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These Are a Few of My Favorite Links
(Besides the ones on other pages here, obviously)

This page consists of links to things, people, ideas I like. Live a little, check them out.
(So as not to duplicate efforts, I left off links that can be found elsewhere on this site, like on the main page.)

All material on this page Copyright 2002. No reproduction allowed without prior permission.

My Favorite Site for Home Pages (like I'm gonna say a different one & get kicked off here!)

Angelfire Home Pages

A tribute to my good taste:

The Greatest Writer in the English language (sorry Shakespeare fans!)

The Man

The Woman

Pronoblem: A cornucopia of intersting stuff

Good News is No News!

Eighth Circle--Great resource for indie artists!

Of course you can't find good music at a mall!

Of course you can't find good radio over the airwaves!

Chris Collingwood is a talented smart and funny should listen to his music

Henning is a talented smart and funny should listen to his music

Lloyd Cole is a talented smart...oh you get it..just listen to him!

Are you Electric? Blue? Kosmik? or just want the Truth?

Had your fill? Then...

...get back to where you once belonged