The Exit New Beat Some Records NYC based trio The Exit plays a combination of poppy rock from garageland and more relaxed numbers with clean delayed guitar over melodic bass. Many times, the songs are structured with transitions from one sound to the other. The themes of the songs re attached to youth in the big city environment. The Exit presents an appeal much like pre-London Calling Clash, with more mainstream-radio and personal appeal "Worthless" and "Lonely Man's Wallet" open the album as strong rock songs, creating a base from which they will diverge. Parts of "Trapped" sound like The Police, and "Sit and Wait" captures the atmosphere of light breaking through a forest canopy. "DeFacto" and "Question The Chorus" touch on social issues, but the lyrics throughout are more of an emotional account of one's place in the world. While a good album with memorable pop choruses, The Exit Seems to wear out its potential. To avoid sounding the same on every other song, the band may consider exploring some new dimensions. A large part of the redundancy may be due to the fact that there are only three band members, though they never seem to be lacking in instrumentation. They certainly have identified themselves with a sound, but have made it clear that they are thinking of the future in saying, "Our goal for this band is to keep growing and changing and getting better". Who can argue with that? The Exit is off to a good start, and most of the songs are good enough to make up for the radio choruses.