Danielle Letter
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Danielle Letter


Dear Friends, Greetings and Happy New Year! This is a band new year and is a time for healing , reflection, unity and we all have a need for peace. I would like to share a piece of my culture with you and information from my community here in America. Our Iroquois cultural teachings tell us we are all on this earth for a short time and what ever our actions will effect the future generations. We are to use a good heart and mind. In that sense, I am requesting your attention to serious human, civil, and religious rights violations currently taking place in upstate New York, at the Onyota'a:ka 32-acres Territory in which I reside. These violations are enforced upon our traditional community under the direct orders by the current federal recognized leader of the Oneida Nation of N.Y.incorporated Ray Halbritter. The 32-acres Territory land had always remained to be held in common by the people. The established all native community maintainedand practiced our rights to self-govern.The Traditional Oneida Nation of the Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy are aseparate entity opposing the Federally imposed foreign government Oneida Indian Nation of New York, Inc. This foreign government exist due to the direct interference by the US Federal Department of the Interiors BIA division. In the early 1700's, the Oneida people of the Six Nations Iroquois lost most of our traditional culture as the Oneida's were split and severed from our lands. The remaining Oneida people in the New York area were living on other Iroquois land. My grandmother Mary Corneilus Winder and her sister Deilia Waterman are the Matriarchs of the Historical Oneida Land Claim. Their mission was to find a base homeland for the Oneida to return to for the unity of the Oneida people. The Onyota'a:ka 32 acres Territory was given to the Oneida people for a residential home base by an Oneida man. This Territory had never been obtained by the New York State or the Federal Government in which remains it's true sovereignty. As the Oneida people moved into the Territory they upheld the "Great Law" and followed the rule of the land of accepting a complete native community. In efforts of re-establishing a true traditional form of government, the Oneida people asked for assistance from the Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy. In the mid-1980's, as a temporary solution in the restoration of title-ship positions thought it best until we could complete this transformation, and choose three Clan Representatives. The Oneida Wolf CLan Mother Maisie Shenandoah enacted the decision and installed Ray Halbritter for the temporary position as a Wolf Clan Representative while chiefs were being raised for the Oneida chieftain positions. Under the guidance of the Iroquois Confederacy Six Nations, the Grand Council of Chiefs approved these temporary positions. The Oneida Clan Representatives were to abide by the "Great Law", and merely act only as the ears and eyes of the Oneida. All Oneida matters were to be taken before the Iroquois Grand Council. As time passed, two other temporary Clan Representatives passed away and were not replaced. The Grand Council held many meetings that Halbritter would not attend though it was required of his temporary position. The Grand Council demanded Halbritters attendance to the Grand Council meeting and the wampum was sent making the demand official. This Grand Council was held for Halbritter to answer for actions of making major decisions without the consent of the Oneida people and disobeying the Wolf Clan Mother who gave him warnings to change his conduct; Halbritter did not attend. Instead, he sent a mens council chosen by him to appear. This mens council was unheard of and is not a traditional council recognized amongst the Iroquois. Halbritter continued to ignore all traditional laws and the Oneida people.For this reason, Halbritter was removed from his temporary position as Wolf Clan Representative. The proper procedures were followed and the Iroquois Grand Council ratified this decision, making it law. In 1993, the Grand Council sent notification to the BIA of the procedure taken and the removal of Ray Halbritter. Despite the notification, the BIA interfered in our government and re-installed Halbritter with the persuasion of US officials while Halbritter campaigned for support from U.S. citizens.This action of the Federal Government is a clear violation of the Two Row Wampum Treaties. The U.S.and the Iroquois were never to interfere in one anothers government. A casino, which is a violation of the Iroquois "Great Law", was built and a gaming compact was signed between Halbritter and Mario Cuomo New York State Governor. Because of the Federal Government's backing of Halbritter, he became very wealthy and uses his resources to attack every aspect of the lives of those who do not agree with his dictatorship. Halbritter employs over 700 lawyers and a huge public relations team to discredit anyone who opposes him.In May 1995, the traditional people held a "March for Democracy". Many Oneida's lost all tribal benefits, including health insurance, tribal stipends, education funding, access to all tribal buildings and events,and their jobs, for participating in the peaceful march. The March was held because our long house (religious building) was locked against the people, banning all our ceremonies. Also, there was no accountability to the Oneida people. The Oneida people received a letter that every Oneida could get new houses, another broken promise. Halbritter used pictures of the territory housing to receive a HUD housing grant and the grant was never used to build one house on the Territory.Many Oneida and the public were misled as Halbritter received millions of dollars in Federal Grants and stated publicly, "There's no more poverty" and"Look what I've done for my people".Halbritter has donated millions of dollars to U.S. officials, as well as many local cities and towns. I believe this action of Halbritter encouraged everyone to put one hand over their eyes and one hand out facing upwards.The most current violations committed by Halbritter and his men's council include creating a housing/beautification project as a guise to eject all Natives from their homes and the land completely. The remaining residents publicly banned this project in April 2001. In one year, 11 families were evicted and their homes demolished. The Nation police lost their deputization agreement with the State of New York and the surrounding counties. Further illegal surveillance and spy reports of the Nation Police were publicly exposed. This occurred in the beginning of the housing/beautification project when a ordinance was created, and allowing the theft of privately owned boats and vehicles.On November 16, 2001, I was violated at my home, along with the Oneida Wolf Clan Mother Maisie Shenandoah, who is 69 years old, and my 7 year old daughter who witnessed the entire incident. As the Nation police performed their forced-armed entry into my home that I own, I vocally refused the entry of my home; knowing that it was intention for eviction, which led to police brutality upon me and then my arrest. My Miranda Rights was not read to me until I was taken from my home to the Nation Police headquarters seven miles from my residence. I was not offered a phone call, nor did I have legal representation present at the arraignment held in an office room. They charged me with criminal contempt of the Halbritter court and resisting arrest. I was threatened with incarceration until my court date of three weeks unless I agreed to appear in the Halbritter Nation court. I was not released for several hours until I stated that "Only under protest would I agree". I was treated for severe multiple contusions at the Oneida City Hospital after my release and the Oneida City Police and the New York State Police were called to make a report of my assault. Neither police department would come; stating it was a Nation incident, and the doctor who treated me had took my report.I now face a minimum one year of incarceration for these charges and I have been denied "discovery" pending my civil and criminal charges. The Oneida Halbritter Nation court has actual ordinances that state that Halbritter has the final say over any judge's decisions and final appeals. There is no set court date for my hearing at the Halbritter Nation court for my charges.I ask everyone, where in America can you find a gem of a court like this one? Is it right that just because the BIA gives Halbritter federal recognition that I have no right? I do not and will except this! A couple of years ago Halbritter installed industrial sized water and sewer lines in my community, and the construction workers questioned the residents about the size because of the small residence. The clearing of this land has taking place under the laws of Halbritter has created, using his court system to legitimize the Halbritter laws and approval for the "Nation Police" as the enforcers.In March 2001, the Halbritter Turning Stone casino compact was found illegal because it was not passed by the New York State legislature. Halbitter also incorporated into the Oneida Indian Nation of New York but is somehow exempt from the laws of the state laws in which he incorporated.The Federally recognized Indian Tribes/Nations of the U.S. have two different forms of governments in which they are recognized. These governments are an IRA elective form of government and a Traditional Law form of government; the Oneida Nation under Halbritter is using neither form of government. Halbritter is not accountable to anyone and continues to create his own laws for Oneida people to obey. All meetings hosted by Halbritter are held with his armed police present and silenced all Oneida's. At one of the Halbritter meetings a paper was handed to the Oneida People, and it stated that they must write their questions. Halbritter and his mens council will answer what they choose to answer, and those who choose not to obey will be removed.In April 2001, Halbritter also gave $500 million dollars to the country of Mexico to build two casinos.Halbritter is handling the Oneida Land Claim negotiatons as a bargaining chip for more casinos in the Catskill Mountains in New York. The Turning Stone casino is built on wetlands and continues operating although found illegal by New York State.On December 30, 2001, our Territory community held a peaceful demonstration that ended with the Nation Police harassing and assaulting observers and demonstrators. The demonstrators and observers filed charged against the Nation Police and a Halbritter mens council member at the local Oneida City Police Department. To this day, no charges or arrests have been announce pertaining to this incident.The Halbritter police force must be disbanded. This is not an internal matter within the Oneida because it is U.S. citizens committing these major criminal violations and is paid by the Halbritter power by money. I cannot understand how people can witness a horrible crime and decide not to get involved.I could not live with myself if I knowingly turned a blind eye and not do anything would make me no better than the criminal.The traditional Iroquois people have taken a stand against this casino cartel and are suffering for remaining loyal citizen's of the Iroquois Six Nation's Confederacy. The traditional people are continuing this struggle and are facing these injustices with the faith that no matter what atrocites happen the truth always manages to be told. This community consists of women, children and elders. Our website is up and running with the current updated information of the current struggle. We pray daily that peace will be restored and I appeal to your humanity. I will continue telling the truth about this cultural genocide and encourage people to not give into Halbritters thrive of installing fear. I pray I will not lose my freedom and my home for standing up for my rights. I look forward to hearing and meeting all concerned people. I am standing up for my community and for the future seven generations. I hope that they too will be able to live on our land in peace and harmony with their own people as it should be. All statements and information is true, factual, and recorded by photo's, video, affidafits, and documents. Ny'wah- thank you Member of the Truth Network Team & protectors of our land, Danielle D.Schenandoah-Patterson..