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Frequently Unasked (and Unanswered) Questions

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All material on this page Copyright 2002. No reproduction allowed without permission.

Remember how you were told "The only stupid question is the one you don't ask?"..This section proves that maxim

Why do you record these CDs when you don't bother to sell them and no one really knows who you are?
That's a good question. Unfortunately there is no good answer.

Why do you change the name of the "band" with each CD, when it's really just you playing all the instruments? Don't you want to be known?
Have we ruled out stupidity as a reason? I dunno. I guess it's an identitiy crisis!

What the hell does "Orchidelirium" mean?
Orchidelirium was a phenomenom not unlike Beatlemania for orchids. Wealthy orchid lovers of the Victorian era sent explorers heavily armed, to protect themselves against other orchid seekers, to seek these exotic flowers. a good explanation can be found here .
The phenomenom is also described (apparently) in the new book "The Orchid Thief" by Susan Orlean.
To me, the name just evokes an obsession with beauty. Not the institutionalized beauty of Madison Avenue, but ALL beauty, be it a simple pretty face or a weather-beaten barn door. Plus I like the way it sounds. (Also check out the word root for orchid.)

These are queries for which there are no good answers

Honey, do these pants make my ass look fat?
This is a trap. Do not answer. Leave room immediately.

"How long Oh Lord, how long must I suffer?"
Check the Bible, this one isn't being answered anytime soon. Nor should it be. (For more on God's silence, check out Simone Weil, who has a link elsewhere on this site.)

What am I doing with my life? What's it all mean? (Usually asked silently to oneself.)
If you think you have the answer to this, please don't tell us. You scare us.

Please hit your BACK button to return from whence you came. (Why don't people talk like that -- using "whence" etc. -- anymore? No one says "Fie!" as a curse anymore, either, like they do in Shakespeare.) If these sorts of things bother you too, please visit the Committee for Outdated Words (COW) website