in this place i will periodically post pictures that ive taken of assorted things and people. some have been digitally altered for shits and giggles, and all of them had to be scaled down so the average 56k bitch can see them(read: they look shittier than they are). for your viewing pleasure.
this was taken at a place frequented by drug dealers. i just thought it looked cool.
this is the ever awesome bardstown road. go here for 'street cred'.
this is a dj spinnin the 1's and 2's erwa erwaaaaaaa. good shit.
now here's a hot emo chick in me driveway. piper, its been said you look like an elf from Lord of the Rings. thats good!
racer steven. i love this picture.
racer in dennny's. this is roughly as scary as i get.
racer tim and me lost in kenfuckme
my "views" on i tried. um...racers...i think... Cast from Eden at the Dungeon, going fucking wild. Cast from Eden...rockin still.. chillin in the Dungeon a serious picture was requested...but chad just wouldnt have it. make fun of the ugly kid... new car...h22...nuff said "dont say my car's topless, say them titties is out".