Minority Uprising
(Monstruo Enmascarado/Lobo Loco/Billy Killjoy)
The Stone & Steel Syndicate
(Troy Matthews/RYAN/Alex Markham)
NGN (c)
(Leon Maddox/Renae LeRoux/Raymond Keaton)

OLW Trios Tag Team Title Defense

Conarri: This match, of course, takes place under Lucha Libre rules where if the legal man’s feet touch the floor, he may be replaced by either of his partners. We can expect to see a lot of animosity between the Syndicate and Minority Uprising.

Styles: Yeah. Syndicate and MU fought in Japan, or something like that.

Conarri: There was also the match where they fought the three way dance against MU, and Kid XLatch, in the 2 falls match for the OLW Tag Titles and CAL Tag Titles. It ended inconclusively, with MU taking a fall by count out, meaning they did not win the OLW Titles, and then Kid XLatch retaining the CAL Tag Titles.

Stanton: After that, MU quit being booked on a regular basis. You’ll note that they’re out here without Amy Remington – my sources say they fired her as a manager earlier on the week.

Conarri: Those are my sources, Les.

Stanton: *cough* Over to Tracie…

[The sounds of Cee-Lo’s “I’ll Be Around” begins to pump over the sound system.]

Ferraro: The following contest is set for one fall, and it is a three team trios tag match for the OLW Trios Tag Titles! Introducing first, weighing in at a combined total of 695 lbs! Monstruo Enmascarado! Lobo Loco! And Billy Killjoy… they are, MINORITY… UUPPPPRRRIIISING!!!

# How could I possibly be inconspicuous? #
# When my flow is fucking ridicules? #
# It's quite an accent see I'm from the south #
# And some of the most beautiful things come out my mouth #
# And I’m stage just as soon as I come out the house #

[The lights tint gold and pulse a little with the beat of “I’ll Be Around” by Cee-Lo. From the back comes “Minority Uprising”. Monstruo and Lobo are in their usual Tiger Striped apparel, while Billy Killjoy (complete with barbwire wrapped steel chair) wears loose white pants with a Celtic cross down each leg. His scars are something that make him stand out, at least to the fans in the first rows that can see them.]

# So I might as well give them something to talk about #
# I bust a rap to make a blind man believe in the boogie #
# And if you came here to move there’s ease in the boogie #

[After taking a few moments of abuse from the fans, Minority Uprising make their way quickly to the ring, each sliding under the ring rope and gathering in the middle, discussing their plan once more before the match begins.]

# When you want me to come #
# Holla #
# When you want me to come #
# Holla #
# Call me I'll be around #

[Suddenly, the First Mariner Arena goes pitch-black. With no explanation, the lights cut out, shrouding everything in darkness.]

Conarri: I do believe that the underdogs in this match are trying to make themselves clear tonight, as the Syndicate is due out next...

[And what ensues...]



[Well, I think the crowd speaks for itself. The familiar fuzzy bass of Thee Michelle Gun Elephant's "G.W.D" fills the First Mariner Arena with aural distortion, while several lights dance about the place and the Big Screen comes to life, showing four names and an action by that respective person.]


[A plancha by the young, nubile Scarlet Dragon.]


[A vicious high kick to the face of an unsuspecting opponent.]


[A German Suplex driving the opponent square to the mat.]


[And finally, the dreaded Lariat.]


[The second guttural roar of Yusuke Chiba brings forth a burst of light upon the arena entrance, where four forms can be seen.]

Saori Kazama.
Troy Matthews.
Ryan Andrews.
And Alex Markham.

Ferraro: And their opponents! Weighing in at a combined weight of 644 lbs! Accompanied to the ring by Saori Kazama! They are Troy Matthews… RYAN… and Alex Markham! The STONE! AND STEEL! SYYYYYNNNDDIIICCAAATTEEE!!!!

# Urotsuku namida harainokete #
# Koko de nani wo miteta no ka to #

[Troy Matthews leads the way, his flamboyance turned way up as he slaps fans' hands and starts jawing off about how his team is going to win. RYAN has his eyes closed in an almost Zen-like state, contemplating the battle ahead. Meanwhile, Alex Markham glares at the ring and Minority Uprising like the stubborn old bastard he is.

And Saori? She's watching her comrades prepare for the fight of their lives.]

# Kasumu mamireta ki wo nukute #
# Kiiroi kaze ni tatteiru #

# Ganaru wareru dareru koe ga #
# Ganaru wareru dareru kikoeru #

Styles: Let me remark that I hate all Japanese music. Let me also remark that the Syndicate needs this win. Minority Uprising are relatively new to the CAL, NGN are already the champions. But the Syndicate have been here for like, 2 years… and every time it looks like they’re getting their title shots, something happens. CRW closed, for example.

[One of the unique things about the Syndicate tonight is that, while their standard ring clothing is the same as always, they're all wearing matching ring jackets; shiny black jumpers with white and red trim (obviously representing the colors of Japan), and a unique logo on the back; the flags of Japan and the United States of America are close together, upstaged by an insignia of two Ss composed of straight strokes (angled enough to avoid distinction with the Schutzstaffel icon, but the same general idea) and in a metallic font, with the word "SYNDICATE" in white lettering underneath.]

[Troy Matthews is the first to reach the ring, taking the long way up the cornerpost and back down to the mat. Ryan follows, his meditative expression now a determined war face. Finally, Saori and Alex enter together, the former showing a sort of understanding of the importance of this match, and the latter being ice cold.]

# Nosabarisugita yorokobi wa #
# Zuiban mae ni sutetakara #

[The four regroup in the center of the ring, with Ryan getting on his knees, Troy bowing his head and standing firm, Alex crossing his arms at his chest, and Saori standing between them. With a second of movement, RYAN looks up to the sky and raises his fist. Troy crosses his arms at the elbow to give his signature double devil horns gesture. Alex stands perfectly still. And above them, two flags unfurl; America and Japan. And in front of them, those same two Ss flash in a stream of fire.]

[The four remain in this pose for a while as flashbulbs erupt.]

[The music dies down.]

Ferraro: And introducing next! They are the reigning OLW Trios Tag Team Champions! From Pikesville Maryland, Leon Maddox! From Columbia, Maryland, Renae LeRoux! From Howard Park, Baltimore, Maryland, Raymond “Buster” Keaton! Weighing in at a combined weight of 723 lbs! They are N… G… N!

[“The Devil Stole the Beat From the Lord” by The Hellacopters hits.]

# Got you concerned from some unconscious mistake #
# A bit blacker magic for your soul selling sake #
# Kinda caught you cold, a wicked twist on your fate #
# Call it crucifixion, or subdue to create #

Conarri: Earlier, we heard from NGN, about why they haven’t been around, and what’s been going on. Suffice it to say that Renae LeRoux is… not enthused about wrestling this match.

Stanton: We know she was more or less drafted into wrestling, but it’s a shame – she could’ve been as good as Heidi, I’m telling you.

# Got you fooled by a mass demand #
# Bragging ‘bout fortunes you’re about to land #
# And your loud mouth got your conscience sore #
# But it feels so good when you scream for more! #

[And they walk out. Leon Maddox, with a navy blue letterman’s jacket and his third of the titles strapped around his waist. Renae LeRoux, in her sky blue ring robe, her third of the titles also around her waist. And Raymond “Buster” Keaton, his title over his shoulder.]

# The devil stole the beat from the Lord, it’s time to set things straight #
# Bragging like a brat #
# That you got away #
# You’re going down and you have to pay #

Conarri: NGN have actually been inactive for several months, so in addition to LeRoux, there’s the problem of ring rust on the parts of Maddox and Keaton. NGN, who the fans had really started to take to, have a big disadvantage going in.

Styles: But Leon Maddox, man, that guy’s got more reason to want to win this match than everyone else in it put together! I don’t care what Les says about him being boring. Leon Maddox equals WRESTLING GOD. And if he doesn’t win here, it’s over.

# Got you counting numbers and talking in tongues #
# Got your name in blood, suck the air from your lungs #
# But they've got you playing such devious games #
# When no bets are even, the dealer's always the same #

# Now your illusions they don't seem so grand #
# What you call yours is just second hand #
# Never questions what they want from you #
# Just get up and dance when they tell you to! #

[Maddox climbs onto the ring apron and into the ring. LeRoux, behind him, simply takes off her robe, skipping her trademark shimmy to scattered boos from the more teenaged fans. Keaton stomps up the stairs and into the ring, where the other wrestlers give him a wide berth.]

# It’s hard to smile #
# When you choke on your laughter #
# But the Lord works in mysterious ways… #

[The music fades.]


Conarri: And it’s ON! Monstruo! Matthews! Maddox! Shin kick from Matthews to Monstruo! Elbow from Maddox to Monstruo! Monstruo sent off the ropes, double knife edge chop! Double dropkick!

Styles: Matthews, at under 6 feet and 190 lbs, is just barely bigger than the girl, and Maddox just tips 200 himself. It’s called a size discrepancy.

Conarri: Maddox and Matthews each grab an ankle, roll Monstruo to his feet. Snap kick by Matthews, neckbreaker by Maddox, Maddox goes for the pin, Matthews pulls him off before the one, goes for the pin himself, Maddox breaks it with an elbow drop and so much for the double team!

Stanton: Maddox sends Matthews across the ring to the corner, jumping elbow smash! Off the far ropes, catches Matthews with the running calf kick!

Conarri: We heard from NGN earlier. LeRoux made it very clear that this is her last match, period, and so Maddox’s career really depends on winning this match. Ring rust or no, he’s going into this match fired up.

[Monstruo has made it back to his feet.]

Conarri: Maddox turning on Monstruo, chops across the chest stun the big man, Irish whip, reversed… Lobo Loco grabs the ankles!

[Maddox takes it flat on his face.]

Stanton: NGN’s biggest disadvantage here is that both their opponents have been teaming together for years. NGN haven’t even been wrestling that long. Lobo knew where he needed to be to break up Leon Maddox’s momentum, neither LeRoux nor Keaton saw it coming, and now Monstruo’s taking over.

Conarri: Monstruo pulls Maddox up, scoop slam. Now he turns to Matthews, scoop, Matthews out the back! And the Jersey Devil lets loose with those Muy Thai style kicks!

Stanton: Wow. Because kicks are so awesome.

Conarri: Shots to the back of the leg and the chest, roundhouse shin kicks, spinning kick and Monstruo falls into the ropes! Matthews off the far side, running dropkick and Monstruo to the outside! In comes Lobo Loco for Minority Uprising.

[Lobo doesn’t bother trying to wrestle, he just starts fighting.]

Conarri: Toe kick doubles Matthews over, Lobo launches him across the ring, Matthews rebounding, back drop, Matthews lands on his feet. Matthews ducks the lariat from Lobo, doesn’t duck the back elbow! Matthews staggers and falls, Lobo stomping away at the knee, trying to neutralize the martial arts prowess of Matthews. Grabs both legs.

[Even Spaz Easton is smart enough to know that Lobo isn’t allowed to stomp Matthews on the crotch like he’s threatening. He intervenes.]

Styles: Lobo arguing with the ref, Maddox from behind with the school boy!







Conarri: Lobo out easily at two, up to his feet, Maddox incoming, Lobo with the drop toe hold! Lobo now pulls Maddox to his feet, drags him across the ring to the MU corner. Tag out to Killjoy, backbreaker from Lobo, and Killjoy with a slingshot elbow drop to the head of Maddox!

Styles: Minority Uprising’s right to focus on Maddox. That man is a tough sonofabitch, and you should’ve seen that match NGN had against Kid XLatch that didn’t air. He will take everything you can hit him with, and laugh at its inconsequentiality.

Stanton: What’s with you and the big words today?

Styles: Inferiority complex.

Stanton: …um, ok. Big double team on Maddox, but Matthews is up, and he’s tagged out to RYAN, formerly Ryan Andrews and, as he was in BWWa and hates to be reminded, Ryan Andromeda.

Styles: Hey. You gotta get noticed, you try what works. People didn’t have a problem with the Andromeda thing at the time. Sides, he came out of it ok.

Conarri: Killjoy turns to RYAN, RYAN with the quick arm drag, into an arm lock. Killjoy rolls over, arm wrench of his own, RYAN spins it back, flips Killjoy to the mat, leg drop to the arm, short arm scissor. Maddox lying there, watching and catching his breath.

Styles: We know LeRoux doesn’t even want to get in the ring this match, and while Keaton’s a beast, he doesn’t have stamina. Besides, right now RYAN’s working the arm, which is what NGN does anyway.

Conarri: Killjoy rocks to build momentum, rolls to his feet, RYAN switches gears and moves into a wakigatame, Killjoy rolls forward and gets his feet on the ropes!

[Killjoy earns a scant ‘wuss’ chant from the smarkier OLW fans.]

Conarri: Killjoy wringing out that arm, signaling for a tie-up. RYAN back to the arm, arm drag, Killjoy rolls with it and lands on his feet, breaks the wrist lock, thumb to the eye, enziguri! RYAN down to one knee, Killjoy shoots him across the ring, corner spear!

Stanton: That’s a dangerous move to try so early in the match, but Killjoy isn’t the type who really cares about taking risks.

Styles: Yeah, the Japanese hardcore scene will do that to you. Ain’t that right, Ceet?

Conarri: …fucking piranha deathmatches. And if you call me Ceet again, I will kill you. Killjoy with another cross ring whip, Maddox intercepts RYAN with an elbow, takes a running start and hits Killjoy with a textbook flying dropkick!

Styles: What’d I tell you last time, dude? Leon. Maddox. Wrestling. God.

Conarri: RYAN back to his pins following that elbow, and now both men into a tie-up! Front grapple, RYAN drops, hooks the arm, trying for an inverted wakigatame, Maddox rolls under him, monkey flip, Maddox rolls back, into a cross armbar! RYAN to his feet before Maddox hooks it, step-over, half crab! Spins into a front face lock, tries for the suplex, blocked, Maddox with a small package, kickout in one, bridge pin by RYAN, Maddox kicks him loose into a sit-out pin, RYAN rolls to his feet, Maddox rolls to his!


Conarri: GREAT technical exchange by two of the best grapplers in the business.


Stanton: Killjoy doesn’t even let the fans send their appreciation, he springboards in with a double bulldog!

[Killjoy starts stomping away viciously, first at Maddox, then at RYAN, then back to Maddox.]

Conarri: Killjoy trying to reassert control over this match. He’s got RYAN by the hair, pulling him up, slap to the face, drags him to the MU corner, hooks in an abdominal stretch and tags out to Monstruo.

Stanton: How do you tell those two apart all the time?

Conarri: By using my eyes. Monstruo with a boot to the ribs of RYAN, scoops him up onto his shoulders, and Maddox with a dropkick!

[Maddox is already looking tired, and he glances towards his corner, but LeRoux is watching the OLW-Tron.]

Conarri: Monstruo getting up, holding his chest, RYAN rolls out of the ring… and here comes the Sentinel!

Stanton: Do you think they call him the Sentinel because he’s basically immobile and never does anything?

Conarri: Forearms to the chest of Monstruo, Monstruo fires back with some closed fist punches, those are legal in OLW by the way, Markham blocks a punch, inside elbow smash, knife edge chop, and a headbutt sends Monstruo to the mat!


Conarri: OLW fans love the intensity that Markham brings to the match. Markham, ignoring Maddox, continuing to focus on Monstruo. Pulls him up, arm wrench, arm breaker over the shoulder! Monstruo drops to the mat, Markham with a knee to the face sends him flat. Markham now grabs the arm again, into the cross armbreaker!

Stanton: There’s a vendetta between these two teams. Notice how they’re only paying attention to Leon Maddox when he forces them to.

Styles: He’s done that a lot actually, but yeah.

Conarri: Markham still working the armbar. You’ll notice that NGN is out here without their manager Phillip Jenkins-Smith, which is somewhat new to them. Jenkins-Smith basically lost interest in wrestling after Keep It Real Kid got mad at NGN, and left his former charges derelict, which is why we haven’t seen NGN in so long. Maddox up to his feet, running knee drop to the head of Markham!

Stanton: He’s scrappy, I’ll give him that. He needs it, to make up for the being boring thing.

Conarri: Maddox on the attack, Markham barely affected! Markham with a knife edge chop sends Maddox sprawling backwards, Irish whip, Maddox bounces back into a powerslam!







Conarri: Near escape by Leon Maddox. He’s been managing to rest while Minority Uprising and the Syndicate fight each other, but he really needs to make the tag out. With LeRoux not willing to wrestle, he’s essentially fighting a handicap match.

Stanton: Which is fair, seeing as NGN won the titles in a handicap match.

Styles: Because Kid Xtreme and Crosslatch decided to be lameoids and refuse to find a 3rd person to team with them. Not NGN’s fault.

Conarri: Markham pulls Maddox up, German suplex, Maddox flips out!

[Maddox makes the judgment call. He stumbles backwards and hits the hand of Raymond “Buster” Keaton. He falls, rolls to the apron and just lies there, sucking wind. He’s been going full speed for nearly 10 minutes here.]


Stanton: Well, Buster’s in the ring. Maybe he and Boretinel can beat each other up and become marginally entertaining.

Conarri: Monstruo’s up, nursing that arm, he doesn’t realize that the tag has been exchanged. He’s heading to his corner, Killjoy tags in, heads straight for Keaton…


Conarri: Keaton just took Killjoy off his feet with one massive headbutt! Killjoy getting back up, forearm to the face, forearm returned and Killjoy goes flying back into the ropes… and bounces back into a two handed chokeslam!


Conarri: And now the Sentinel’s sizing up Keaton – forearm! Returned, Markham staggering back, returns with a knee strike! Keaton off balance, Markham off the far ropes, another knee! Palm strikes to the head! And a headbutt… hurts Markham more than it does Keaton! Keaton with a lariat, Markham ducks, grabs a side headlock!

Stanton: Ceet, it’s a headlock. No need to yell. In fact, I’d say calling this all in a monotone…

Styles: Christ Les, and you complain about ME getting old… come up with some new material, eh? Keaton pushes Markham to the ropes, Markham rebounds, shoulder tackle…

Conarri: And it’s Markham who goes down! He wobbled the big man, but Keaton just had all the inertia there. And now Keaton… leg drop across the chest! Cover!






……Broken up by Killjoy!

Stanton: Killjoy wakes up long enough to prolong the agony. He’s stomping Keaton because that’s about all he can do, Keaton’s too heavy for him to lift… though it looks like Killjoy doesn’t realize that, he’s trying for a body slam!

[Killjoy, who is utterly fearless, does indeed try to scoop slam Keaton. Keaton looks at him like he’s crazy, then drops him to the mat with an elbow to the head.]

Conarri: Keaton playing the immovable object. Big elbow drop coming up, and Killjoy moves! Keaton is down, and that inertia is now working against him as Killjoy hops to the top rope – corkscrew moonsault connects!








………Broken up by Markham!

Conarri: Markham with the save there. Chicken wings both of Killjoy’s arms, lifts him – throws him head first into the Syndicate corner, and tags in Matthews! Matthews charges Keaton, baseball slide between the legs! Keaton slow to turn around, high roundhouse to the face! Matthews lighting up the big man!

[Alternating kicks to the side of the leg and the chest keep Keaton off balance, and then a high kick sends him stumbling back into the ropes.]

Conarri: Matthews chop, Irish whip attempt, Keaton goes nowhere. Kick to the leg, another whip attempt – Keaton reverses! Matthews off the ropes… and into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker by Monstruo Enmascarado!

[Holding Matthews in his arms, Monstruo performs two more backbreakers, letting him draped across the knee on the second one.]

Styles: Buster leaning on the ropes, Monstruo signaling to his corner, what’re they setting up… guillotine legdrop from Killjoy across the neck of Matthews!

Conarri: Minority Uprising are an unusual team. They and the Syndicate both have extensive roots in Japan, but they spent much of their time there in rival promotions, and you can see the difference. The Syndicate’s offense happens in bursts, big moves, a lot of damage in a short amount of time. Minority Uprising take a more measured approach to wrestling, you won’t see Monstruo or Lobo Loco flying around.

Styles: Yeah. And NGN does neither, they’re more of a pick your spots kinda team. Being in the right place to get the roll up or hook some goofy ass old school arm submission bullshit that’s awesome.

Stanton: …the hell did you just say?

[While this banter was going on, Killjoy had tagged out to Lobo Loco.]

Conarri: Loco to the outside, grabs Keaton by the head, reverse neck snap over the ropes! Keaton is down!

[Lobo looks things over. Keaton’s big, tough, and he’ll take a while to get back up. Matthews is little, dangerous – and an easier target.]

Conarri: Lobo hooks Matthews in that front face lock he likes. Dragging him to mid ring…


Stanton: YES!

Conarri: Lobo swung Matthews like a mace, and used him to hit Keaton in the head! He’s still got that front face lock on, and Keaton is down! Lobo now hooking Matthews for the suplex, drops him on Keaton with a falcon arrow and covers the big guy!









Styles: And Lobo done got LAUNCHED!

[Lobo looks momentarily shocked, but he goes back on the attack, grabbing the face lock on Keaton, dropping his weight to keep the big man from getting to his feet.]

Conarri: Lobo trying to wear down Buster there, and it’s a good strategy, as his stamina isn’t as strong as the rest of him. Not having LeRoux willing to wrestle is really costing NGN here, as Maddox is still looking wiped out on the apron.


Styles: Matthews with a double stomp out of nowhere!

[With both Lobo and Keaton on the mat, their heads next to each other, Matthews used the opportunity to hit a double stomp, driving a foot into the head of each opponent.]

Conarri: Matthews gets the drop there, and he’s rolling Lobo over for the pin!






……Broken up!

Conarri: Both Monstruo and Maddox into the ring to break it up, and now they’re going at it! Right hands, Maddox catches the arm, spins behind, hammerlock backdrop! Killjoy into the ring with a spinning heel kick and Maddox is down! Keaton is down! Matthews trying to hook Lobo for the Trident Driver, Lobo back drops him to the ring apron! RYAN off the top with a missile dropkick, Lobo all the way to the floor!


Conarri: RYAN off the far ropes, rebounding – OH! Clothesline from Monstruo!


Stanton: No tope for you, Styles.

Conarri: Monstruo cuts RYAN off at the pass there, and BIG jump, down into a body press pin!






……Broken up!

Conarri: Alex Markham that time steps into the ring. Renae LeRoux actually looked like she was considering it, but since Markham moved first… reverse headlock on Monstruo by Markham. Brings him up in a reverse suplex!

Styles: Who’s legal?

Conarri: I believe it’s Matthews, Maddox and Monstruo.

Stanton: No, Keaton’s still legal, he hasn’t tagged out or touched the floor. I know this because I had nothing better to do than keep track of the legal man because…

Conarri: Les, if this has to do with anyone being boring, just shut up. We’ve FINALLY got Styles to act normal, and we don’t need you taking his place.

Styles: YEAH! Anyway, Sean O’Meara’s lost all control over this. Markham and RYAN want at this match. Markham sends Monstruo off the ropes and into the Circuit Breaker! Funny choice of move, since working the arm benefits NGN more than the Syndicate.

Conarri: Markham pulling Killjoy up to his feet and OH MY GOD KEATON WITH A FLYING SHOULDER TACKLE!

[Keaton has climbed onto the ropes from the outside, balancing with one foot on the middle and one on the top. As Markham turns, Keaton steps to the top and then leaps forward, colliding shoulder first with Markham. Markham is bowled all the way across the ring. Killjoy is struck more a glancing blow, but none the less goes head over heels.]

Stanton: I can’t believe he DID THAT! That… wasn’t… boring! That was awesome!

Conarri: Keaton’s trying to get back to his feet – and a flying elbow drop from Lobo stops that. Lobo kicking Keaton, rolling him to the apron, and down to the floor.

Stanton: Guess he decided to let the fat bastard rot out there.

Styles: Lobo’s going after Matthews, Matthews stuns him with a middle kick. Three quarter nelson, Matthews looking for the Devil Crusher…


Conarri: And Killjoy just cracked Matthews with a chair while he was attempting the move! Lobo back in control, front face lock on Matthews – and throws him over the ropes and down onto Keaton! Keaton catches him, and now Killjoy with an Asai Moonsault, flattening both men!

Styles: Other side of the ring, Maddox trying to force Monstruo down to the mat to apply the double arm bar! Monstruo fighting it, Lobo’s trying to break it up but RYAN intercepts him with a European uppercut! Lobo down, RYAN with a snap enziguri to Maddox!

Conarri: RYAN off the ropes, showing clothesline on the rebound, Maddox ducks, sends him to the ropes, RYAN catches the top and beckons him! Maddox runs in, RYAN telegraphs the back drop, kick from Maddox, elbow shot sends RYAN over the ropes – RYAN hangs on, and snapmares Maddox over the ropes and onto the apron!

Stanton: And Monstruo dropkicks them both! He’s the only man in the ring right now!

[Monstruo looks around. Killjoy, Matthews and Keaton are in a heap at one side of the ring. Maddox and Lobo are lying on the floor where they just fell, and Markham is recuperating from Keaton’s shoulder tackle.]

[Really, Markham’s the guy he should be targeting here. But Markham’s down, and let sleeping dragons lie, right? He’s not doing anything… and that damn bitch in NGN’s corner hasn’t done anything all match.]

Conarri: Monstruo shoots off the ropes, catches Renae LeRoux by the hair and throws her over the ropes and into the ring!


Styles: LeRoux taken by surprise, Monstruo behind her, and applies the full nelson! Castillo Flex, and it looks like this is over!

Stanton: I dunno about that – these guys have been going for over 20 minutes now, but LeRoux’s still fresh!

Conarri: Monstruo turns the full nelson into a slam! Cover!











Conarri: Les was right – LeRoux’s too fresh right now. Monstruo pulling her up again – LeRoux swings to the side, arm drags him over! Uraken to the face! LeRoux with an Irish whip, reversed, headscissor takedown on the rebound!

[Remember that sleeping dragon thing? …yeah.]

Conarri: The fight finally came to Renae LeRoux, and she is tearing apart Monstruo Enmascarado! Monstruo with a wild swing, ducked, german suplex pin!






……Broken up by Markham!

Styles: The Sentinel just hit LeRoux with a powerdrive elbow to break the pin. Now sends her off the ropes, LeRoux jumps in his arms and flips over his shoulders! Neckbreaker coming up – NO! Markham trips the leg!

Conarri: That’s a counter so basic you rarely if ever see it outside practice. LeRoux face plants, Markham with the half crab, into an STF! Doesn’t hold it long before Maddox into the ring, kicks him in the face. Kicking away at Markham, sending him to the apron… Monstruo from behind grabs Maddox for an Irish whip, reversed!

Stanton: …and into the ref!

[Sean O’Meara is a fairly good referee, but sometimes he’s still in the wrong place. Maddox plants, and sends Monstruo straight for him. O’Meara is sandwiched between Monstruo and the turnbuckle, and then squashed again as Maddox flies in and elbows Monstruo in the face.]

Conarri: Sean O’Meara is down!

Styles: Maddox clotheslines Lobo out of the ring! LeRoux jumps to the turnbuckle behind Monstruo… and drives that knee into Monstruo’s elbow with a calf branding variation!

[Landing on one knee, LeRoux forward rolls to her feet, and signals by grabbing her elbow, then snapping her arm to the side.]

Conarri: LeRoux’s calling for the Kimura! Monstruo holding that arm… LeRoux hooks him! Twists the arm up behind his back, scissors one leg, she’s got it hooked!

Stanton: YES! Break his freakin’ elbow!

[Monstruo, behind his mask, looks agonized. Both Killjoy and Lobo are incapacitated, the ropes are a long way away, and…]


Conarri: Monstruo’s tapping! He’s tapping! NGN wins!


Stanton: There’s no referee to make the call! O’Meara got smashed!

[LeRoux releases Monstruo and goes over to O’Meara, gently shaking him, trying to wake him up.]

Styles: LeRoux preoccupied with the referee. Killjoy into the ring, and OH SHIT!

[Killjoy, grabbing LeRoux by the hair and the bottom edge of her one piece, hurls her shoulder first into the ring post.]


Conarri: And Killjoy just went after LeRoux’s shoulder! We know LeRoux was thinking of retiring because of that… she’s an extremely talented wrestler, no one wants to see her leave the business, and these fans are IRATE!


Styles: Killjoy flipping off the crowd…

[Someone large rolls into the ring.]

Stanton: Never thought I’d say this, but I’m glad to see Buster.

Conarri: Raymond “Buster” Keaton saw all, of that, and he’s about to make Killjoy regret it…

[Killjoy turns around. He doesn’t have enough time to get an ‘oh shit’ look on his face.]

Conarri: Keaton with two hands around the neck of Killjoy, HURLS him into the corner! Vader squash in the corner! Killjoy sent cross ring, and another Vader squash! Two handed chokeslam connects!

Styles: Killjoy’s DEAD!

Conarri: Keaton not going for the pin. Picks Killjoy up, he’s climbing the ropes…

Stanton: He’s going to squash him! BUSTED TO THE MAT!

[Keaton’s near 350 lbs drops from the middle rope, Killjoy under him.]

Conarri: Killjoy must be flattened! Keaton going for the cover…!











Conarri: Matthews saves the match for the Syndicate at the last second there. Kicking Keaton off Monstruo, setting up for the Trident Driver… running elbow to the head by Maddox!

[Matthews covers up and staggers. Monstruo rolls to the safety of the apron.]

Styles: Maddox setting up for another, incoming…


Styles: …and Matthews just about beheads him with a Muy Thai kick! And a Lionsault! He’s not legal, else that might’ve been it! Matthews back up… hey, where’s Renae going?

[Holding her shoulder, her expression more resentful than anything else, Renae LeRoux is stalking up the ramp. Most fans, it seems, haven’t noticed her, she ignores those who have.]

Conarri: Renae LeRoux has just walked out of the match! Lobo Loco with an axehandle to the back of Matthews, sends him to the ropes, Matthews hooks the ropes, slides out of the ring, and this lets RYAN enter legally! Spinning Russian leg sweep to Loco! Tiger suplex set up… mule kick from Lobo!


Styles: Lobo spins behind, reverse headlock into a backbreaker! Front face lock, puts RYAN on the top rope… Alex Markham with an elbow to the back of the head! Lobo stunned, Markham placing him on his shoulder THIS COULD BE IT!

[RYAN jumps off the turnbuckle.]

Conarri: LEG LARIAT VERSION OF THE DOOMSDAY DEVICE! Ref’s still out though… cover for me Les, I’ve gotta page the back and tell them we need another one out here.

[Cito twists a knob on his headphones, and suddenly we don’t hear him talking anymore.]

Stanton: Me? Oh. Um. Geez. Who’s still functional? I think Killjoy’s done, he got wiped out by Keaton. Keaton’s on the floor gassed. Monstruo’s resting. Lobo’s out of it. Markham and RYAN are both still good. Maddox and Matthews are fighting on the outside, I can see them from here but they’re off camera.

Styles: RYAN telling Matthews to feed Maddox back into the ring, but Maddox catches Matthews with a single arm DDT! And grabs RYAN by the feet, pulling him out!

[Referee Spaz Easton comes running down the ramp. Half way. He trips over his own feet, hits the ramp face first and knocks his dumbass self out.]

Styles: Shit, yo…

Stanton: Monstruo into the ring, Markham anticipates him coming, deflects the axe handle! Boot… and a powerbomb!

Styles: SICK!

[Markham steps back, and winds the arm…]


Stanton: Monstruo ducks…


[When the burning lariat missed the first time, Markham simply turned the other way and hit Monstruo with his other arm.]

[Also, Charlie Strembatel, who rather than tripping, is still athletic enough to jump over the fallen Spaz without missing a step, slides into the ring to make the count.]










…………Broken up by Keaton!

Conarri: It’s come down to two! Maddox, Matthews and RYAN out! Killjoy’s dead! Lobo and Monstruo are KOed! LeRoux split!

Stanton: Keaton trying to pick up Markham, Markham’s fighting back! Forearms, palm strikes to the face, Keaton’s wobbling! Markham raises his hand… he’s gonna try to slam Keaton!

Styles: No way! He’s got him…

Stanton: He’s up… and…

Conarri: NO! Keaton lands on top of him!










Conarri: Keaton in control of this match now, presses Markham over head and down with a Samoan drop! He’s calling for the Buster Bomb! Climbing the turnbuckle, pulling Markham up with him… Markham’s fighting… he’s loose!

[Markham slips out of Keaton’s arms, and lands on his feet in the ring.]

Stanton: BIG palm strike to the head! Markham is…




Styles: Now. Lariat.

Conarri: Keaton up, out of it… Markham aims…


[The impact is as great as always, but Keaton’s mass is such that, rather than going head first into the mat, he’s sent stumbling backwards into the ropes at a fair speed.]

[This makes him bounce back towards Markham.]


[The fans scream along with the pinfall.]











Conarri: That’s it! New Champions!



Ferraro: Here are your winners, and NEW Old Line Wrestling Trios Tag Team Champions! THE STONE! AND STEEL! SYNDICATE!

[As the announcement echoes, Matthews lets go of Maddox – he was holding onto the latter, keeping him out of the ring so he couldn’t break up the pinfall – and slides in, grinning all over his face. He skids to his knees, clenches both fists, and belts out ‘YES!!!” at the top of his lungs.]

Conarri: After nearly two years in the CAL, and so many false starts, the Syndicate have finally turned the trick and brought the gold home.

[A weary Ryan Andrews, with a grin nearly the size of Matthews, slides into the ring.]

Stanton: Well… boring-ness aside, I wouldn’t presume to suggest that these guys didn’t deserve this win. Especially RYAN. He did suffer through all that BWWa crap with Ryan Andromeda and being ignored in favor of the Society of Doom.

Styles: Heh. Society of Doom. No wonder Ryan’s happy, and… I’ll be damned, is Alex Markham smiling?

[He is. Actually, he just came down from having jumped in the air.]

Conarri: The Stone & Steel Syndicate are your winners, and… hey, here comes Saori Kazama.

[The girl, who was ever so briefly the third member of the Syndicate herself, has climbed onto the apron. Noticing, Troy Matthews sits on the middle rope and wedges his shoulder under the top, letting her into the ring.]

[Charlie Strembatel hands the trios tag titles to the three members of the Syndicate. We head backstage as they celebrate.]