SOLIPS demo ep 1. The Bottom Of My Bathtub 2. Th Ice Has Lips 3. This Fall 4. Disassemble Picture Not Available Band: Solips CD: Demo EP Solips is a band with an indie-rock sound that is at the same time both plain and peculiar. It is mostly slow-paced and relaxed pop-rock featuring verses of clean guitars and overdrive choruses. There's something about the sound of the guitar in "The Bottom Of My Bathtub" that takes some getting used to... but you probably will. To be honest, I did not like this album very much at first. However, by 3 listens I was in the mood for this kind of music and it really delivers. "This Fall" was the first to rub off on me, probably because it seems like the most matured cut on this disc. There is a buildup into the chorus of full guitars topped with the vocal melody of "maybe this fall...", the last of which is extended into a jammy, licky, solo-y good part... before simplifying into the soon-fading acoustic ending. "The Ice Has Lips" has a chill, toned down almost malt-shop slow rock rhythm to it, perhaps placing it in the general vicinity of some Weezer. The similarity of the verses' vocals to those of The Slats is probably what ultimately pulled me in. "Disassemble" is the relatively heavy finale to this disc. It features the vocal hooks of "turn off, robot!" and "I am a robot", somewhat serving to stamp this CD as (For Indie-Rock Dorks). Whatever. If you enjoy Weezer and most indie-pop-rock type bands, you will probably find this compact disc quite enjoyable.