
mp3's are up! download them.
greetings to everyone. this site is now up and running again after 8 months of no updates. in the 8 months this site was ignorned, i have moved out of rhoads hall and into an apartment. in these 8 months ive also experienced another summer, another semester of school, new people, and alot of other shit that happens to someone in 8 months. all summer i kept recording the songs i wrote in rhoads hall, thus keeping the name "RHP" because thats where the songs came from. as school started i slacked on recording, therefore the completion of the new album has been posponed and pushed back. hopefully during christmas break i can finish all of the songs that make up the 22 track album i have been planning. it is more than half way finished but theres still a ways to go. the album, tentativly titled "under the grey" will include songs i wrote all of last year and summer, and a few songs i wrote recently. after this album is completed (probably in Feb '03), the rhoads hall project will come to a close and my new project will emerge..(more on that to come...) thanks for reading along and more updates will come, along with album info, and new merchandise i am working on.
the new RHP EP has been released. ive started to burn copies and give them out for free. Details about this EP will be posted in a few days..peace