Main Characters:

Josh Manhunt, IXW Owner since July 2002

B.J Ferree, IXW Commissioner, Former XWA Owner

Whos Who?
Name                            Position                  Description
Joey Docile                    Commentator          He was the first xWa comintator to actually get a job
                                                                         With xWa but he managed to get the position

Mark Fagen                   Joey's partner          Mark Fagan came to us all the way from the OWA
                                                                         Headquarters before xWa's time 

Justin Lorne                   Color Commentator  Started off as Chris Champion's commentator but,
                                                                          Later become an original member of the staff

James Jackson              Ring Announcer       also been around since the beginning of the xWa
James Jackson Jr( j3 )    Interviewer               James Jackson's son incase you did not notice the "Jr".
                                                                         Has Just recently started his job in xWa as an
                                                                         official Xwa announcer.

Amanda Spichier            Missionary/Interview The XwA pride and joy,  no charcter is more loved than
                                                                         her!!  Shes been the official slut and bitch for about 
                                                                         almost 2 year and she hasn't stopped yet!! By the 
                                                                         way she Interviews.

Julie Dagger-                  Interveiwer               Even newer then JJJr, shes the sister of the dagger refs.
Jarred Dagger                 The reff                   He counts to 3 in 6 different languages!!The dagger 
                                                                         family has been in Xwa before but not for long.
                                                                         Jarred along with his brother Jeff Dagger, and their           
                                                                         sister julie.

Jeff Dagger                     The Reff                  The younger brother of the daggers and another ref

Qua...Qu...Quali wah?

There are many simple things that impress me during my reading of your roleplays. most people come to me and say "why did i lose"...i always responde with, "the other guy was better" no matter who you are, there are simple things that bring down the quality of your rp's quality can be defined as the fallowing as taken from

7 entries found for quality.
n. pl. qual·i·ties
             a:   An inherent or distinguishing characteristic; a property.
             b:   A personal trait, especially a character trait:

2)    Essential character; nature:
             a:   Superiority of kind: an intellect of unquestioned quality.
             b:   Degree or grade of excellence: yard goods of low quality.

BJ Ferree's Dictionary of Quality

1) all that crap above is somewhat usefull but not for alot in rping
             a: repetativness, the more u repeat yourself your quality sux, weather it be in the same RP or
                   not it still stinks
             b: quality in show; defined as the way your rp is presented to me, color, pictures, layout,
2) what BJ Doesnt like
             a: Even though its still used and i dont mind it., I Hate seeing pictures. when im juding rps 
                   and im in a bad mood, picutres dont help alot. 
             b: if the word Elite, had a long e, my phrase is always Black and White is elite.

3)ask me if i care?

How to impress us:
How do you impress the staff?

Titan tron = Xtreme-O-Tron. using this is a biggy for us. c'mone were not the WWF we're better hten the WWF

Ff your gonna use interviewers.. use james jackson r, or amanda Spiecer even make sure u use our announcers, they are listed above. using these helps your quality

Make sure u use different seetings.. ex clubs, restuarants, lock rooms. most people find it easyier to rp from the ring, the back room, or the hallways, sometimes making your caracter have his own home newby is always good.

Things that get dumb after reading them-  Rping in a Dark Alley, BEATING UP JOBBERS!, repetativness, language thats just dumb and not necessary saying fuck and shit is ok for some times, after all we are Xtreme

Beating up on dark matches will get ur rp shit, jobbers are meant to show you what you once were, or maybe still are?

Macros make your rps load slower for some people...which makes them picky...when reading your rps...picky is not how u wanna be judged on quality..

Use fonts between 7-10. anything above that shows me you dont have much to say, you cant see, or you just dont know how to change a font

Colors used to be a  biggy. colorfull rps arent fun to stare at. bright green backround with pink font...i wont even read...stick to whats elite... black and white will win it right...although a color scheme is fine, rps that are easy to read i dont care.

Boring Stuff:????? boring stuff means telling me how you won stuff in other feds, unless it has something to do with Ixw like XWA,or IWE then i dont wanna here it. or in some x-Xwa'ers like Jason Utes, his "WWF" career. i wouldn't mind.