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Gonn-The Loudest Band in Town (Beat Rocket)


Gonn sure know how to fuck shit up.  They’ve committed to wax their slice of hot shit g-punk, “Blackout Of Gretely”, so they’re automatically one of the greatest garage bands ever (in case you’re not familiar with this shit, one cracking tune is all you need to be in the Garage Punk Hall of Fame).  For God’s sake they start out with a fuzz blast and a statement that guarantees their immortality:  “The universe is permeated by the smell of kerosene”.  Then proceed to romp and stomp in a fashion that even challenges the supremacy of Kenny and the Kasuals.  I’m not exaggerating one bit here:  this track is hotter than anything from the second punk revolution and is more deranged than the Stooges.  So if you at least don’t own this cut I don’t want to deal with you.  Just stop reading dumbass.


What makes Gonn one of the upper echelon great is that the rest of the album doesn’t suck a bit.  This means we’re dealing with something along the lines of a really good “Best of the Chocolate Watchband”.    Yeah, they probably shouldn’t have tried Otis Redding (especially copied from the Stones’ version).   But the other cuts, especially the other three originals, kick prime ass.  They even don’t sound like pussies covering the Kinks (There should be a law against 99.9% of Kinks covers.  Here is the best thing ever said about the Kinks (and its by me):  Imagine the Standells with one of the top three songwriters of all time, and they would be about half as good as the Kinks). 


Unlike most of the people from great garage bands, they haven’t even gone on to be yuppies or just dumb morons in general (Mystic Tyde and his sub-Hendrix “new” shit).  The singer I think still owns a great record store.

