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Maisie's Letter

Oneida Indian Nation Six Nation Iroquois Confederacy Oneida Nation Territory, via Oneida, NY 13421

17 April, 1996

Shek u Nation Members,

As an Oneida member you have heard or personally experienced some of the human and civil rights violations going on in Oneida Territory. We find that it is our duty and responsibility to reveal the truth.

Although Halbritter was originally put in as a Wolf Clan Representative to look after the welfare of our people, he has become involved with many "outsiders": who do not belong to the Oneida Nation (the people) or know little of Oneida Nation history to make decisions on our behalf. Most of the individuals in his council are not interested in a traditional government and do not participate in the ceremonies we've held on our territory for over the years. They are not true leaders. Whenever they assemble here for their meetings, they had never informed the people of what decisions they've made which effect us all. We are fearful, not of them, but of losing our traditions because of what they have done. We realize that we must continue our beliefs and traditions against all odds and must determine for ourselves what is best for our people. Only by overcoming the evil and corruption we have faced, can we accomplish and restore our land and people back to health and unity.

Recently you became aware the Center For Constitutional Rights on _your_ behalf, has filed a suit against Ray Halbritter, The Department of the Interior and Key Bank of New York. The Center For Constitutional Rights is a world-reknown legal organization which is very selective of it's clients. After six months of careful consideration, they were so convinced of the gross injustices and violations of human, civil and religious rights against our members, they decided to take on the case.

The letter you recently received was an attempt by Halbritter and his staff to confuse you about the law suit. The suit does not call to shut down Oneida Nation businesses! Find out for yourself and don't believe rumors, mis-truths or propaganda which only creates more of a wedge between families, brothers and sisters, aunts, uncles and cousins. Oneida people are all related. We are all Oneida and have the inherent right to know what decisions are being made on our behalf!

The Law Suit Addresses Key Bank:

The 25 Million Dollar Loan Halbritter, through the Oneida Land Corporation (which he created) applied and received Millions of dollars from the Key Bank. If he claims the Nation is so successful, why would he use _everything_ the Oneida Nation owns as collateral? Why would he need a 25 million dollar loan? Will the Key Bank own what rightfully belongs to Oneida people?

We are the seventh generation... Halbritter:

Human, Civil and Religious Rights Violated Halbritter is being sued personally. It is not a suit against the Oneida Nation. This law suit does not bring Federal law onto our territories. This law suit was filed as a civil case which means it represents the Oneida members, not just a few individuals.

Traditional Law Has Been Severely Violated The heart of the law suit addresses that Human, Civil and Religious rights have been violated and does not specifically focus on the Oneida Nation businesses. However Halbritter has never accounted to the Oneida Nation members for any of its businesses. The recent Annual Report just printed does not include the normal business expenditures, income, salaries, investments and projections that typical organizations would provide to its stockholders. As Oneida Nation members, we are owners or stockholders of these enterprises.

Over one hundred Oneida members signed a petition for a Nation meeting, because Halbritter refused to hold nation or clan meetings. Since he refused to hold a Nation meeting, many Oneidas were punished for walking on the March For Democracy. Attached is a deposition from the Onew York State Police barring and arresting Gerald Schenandoah from the Bingo Hall - Oneida Nation property. He was a participant in the March For Democracy. Other Oneida's have also been arrested or threatened with arrest. The doors to the Oneida Nation Longhouse have been locked against its members. The last so-called nation meeting that Halbritter held, they would not allow anyone to speak with a threat of Oneida Nation police to remove anyone who did not adhere to their rules. A copy of the paper handed out is attached. People who went on the March For Democracy lost their membership benefits and jobs, they are no longer considered "Oneida" as far as the so-called Men's Council & Caln mothers are concerned. they were then summoned before the nation. Is this "court" order a traditional process?

The Environment:

As Oneida people, we are supposed to be guardians of the land and an example to the world in respect to environmental issues. Many Oneida people are completely unaware that the Turning Stone Casino was knowingly built on wetlands which destroys the environment. In addition it is common knowledge that the Casino sewage facility is not large enough for the amount of people they service. The suit calls to stop the construction of the Hotel which would continue to endanger the environment...Not to shut down any business.

Our Sovereignty: The Oneida Nation police have New York State jurisdiction over our lands and our people. At a small community meeting 2 years ago, Halbritter promised that he would not allow New York State laws to be enforced on our land. In addition, Halbritter has offered to negotiate a "Tax Compact." His April 4 letter conveniently did not mention it. We were once considered free to govern ourselves, but not now.

We Are No Longer In Poverty:

The Oneida Nation has utilized over 17 million dollars in Federal funding over the past four years for Nation member services, but Halbritter would have you believe that these services come from Oneida Nation businesses. Many Oneida people are unemployed, lost their education benefits, and live near or below the poverty level. Some of our members who live on the territory are surviving on welfare and hand-outs from the Salvation Army. How many Oneida people are actually employed at Oneida Nation businesses?

The Lawsuit Against Obomsawin:

Many Oneidas are unaware that Halbritter is using State Law to try and prove that Raymond Obomsawin forged a letter from Nation attorneys saying there was a referendum on the gaming compact by the Oneida Nation. Indeed, there was no refererndum for Oneida people and we know Governor Cuomo had required a referendum for he Mohawk Nation. Why would the Nation spend over One Hundred Thousand dollars drying to prove the letter is a forgery? Was a referendum required? Let's give Cuomo a call and end this silly forgery suit. By the way, it is _not_ an extortion suit.

The Department Of Interior: Removed as a Wolf Clan Representative Halbritter was traditional and legally removed as a Wolf Clan Representative for violating traditional law. He acted against the Oneida people numerous times, and was given three warnings. It is not required to have consensus from other clans in such an action. The Department of Interior is being sued for continuing to recognize him.

Your Representatives and Orchard Hill:

The Grand Council did not choose another government for the Oneida people. The law suit which has been filed will clearly illustrate the process by which leaders are chosen and deposed in a traditional manner. Ini addition, the Orchard Hill Oneidas have always been counted as a major part of the adult membership of the Oneida Nation of New York and heir numbers used to obtain Federal grants. To this day many of them do not have water which was promised years ago. Memvin Phillips has notified the Department of Interior that the Orchard Hill Oneidas are working in conjunction with the Traditional Oneidas to re-establish a Traditional form of government which will ultimately unite all of our members.

A Traditional Government Is Needed We strongly encourage all Oneida people to look into your heart and do what is right for the next generation before it's too late. Attend the court hearing on June 17 at the Federal Court House 100 S. Clinton Street. Call Barbara O'lshansky at (212) 614-6464


(signed) Maisie Shenandoah, Wolf Clanmother Thelma Buss, Turtle Clanmother Raymond Obomsawin, Wolf Clan Rep. Melvin Phillips, Turtle Clan Rep.
