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undefined Name: Jon Miller

Instrument: Drums & Percussion & Words

Band Related Bio: "I've been playing drums since i was 12, but I quit after about 4 years. When I was 18, heather and I decided that we wanted to start a band. I picked up my drums sticks for the first time in two years and retought myself. At first I could barely do anything but keep a steady beat, but over time it all started to come back to me. My viewpoint on drumming is this: i have no interest in becoming an amazing drummer. I don't think that is what this is all about. I make music because i love it, and loud furious drum solos just don't fit into that idea for me. I want to rock out, but i don't feel as though I need to out rock any other drummer, that's just stupid."

Major Musical Influencees (and why): "I have to say (and this may come as a shock to some of you) that the band which was most important and influential to me as a musician (and music enthusiast) was Letters To Cleo. The first album I ever bought (which was in sixth grade) was "Wholesale Meats and Fish". At the time (as it still does today) it colmpletely blew me away. It made me fall in love with rock, and in many ways was forshadowing of what was to come in my musical taste. Letters To Cleo were a gateway for me, and i owe so much of who I am today to what they gave to me then. Not only did they start a domino effect in my musical taste, but they also helped teach me that i had a voice and that I could be a strong intelligent person. A lot of you probably think that that is cheezy, but it's just the way it is. As time went on, I discovered what I still consider to be the most amazing band of all time , The Patti Smith Group. I've never loved any music as much as I do there's. Their music is my favorite art, plain and simple. If you haven't heard them, stop reading and go buy a copy of Radio Ethiopia or Horses. You'll see what I mean. As far as current direct influence on the way I play drums, I'de have to say that the drumming of Janet Wiess (of Sleater-Kinney) has played a big part. I think that this is most obvious in songs such as "Moving". When we wrote that, the first thing Heather said to me is that it sounded Wiessian. so yeah"

People who I respect and have had a huge influence on my life (but I've never met):

Sharon Olds: She's my favorite writer. As far as the way I write goes, she's played a big role. Read her book "The Dead and the Living"

Cindy Sherman: She's my favorite artist/photographer. Her photos are totally amazing. In addition to writing and playing drums, I am also a photographer. The way i take photos has been directly influenced by her to the point where sometimes I fear I am copying her.

Patti Smith: She is my favorite musician, she makes me think more than almost anyone. When i listen to her I feel totally intense and spiritual. Like I just wanna shake and scream and break stuff (all of which have actually happenned as a result of the Patti Smith Group's music and performances)

Bands I am currently very interested in:
Mecca Normal
The Microphones
The Raincoats (though this one has kind of been intrueging me for years)

Current Favorite book: "Push" by Saphire

Favorite Song: "Ain't it Strange" by The Patti Smith Group

Cause that's I've been into as of late: The Destruction of Gender.