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number oneFirst Remain Silent.number twoThou Shalt Not: Entrap, nor Enslave, nor Corrupt.number threeIf you're going to DO something... fucking DO it!
number fourDon't listen to them. They lie.
number fiveRemember: it's not a contest.
number sixRemember: it's supposed to be FUN.
number sevenHave seven reasons for everything you do.
number eightGet the most mileage out of it that you can.
number nineIt is better to trust unwisely than to distrust unjustly.
number tenDo it until you're done. Then stop.
number elevenRemember: you are a human, NOT an animal.
number twelveRemember: nobody, in the history of the universe, has ever convinced anybody, of anything, ever.
number thirteenAnswer the question which is asked of you.
number fourteenUse your powers, dammnit.
number fifteenIf you can't make it better, make it worse.
number sixteenRemember the third option.
number seventeenNever confess.
number eighteenDon't be afraid -- the worst they can do is kill you.