About Reverie Sound Revue
This page serves as an informational overview of the band this website is dedicated to for those who have never heard of Reverie Sound Revue.
- Reverie Sound Revue comes from Calgary, Alberta, Canada
- They broke up at some time in spring 2004.
- Band members include: Lisa Lobsinger(Vocals), Pat Walls(Guitar), Marc DePape(Guitar/Synth), John de Waal(Drums), Bryce Gracey(Bass)
- Lead Singer Lisa Lobsinger has recorded vocals for Calgary bands "The Summerlad" and "The Dudes". She currently sings for Toronto supergroup "Broken Social Scene."
- John Marcel de Waal currently plays for Calgary's Duck!
- Pat Walls plays in Calgary supergroup Vailhalen.
- Reverie Sound Revue has been featured on Radio Free Roscoe five times, which is probably what brought you here in the first place(episode title in parenthesis), with their songs:
- Walking Around Waiting Downtown (You Choose You Lose)
- One Marathon (I'm with Cupid and The Last Dance)
- Rip The Universe(We'll Always Have Roscoe)
- Passes & Passports(In Charm's Way)
About Me
My name is Dave, I'm from Pittsburgh, Pa; and I heard about Reverie Sound Revue on The-N/Noggin/Family(ca)'s Radio Free Roscoe. I neglect this website, but feel its important to keep it somewhat active, if only for the downloads for fellow RFR fans, just because its such great music. Thanks for visiting my website, and if you want to suggest an alternative webhost, I'd be glad to listen. Just use my "contact" page.