money Maker being Curtis' own take on the old Pipers Pit from WWE. Curtis hasn't stated who the featured performer will be, but has promised it won't be anyone on the active roster.

On the June 8th episode of Outrage, OLW will be bringing in the summer with a Friday evening event taking place at Ocean Downs, Ocean City, Maryland.

OLW will be releasing The Borgata Connection following Outrage.

New Outrage lineup.
Posted on May 11th, 2007

A new lineup has been released.

Python scores WWA Gold for OLW! WWA I-Wars...
Posted on May 9th, 2007

Python, after placing 4th in War Games, managed to up his rank in the wrestling world when he won the WWA's Double Crown Championship. In a three way dance, he defeated first defending champion Brian Fisher, and then TC Jagger of Asylum Championship Wrestling. Python's first defense will be at the WWA PPV, International Wars, where he defends against WR's Jake Devins.

In addition to Python, The Conspiracy has a chance to bring the WWA Tag Titles to OLW. As OLW is the only fed in the WWA that has a trios tag division, they'll be forced to send in two of the three. At this point WWA is not planning to allow any OLW teams that should win the titles to hold them under "Freebird Rules" (meaning, all 3 acknowledged as champion, any two may defend at any given time).

Also at International Wars, Cole Christenson defends the OLW Heavyweight Title against the man who placed second in War Games - Danny Vicious. Vicious, part of the newly reformed OLW Untouchables, made his claim for the title after powerbombing Christenson clear over the ropes and through a table on the floor.

As for OLW proper, Outrage has been released and is viewable on the website. A new Outrage lineup will be released over the weekend.

The roster has once again been pruned, with Avarice, Quinn Tate, Thane, Tyson DeBough and Byron Tanis (and their respective managers where applicable) being removed. Jeremy Winters has been placed on the inactive list.

OLW is accepting all applications at this time.

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