# Uh, you guys ready? #
# One, two, three, One two three #

[A train.]

[In sepia tones. The train rolls on. To the gritty sounds of Metallica’s cover of “Tuesday’s Gone”, originally by Lynard Skynard. ]

[Superimposed over it, the clips fly. BWWa. Apollo Carrington, Renier Von Wolfcastle, Leona Lawless, Flare. MSWA/CSWA. Psycho Steve, Nighthawk, Jeff Kushner, Mace…]

# Train roll on #
# On down the line #
# Won’t you #
# Please take me far #
# Far away #

[TIW. Tony Romano, Cito Conarri. CRW. Ultra Raptor, Keith Edwards, Top Dollar, Jamie McNulty. NPW. Ric Owens, Timmy Fantastico, Direwolf, Calvin Astroth… IWA. Tracy Richter. D.Leprechaun, Neo-Nichiren, Craig Deids.]

# Now feel the wind blow #
# Outside my door #
# I’m leavin my woman #
# At home #
# My baby’s gone #

[Even further back. CCW, NWCW. KWF. LBWF. Blood, sweat, tears. Triumph, defeat. Careers made, careers shattered.]

# Tuesday’s gone #
# Gone with the wind #
# My baby’s gone #
# Gone in the wind #
# Long gone #

[And OLW. Freddy Phoenix. Cole Christenson. Daemon Curtis. Avarice. Heidi.]

[Music begins to fade. Clips of wrestlers cut.]

[OLW Heavyweight Title appears, as silence.]

[The train whistle blows…]







[Except for the chiming of a bell, silence.]




[From somewhere far off, light streams. The chain links filter the light, throwing their interwoven shadows over our line of vision. The metal bars that hold it all together form black lines of shadow, cutting the gray surface that we stand on.]


[In the flickering of the lights, the scene slowly gains clarity. A turnbuckle. The ropes. The logo.]


[It’s the End of the Line.]





[The form of Avarice, the OLW Heavyweight Champion, appears, covered by the chain link shadows, the OLW Heavyweight Title over his shoulder.]

# I’m waiting in my cold cell as the bells begin to chime #

[Quinn Tate stands, head down, face hidden behind his shaggy hair. His arms are folded, he doesn’t move.]

# Reflecting on my past life and it doesn’t have much time #

[A bit of light flashes off the bald head of Daemon Curtis. His back turned, his hands in his pocket, he inclines his head.]

# Cos at five o’clock they take me to the gallows pole #

[The massive form of Cole Christenson, his head hidden under the hood of his windbreaker jacket, regards us. A glint of one eye flickers…]

# The sands of time for me are running low #

[Driving power metal chords explode as the video cuts straight to action.]

[Avarice neck snaps Seamus Finnegan over barbed wire.]

[Quinn Tate dropkicks Daemon Curtis and Heidi, sending them out of the ring and winning him the BOTR.]

[Daemon Curtis drives the pointed end of his stallion-headed cane into the forehead of Freddy Phoenix.]

[Cole Christenson kicks Jeffy Andrews straight through the side of the cage.]

# Running low… oh… YEAH!! #

[Heidi throws a barrage of roundhouse kicks at Yoshikazu YAZ, finishing it with a spinning kick to the head. She goes airborne, swinging around and around the body of the much larger Karl Pace before dumping him on his face. A fast dragon suplex dumps Brad Andrews right on the back of his head. Python, with some aerial acrobatics, takes Impact over the top rope. He jumps straight off the mat to hit a frankensteiner on Jesse James, and follows that with a cartwheel into a flying dropkick.]

# When the Priest comes to read me the last rites #
# I take a look through the bars at the last sites #
# And the war that has gone very wrong for me #

[Big D, smirking arrogantly, holds the OLW Mid Atlantic Title over his head. He howls with laughter as he holds Gemma Lockhart in a high angle boston crab, he spears both Brad Andrews and Adam Delicious at the same time. Danny Vicious storms down the ramp in front of Jeff Andrews. He launches Adam clear out of the ring with a running powerbomb. He comes off the top rope with a flying elbow drop on Gazz Maybury.]

# Can it be there’s been some sort of error? #
# Hard to stop the surmounting terror #
# Is it really the end not some crazy dream? #

[Wyatt Connors picks his spot and hits Violent Dave with the Wisecrack, eliminating him from a match. Under his instruction, Deacon Dale hits some poor schulp with a gutwrench powerbomb, and TJ Ratigan, rather than wrestle someone, flicks sweat on their tag partners. Yoshikazu YAZ hits Keith Edwards with the high angle uranage that shook the wrestling world. He spits a load of yellow mist into the face of Heidi, and then grins like a demon and sticks his tongue out.]

# Someone please tell me that I’m dreaming #
# It’s not easy to stop from screaming #
# But words escape me when I try to speak #

[The Children of the Damned interrupt a supposed 5 on 2 tag team match. Gemma Lockhart hits a through-the-ropes tope con hilo on Big D, Brad Andrews hits a flying tackle on Impact before attacking the hell out of him. Daeriq Damien hurls chairs at Avarice and snap suplexes him on the ramp. The Beer Buddies be fat and sucky and lose a lot. The only footage of the Kurosawa sisters fighting we have right now, as they decimate Gemma with kicks outside the ring.]

# Tears they flow but why am I crying? #
# After all am I not afraid of dying? #
# Don’t I believe that there is never an end? #

[Jeremy Winters hits a Yakuza kick in the corner on Kaos, and drills David Collins into the mat with a Downards Spiral. He looks at the camera and shakes his head before snapping a forearm shot into the face of his opponent. Only one card’s worth of footage of Thane at this point, where he hits Quinn Tate with a face breaker DDT, and some old footage of him with the CSWA Great Plains Title for good measure.]

[Lyrics end. Chunk guitar riff begins.]

[And now it’s footage of the four team captains.]

[Avarice, with a cobra clutch sunk in on Daemon Curtis. Daemon Curtis, trying to slam a car door on Avarice’s head. Cole Christenson, drilling Avarice with Seamus Finnegan’s shillegah and then breaking Avarice’s undefeated streak. Quinn Tate, spearing Heidi and being generally belligerent.]

[Curtis destroys Ultra Raptor by german suplexing him into the wall of a cage. Quinn Tate throws Cito Conarri through a glass display case. Christenson plows through four men, hitting Big D with a cross leg fishermans suplex, Karl Pace with a spiral powerbomb, Impact with a ganmengiri, and Yoshikazu YAZ with his Southern Cross finisher. Avarice pounds the OLW Heavyweight Title into the face of Curtis.]

[Guitar chunk riff ends. Guitar solo begins.]

[And Jeff Andrews laughs in the face of Avarice. Andrews superkicks TJ Killingbeck. Andrews storms around the ring, running his mouth and infuriating everyone. Andrews stomps Heidi’s head directly into a turnbuckle bolt. Andrews swats Tracie Ferraro for not announcing him as the “Rightful CAL World Champion”. Andrews drops a bunch of people on their heads with his many Andrews Driver variations.]

# As the guards march me out to the courtyard #
# Someone calls from a cell ‘God be with you’ #
# If there’s a God then why has he let me die? #

[The screen splits into four sections. Upper left appears Cole Christenson, Heidi, Daeriq Damien and Adam Delicious. Upper right, Avarice, Big D, Thane, and Yoshikazu YAZ. Lower left, Quinn Tate, Python, Danny Vicious and Byron Tanis. Lower right, Daemon Curtis, Wyatt Connors, Ripper Longshanks and Jeremy Winters. All 15 men look menacing. Heidi looks all sultry as well as menacing.]

# Mark my words believe my soul lives on #
# Don’t worry now that I have gone #
# I’ve gone beyond to see the truth #

[And fade…]