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Activities available to recruits to the Man's Guide Program

The Man's Guide To Sexuality Program is not all work. There are many activities available to those young men who are so stressed out from participating in the program and need to play for a while.

Here, young Ben, a new recruit to the program, takes a break with a cool alcoholic beverage (note: alcoholic beverages are non-alcoholic). Even while relaxing after a day of strenuous, but enlightening work, Ben is studying his manual. That's dedication!

Now here are two masters of the Man's Guide program. Program graduate Al receives a massage from his long-time friend and study partner Andrew, also a program graduate. Al also shows us you're never really done with the program and that you can study even while relaxing. These two gentlemen are the best examples of what the Man's Guide Program hopes to achieve world wide.

Onward to miscellaneous information and testimonials