[Backstage, with Jennifer Lyons.]

Lyons: Hi everyone. Double D’s been running his legs off getting interviews, and so I’m stepping in for a bit while he rests. We just saw Big D back here, and now, we’ve got word from one of his stablemates. May I introduce Yoshikazu YAZ of The Iconoclasm.

YAZ: Yeah.

Lyons: YAZ, you and the Kurosawas suffered a tough loss to…


Lyons: …excuse me?

YAZ: Goddamned Connors…

Lyons: Um… if this isn’t a good time?

YAZ: URRRGH. Look. Jenna. Sorry. But not really. It’s like this. I am LEGEND. I AM MONSTER! And I DO NOT LOSE TO THE LIKES OF WYATT CONNORS!

Lyons: Well, actually, that’s…

YAZ: What I did? Yeah. Fine.

[It’s hard to tell what’s going on with YAZ’s face, especially since his eyes always gleam and he’s always got a deranged grin going, but he sure looks unbalanced right now.]

YAZ: First match with the Kurosawas… not blaming them for this, they did their part… first time. Connors rules those two lackeys of his. Tricked us into fighting the Children of the Damned. Connors can’t beat me. Connors in a straight up fight would get destroyed.

Lyons: He probably wouldn’t even deny that. Connors…


[He storms off.]

[Jenna just blinks at the camera for a while.]

[And then YAZ storms back in.]

Lyons: AIEEE!

[He’s brandishing a sai.]

YAZ: I’m going to find the motherfucker, and gut him, right…

Big D: WOAH!

[Abruptly, Big D, Thane, Karl Pace and Impact appear on the scene.]

Pace: Son, you gotta calm yourself.

Thane: Jenna, maybe it’d be better if you left us alone.

Pace: Yeah, we’ll be fine. C’mon YAZ, let’s get you a nice cup of sake…


[With a scream of berserk rage, YAZ attempts to turn around and (presumably) stab Karl Pace, but Impact has him by the arms. YAZ is dragged away by his stablemates. Jenna stares after them bemusedly.]

Lyons: …I really hope they take those things away from him before he gets into War Games. It’s dangerous enough without lethal weapons involved.

Daemon Curtis vs Python
vs Cole Christenson

Conarri: Fans, we've seen our share of memorable moments here tonight at End of the Line, but I'm quite sure we haven't seen ANYTHING yet. Because up next, we've got a three way dance between Cole Christenson, Python, and Daemon Curtis.

Stanton: Well guys, this one looks interesting. Python is the odd man out, as Curtis and Christenson certainly have the strength advantage over Python.

Conarri: Which makes for an obvious style when they cross paths. But what about Cole and Daemon? They're a little closer to the equal line in terms of strength. It'll be interesting to see how they handle each other.

Stanton: Don't forget, Python may not be as strong as the other two but he's certainly quicker. If he can catch either man making a mistake, this one could be over before anyone knows what happened.

Styles: Look, Curtis is WAY smarter than Cole. He'll beat Python down and outsmart Cole. He is a former OLW champion, you know.

Conarri: Very true. Let's go to Tracie in the ring.

[The camera cuts to Ferraro, who endures some cat calls as she begins her introductions.]

Ferraro: This match is scheduled for one fall, and is a THREE WAY DANCE!

[The piano intro to “Broadcast Quality” by The Recieving End of Sirens suddenly rings through the arena as the entire room shimmers and grows dark. The crowd jumps to their feet, roaring in anticipation.]

Conarri: And it's on! That piano means we’re about to be joined by possibly the most creative and exciting young fighter in this business.

Stanton: The fans are certainly into this kid! Python is definitely a surefire guarantee for a thrill of a match. We’re about to see a show!

Conarri: Indeed. Folks, get ready to drop your jaws.

[The full band kicks in and the lights flash violently back on, illuminating the entire arena in a fierce red glow.]

# How'd you know to find me here? #
# Tipped off you tiptoed to the tune of tapped wires and insider information #
# This manifested destiny you think you can bestow on me, #
# An epidemic with allure that brings intrigue to the dullest minds #

Ferraro: Introducing first, hailing from Newark, New Jersey, and weighing in at 178lbs... PYYYYYTHOONNNNNNNNN!!!!


Conarri: You have to wonder what Python’s mindset is. He’s facing an obvious size disadvantage going up against two powerhouses like Cole and Curtis. He’ll have to rely on that innovative mentality and outstanding agility. A couple of well-executed high risk moves might be this kid’s best shot at walking out of here with a huge win under his belt, and God knows he’s not afraid to try anything crazy. In fact. he just might be crazy enough to pull this thing off!

[Another roar goes up from the fans as Python trots out onto the entrance ramp, stopping to throw a fist in the air and scream back at the crowd. Despite this being the biggest event he’s appeared at since returning to action a few months ago, Python looks entirely focused and right at home. After slapping hands with fans all the way up and down the entrance ramp, the young high-flyer hits the ring. He rolls under the bottom rope and jumps to his feet, quickly shedding a thin black sweatshirt jacket and tossing it to ringside. Anxious but confident, he turns his attention to the entrance ramp and waits.]

Ferraro: And his opponent...

[The lights dim and the sounds of "Southern Takeover" by Chamillionaire hit the PA system. The crowd is silent as the few spotlights that circle turn a bright shade of green and circle the crowd before settling on the entrance.]

# Just look over your shoulder (shoulder) #
# Let me see who just showed up (showed up) #
# It's a fuckin' takeover (its over) #
# You betta tell em I got dreams to stand on top, try and stop (pop pop pop) #

[Daemon Curtis steps out from behind the curtains, his robe open and revealing his torso. Amy Remington is not in tow, as this is not the type of match where she'd be of much use - too many distractions already.]
Ferraro: Hailing from Buffalo, New York, and weighing in at 264lbs, he is a former OLW Heavyweight champion. He is DAEMOONNNNN CURRRRRRRTISSSSSSS!!!!

# Just look over your shoulder (shoulder) #
# Let me see who just showed up (showed up) #
# It's a fuckin' takeover (its over) #
# You betta tell em I got dreams to stand on top, try and stop (pop pop pop) #

[The next thing you'll notice is that in place of Chamillionaire, Daemon has dubbed his own lyrics over the remainder of the song. He grins his arrogant grin at ringside fans, taking his time to the ring. Many still hate him, and many still love him, but none seem to be as passionate about it as they once did.]


Conarri: A bit of a mixed reaction for Curtis here tonight.

# Yes that's right #
# Yes I'm back #
# Feel free to suffer'a heart attack #
# I'm in the arena tonight so you can bet there'll be a fight #
# You'll still be hidin back stage while your music plays #
# Don't wanna face me and ya can't be blamed #
# Leave you layin' on your ass, that's how I get my fame #

[Daemon walks up the steel steps and takes off his fedora, looking around at the crowd smiling before stepping over the middle rope. He pauses a moment, looking the crowd over again since it's been so long since he had the opportunity. Seeing someone jaw-jacking at him, he tosses the fedora in the man's face and smirks as a member of security stops said man from coming past the crowd barrier.]

Conarri: Oh come on, Curtis! The fan was just exercising his right to freedom of speech!

Styles: He doesn't care, Ceet. Daemon Curtis is just wishing security would let that moron passed so Daemon himself could teach him to keep his mouth shut.

Conarri: Uncalled for.

Stanton: Totally.

Styles: Pfft. Repressed.

# Just look over your shoulder (shoulder) #
# Let me see who just showed up (showed up) #
# It's a fuckin' takeover (its over) #
# You betta tell em I got dreams to stand on top, try and stop (pop pop pop) #

[Daemon takes off his robe and drops it out of the ring.]

# Ya aint gotta like it but you gotta deal with it #
# Cuz I'm back and it's gonna be the same ol' shit #
# Comin' back for the title - ya damn right it's mine #
# No denyin' I'm the cream of the crop - the way I rise to the top #
# What's that behind you? #
# Just look over your shoulder (shoulder) #
# Let me see who just showed up (showed up) #
# It's a fuckin' takeover (its over) #

Ferraro: And their opponent! He hails from New Orleans, Louisiana, and weighs in at 286 lbs! Accompanied to the ring by Dawn… He is the Creole Colossus… COLE! CHRRRRRISTENSONNNN!!!!

# A bout of deep depression #
# Can’t seem to move it forward #
# My lying eyes lie awake #
# Not sure what I am after #

[Dawn, clad in a white two piece outfit made of some sort of stretchy fabric, walks out. Smiling at the fans and performing a quick hip swivel, she points to the back – and the fans erupt as the form of Cole Christenson lumbers out of the back. Wearing his white windbreaker, hood up, he bounces on his feet a couple times, then swings his arms.]


# I never died before #
# Can’t help what happened yesterday #
# I never stoned the crow, no #

[As the chorus kicks in, Cole flips down the hood of the windbreaker and looks around the arena, smiling faintly at the positive reaction. Raising his arms above his head, his fists touching together, he then starts towards the ring, Dawn following him.]

# Flip through endless stories #
# A lifetime of handwritten pain #
# No one can share this hurt that is #
# Mine, mine… mine #

Conarri: Christenson has a big night ahead of him. It was almost two years ago to the day that he was, frankly, robbed out of winning the CAL World Title by Heidi and Ultra Raptor in the NPW style “Match Beyond”. He’s got a chance to redeem that now, but he has a big test ahead of him.

Stanton: He’s never fought Python, and the time he fought Curtis, it ended in a no contest as they both left the ring to attack Ultra Raptor. He’s big, he’s bad, and he’s my second favorite wrestler on the OLW roster – but this will not be easy for him.

# I never died before #
# Can’t think what happened yesterday #
# I shouldn’t stone the crow, no #
# Ride on! #

[In one motion, Cole jumps from the floor to the ring apron, catching the top rope. He pulls off the windbreaker and hands it to a ring attendant, then slips into the ring under the bottom rope, and again raises his fists, touching them together above his head. This time, when he brings them down, he slams them both into his own chest.]

# Same old city. Same old pain #
# No matter how I try, no matter #
# What I say, I’m blamed, I’m shamed #
# I’m judged unfairly #

Conarri: It’s almost impossible to overstate how powerful this guy is. There may be no wrestler currently in OLW that can go toe to toe with him. If Curtis and Python plan to win this match, they have to figure out a way to hurt him without setting themselves up for his throws, or his kicks.

# So now I’ve died before #
# It feels as bad as yesterday #
# I’ve never stoned the crow, no #
# You too have died before #
# I fought as hard as yesterday #
# I never stoned the crow #
# Stoned the crow, no, no #

[The music fades.]

Conarri: Well, they're all in the ring. Cole is licking his lips staring down Curtis. Daemon seems to be focused on a sneak attack from Python, judging by his stance. And Python is looking back and forth between Cole and Daemon, probably formulating some sort of plan. He's going to need it...


Conarri: AND HERE WE GO!

[Cole takes a couple steps out from his corner, and Python turns to face him. Curtis backs up as far as he can go and, glancing at Python and noticing his pre-occupation, Daemon lunges out from his corner and clubs Python in the side of the head. Blindsided, Python does his best to cover up as Curtis begins hammering down. As Python turns from the blows, Curtis takes the time to rake Python's back. Python howls out in pain before another Curtis blow backs him into the turnbuckle. Daemon punches a few more times before grabbing Python's arm. Curtis takes a second to nod at Christenson before irish whipping Python, but Python reverses, sending Curtis hurtling towards Christenson, who smiles and almost decapitates Curtis with a lariat! Cole looks down on Curtis smiling, and doesn't notice Python's running start. As Cole finally turns around, he's nailed with a dropkick straight in the chest. Off guard, Christenson stumbles back into his corner, where Python charges. Cole moves out of the way, but Python just scales the ropes, and catches Cole with a twisting plancha! Cole stumbles back against the ropes, and drops his shoulder just as Python reaches him, sending Python over the top. Python lands on his feet on the apron, however, and when Cole turns around he's thrown over from a springboard headscissors. Python bounds back up, pumping his fists into the air as the fans cheer him on. He turns back to Cole, however, and is PLANTED with a boot to the face from the recovered Daemon Curtis.]

Conarri: OH GOD! Python just ate Curtis' boot for dinner, and he's not in good shape from that.

Styles: NO!! COLE!!

[Curtis is spun around almost immediately after the boot, and meets Cole Christenson's right hand. Daemon no-sells the shot and hits Cole back, who no-sells. Cole scoop slams Daemon, who just rolls to his feet. Curtis grabs Cole and scoop slams him. Christenson bounds straight back up, and the two stare at each other.]

Styles: Cole now realizes that Daemon's here to fight!

[Curtis begins jaw jacking Cole, who steps forward and smacktalks back. They begin trading punches again, nobody giving an inch. The fans ROAR in approval, partially for the awesome fist fight and partially for Python, who just made it to his feet. Python watches the two larger men trade off blows before he jumps up to the top turnbuckle and dives off, using most of his body to connect with both men! Python bounces off, but Cole and Curtis take enough of a bump to be knocked to the mat. Python jumps up and back down onto Cole's chest with a pin.]




[Cole presses Python into the air and across the ring to break the pin. Python jumps back up and covers Curtis.]




[Python suffers the same fate at the hands of Daemon, so he exits the ring and goes back upstairs. He tries to come off with a missle dropkick, but Christenson swats him aside. Python hits hard off the mat, and Christenson is right there to pick Python up and bury him with an exploder suplex. As Cole rises, Curtis spins him around and plants him with a samoan drop. With Python out, Curtis covers and hooks the leg.]




Conarri: Only a one count from Curtis. Cole's definitely not out of this one.

[Curtis wraps Cole's head in a headlock, putting his weight down on Cole's body. Christenson squirms, quickly wrestling Curtis to his feet. Still locked in the headlock, Cole picks Daemon up for a back suplex. They crash to the ground, and Curtis releases the hold momentarily. As Cole moves to his side to get up, Curtis jumps back on him, wrapping the headlock on again. This time, Cole backs Curtis against the ropes and sends Daemon into the other side. Curtis comes back off the ropes and runs straight into Christenson, who stands tall. Both men stop in the middle of the ring, staring at each other. Daemon backs against the ropes again, slinging himself off and into Christenson, who stands his ground. This time Cole bounces off the ropes, running straight into Curtis. Curtis doesn't move. Cole slaps his chest and points to the ropes, where Curtis bounces off, ready to run into Cole again. However, Christenson moves at the last second and delivers a powerslam on Curtis. Cole hooks the leg.]



Conarri: Curtis isn't ready to stay down either!

[Cole stands and lets Daemon to his feet before punching him back against the ropes. Curtis reverses the irish whip, and as Cole bounces back, Curtis side steps and grabs Cole's head, sending him tumbling over the top rope to the floor. As Curtis watches Cole, Python comes from the other side of the ring and dropkicks Curtis in the back, sending him over the top and crashing to the outside as well!]


[Daemon lands beside Christenson, who is slowly making his way back to his feet. Curtis also climbs back to his feet, and Cole immediately grapples with Daemon, trying to take him over. Curtis fights, however, and both men are taken out by Python, who moved to the ring apron and springs off the middle rope with an asai moonsault! All three men are down on the floor, with Python making it to his feet first. He yells out to the crowd, pumped up, before adding some boots to Curtis and Cole. Python slides back in the ring and works the crowd from the corners. Cole Christenson is the first to his feet, shaking out the cobwebs. Python sees Cole grab the top rope and pull himself onto the apron. Python bounds off the ropes and dropkicks Cole in the chest, knocking him off the apron and back outside, but Cole remains on his feet. Python runs again, this time baseball sliding a rising Curtis. Daemon hits the ground again, having caught Python's feet straight in the mouth. Cole, however, grabs at Python's feet, pulling him from the ring. Cole simply picks Python up under his arms and tosses him back first into the fan guardrail. Python winces in pain, and Christenson delivers some knee strikes in the stomach to Python before throwing him back into the ring. Cole walks over to Curtis, picking him up by his head, and also rolls him into the ring. Upon re-entry, Cole Christenson is the only man standing. Curtis is on his knees, slightly bleeding from his lip. Python rolls around in the middle of the ring, clutching at his ribs. He goes over to Daemon Curtis and hurtles him into the air, crashing Daemon down with a Sprial Bomb! Cole makes the cover and hooks the leg.]







Conarri: Close one there, it very well may have been over if Python didn't make the save!

[Cole rises and faces Python, who runs the ropes and mounts Cole's shoulders, attempting a headscissors takedown. Cole, however, blocks, spins Python around, and PLANTS him with a sidewalk slam! Christenson with the cover.]







[Curtis rolls off Cole and lays on the mat, tired. Christenson is frustrated, picking up Python over his head and press slamming him over the top rope to the floor! Python hits the ground with a splat and doesn't move. As Cole turns around, he walks straight into a Ghetto-Plex from Daemon Curtis! However, rather than go for the cover, Curtis locks Cole in a half crab! Christenson fights, but he's in the center of the ring! Daemon sinches the move in, and Cole howls in pain. He uses his power to bridge up and slowly crawl for the ropes, but Curtis applies more pressure to Cole's back. Cole fights some more, but Curtis really seems to have him here. Daemon sits farther back as Cole raises his arm in the air, apparently ready to tap. Christenson howls in pain... and drops back to the mat, covering his head as Python springboards off the top rope and takes Curtis out with a bulldog! Curtis releases the hold, and all three men lay on the mat from pain and exhaustion.]

Conarri: What a move by Python to save the match! And all three men are down!

Styles: The ref's counting! This could be a count out!





[Christenson rolls to the ropes and grabs the middle one.]



[Curtis is stirring. Python is still out.]



[Christenson is almost on his knees. Curtis is on all fours. Python is still down.]


[Python kips up, to a roar from the fans. Curtis is on one knee. Cole is up but leaning on the ropes. Python yells out, then charges the ropes before NAILING Curtis with a shining wizard! Daemon slumps to the mat. Python almost goes for the cover, but notices Christenson on his feet. Instead, he bounces off the ropes. Curtis begins rising, and Cole takes a couple steps towards Python. Python goes up on Cole, wrapping his arm around Cole's head and using him to spin right around, kicking Curtis in the face before spinning all the way around and planting Cole with a DDT! Python with the cover!]








Stanton: Thank GOD Cole kicked out!

Conarri: I thought it was over there, but Christenson holds on!

[The fans are going nuts over the match. Python slams his fists into the mat in frustration. He rises and notices Curtis down near a corner. Python climbs the turnbuckles near Curtis.]


Conarri: Oh no! What the hell is this?


[The crowd is unhappy as the forms of Monstruo Enmascarado and Lobo Loco rush down the ramp towards the ring. Python points them out to a rising Christenson, who goes towards the ropes. Loco rushes the ring first, grabbing Christenson's ankles. Enmascarado joins, and the two men pull Christenson groin first into the turnbuckle! With Christenson incapacitated, they pull him out of the ring, Lobo Loco going off after Dawn while Monstruo hurls Christenson into the guardrail. Python looks down, and notices Curtis is still on the ground. He signals, yelling at the ref, who's paying attention to Christenson and MU. And nobody notices ol' Billy Killjoy.]

Conarri: BEHIND PYTHON! It's Billy Killjoy with a chair! He must have come through the crowd! Nobody sees him, including Python!



Conarri: Killjoy just NAILED Python with that chair, and Python took a bad tumble from the top turnbuckle!

Styles: Curtis is awake! He's got an arm over Python's chest!

[Killjoy yells at the ref, who turns around to see Python out on the ground, and Curtis crawling over his fallen body for the pin.]








[Curtis rolls off Python as "Southern Takeover" hits. The fans begin throwing garbage in the ring. Lobo leaves Dawn to check on Cole as he rolls into the ring, Monstruo also abandons his fight and rolls in. Killjoy helps Curtis to his feet and raises his arm. Daemon just nods, patting Billy on the shoulder and looking down at Python. Daemon makes a gesture towards the fans before he and Billy leave the ring. Python is still down in the middle of the ring, with the ref checking on him.]

Conarri: What a shady way to win a match. Curtis had MU help him. But it certainly was a hell of a match.

Stanton: That's right, and while medical staff checks on Python, let's go backstage.

Eckelbury: We are backstage here with the Mid-Atlantic Champion Big D, who has successfully defended his Mid-Atlantic title against Jeremy Winters. D, you look like hell.

Big D: I take that as a compliment [D wipes the sweat off of his forehead and takes in a few sips of water as Impact is cooling him off]. You underestimated me Eckelbury, and once again, you’ve been proven wrong!

Eckelbury: I have to hand it to you; I thought you didn’t have a shot in hell. I thought that you would walk in there, like a lame duck and lose, that Jeremy will have the best of you, that you wouldn’t have anything in the tank…

Big D: OK, I get it…[sniffs]; see…I told everyone that this is a history making night. I am one step closer to becoming OLW Heavyweight Champion…one step Eckelbury! Can you feel it in the air? Can you smell it?

Eckelbury: I can smell the body odor yeah…

Big D: [Chuckles]. Aw Duane, not even your insults can bring me down. I have unfinished business.

Eckelbury: You are going to have to defend your title once again against 15 other wrestlers. The rules are that if you were to be pinned, that person becomes the Mid-Atlantic champion and the process continues until the final 8. If you are the champion in the final 8, you will retain your title. But obviously that’s not your goal tonight.

Big D: [Wipes sweat off brow]. No its not. By all means, I intend to be in the final 8, the elite 8 if you will, and from there [looks at Eckelbury and then at the camera], it’s anyone’s game. War Games are all about strategy. You’ve got your teams Eckelbury, but you and I both know, that the teams won’t win the belt…[shakes his head]. You have to seize this opportunity. Now is the time step up! Now is the time to show everyone who’s the best of the best. Eckelbury, the next time you see me, I will be holding two belts.

[The crowd boos as Big D and Impact walk off getting ready for War Games].