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Michael Scaliatine

Michael began his acting career at the age of 8 with his convincing performance in "Honest, Mom, I did not break it. It was your other son." Michael honed his acting skills with many "sick" days at school before finding his way to the community theater stage. Many years later, he was nominated as best actor in a musical for his performance as Matt in "The Fantastics." He played several characters in the classic Charles Dickens tale "A Christmas Carol," he was Frankie Dupont in "The Frankie Dupont Talent Cavalcade," and he has acted in numerous other small roles...all while serving 22 years in the Armed Forces.

Michael retired from the military in 2004 and migrated to Jacksonville, eventually discovering Boomtown 3 years later. Michael's current aspirations are to blame someone else for something he has done, not go to work because he is "sick" (and still get paid), and perform as much as possible on the Boomtown Theatre stage.


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