Lesser Lights Endsounds www.lesserlights.com Lesser Lights is a very relaxed folk and blues-influenced music that sounds like it was made by retro-hippies. The first track, "Sour Sung Sweetly", has an entrancing rhythm kept by light bass and clean guitar, accompanied by voice and a somewhat distorted lead guitar, making it the most readily-identifiable track on the record. This good opener is followed by "Otomoro", which leaves us waiting for a minute before breaking into a likeable chorus and Dave Matthews-style mumblings. The momentum is carried further by "Uncle Handgun", featuring both male and female vocals reminiscient of Rusted Root. While not as breathtaking as the percussion section of that band, the popping drums are a welcome addition. We are then subject to non-English speaking over background music before the actual song begins on "Casablanca Blues". This is probably some kind of political message, like subconscious hippy brainwashing or something. Um, thanks alot. After returning from the tribal dance, we are greeted with "Clean Burn Engine", a nice 2-guitar song leading to a rapped poetry bit. It's mostly normal guitar and voice-based songs with occasional lead guitar and fluttering accompaniment from this point on. Of these, "Much Love" and "Stonecutter's Ballad" receive honorable mention. This is mood music. I found it detestable when I had more interesting things to do, but it's not so bad for just sitting around.