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Hands Come Together

     I had a biology research paper due that day, but 
I had had a somewhat busy weekend and the memory of 
the assignment had escaped me. It had been my 
boyfriend's birthday, and we were together for all 
three days just hanging out a celebrating. It was 
interesting because I got to meet his entire family. I 
felt somewhat out of place there because they were all 
traditional Hindus, but kept the sentiment to myself 
because I did not want to offend Amar. 
	As class was wrapping up, I discussed the 
weekend with my friend Becky. Well, actually she 
wasn't really my friend, she was more of a school 
acquaintance, one of those people that in school you 
may be very close to, but in the outside world, you 
may not even say "hi" to. She nodded absent mindedly 
to my ramblings about how much I loved him, and how 
fun the weekend had been. I could tell she really 
didn't care, but I didn't really care to be quiet. I 
was that type of boyfriend, the type that never shuts 
up about the relationship. The type that tried to make 
sure others knew exactly how happy you were. 
	Outside the classroom, I saw him hovering, 
pacing back and forth and leaning against the wall. I 
nudged Becky with my elbow, and told her that that was 
him. She smiled and said he was cute. 
	I didn't tell her, but I was somewhat confused 
about why he was there. He must have been cutting his 
last class, just so he could see me. I 
thought, "That's how much he loves me...". I anxiously 
traced the clock with my eyes, begging it to proclaim 
to the world that, yes, it was finally over. 
	My heart stopped for a second, the second 
right before the hands came together and the clock 
screamed. Becky gave me a sort of sly smile and I 
quickly walked out into the hallway. Against the sound 
of sneers from my classmates, I kissed Amar on the 
cheek . I could tell something was wrong but I was not 
sure what.
	We silently pushed through the busy hallways 
and floated through the parking lot to his car. Weak 
conversation passed between us as we drove out onto 
the road, dodging cars and students and other things 
that got in our way. 
	We were once again silent and I was beginning 
to get worried. "What was wrong with him??" I thought. 
I knew that this day would end in me comforting him. 
The car went down through the long stretching roads 
that you only find in the country. We came to a stop 
in a deserted parking lot at our favorite park. Only 
the sound of the CD player broke the air in the car. 
It was one of my favorite folk singers, Laura Love. 
Her voice offered some sort of solace to the situation. 
     The corners of his mouth began to stretch, and I 
waited anxiously for his voice to explode into the 
                 " Amazing grace,
	       How sweet the sound,
          That saved the wretch like me." 

"Jon I love you so much," he whispered.

            "I once was lost,
             but now I am found."

 " But I don't think that we are going to work 
     My heart stopped for a second, the second right 
before his hand came together with mine, trying to 
comfort me. I wanted to scream and break time forever. 
		  "Was blind,
	         But now I see."

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