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The Tear

(as in rhymes with bear)
There was a tear in the lower left corner of his shirt. She thought that the skin peeking out was pink like sex was pink. She'd stare at it, the space where love handles would be in ten years. Till one day she touched it, and it was like the tear was not even there.

Lucy's Pretzel

For Lucy, the chore of the times had been to regret. She felt the necessary drive to feel bad for saying to Jim, "I don't love you anymore." But the truth was she simply didn't (love or regret). Love had worn out like training wheels for her. Lik he had been a preperation, a practice, and he just could not let go of the bike. It happened on Monday: at the corner store. they had bought ice-cream frothed: vanilla. The spoons had been white and so were the Styrofoam bowls. Jim had imagined how his bowl would not biodegrade for thousands of years, how it would be around forever. For dessert (dessert?!?) Lucy ate a huge soft pretzel. Years from now, when Jim remembers that day, he'll see how big and textured the pieces of salt were, Lucy will just remember how they burned her tongue as she ate.

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