The purpose of this note is to clear up some confusion that may arise later in the story. There is a character in my story who hasn't made an appearance yet, but she is a female solo artist by the name of Rachel who is opening for N Sync. She is not, in any way, shape or form, intended to represent Britney. There may be a few similarities, but that type of character was just what I needed to fit the plot.
I don't know Britney, therefore I have no opinion on her whatsoever, but she seems like a sweet girl. I may not like her music, but I have nothing against her as a person. One thing I do know, whether or not Britney and Justin are dating, they are very close friends and have been for a long time. There is no doubt about that. And I know I would be extremely mad at someone who insulted one of my close friends, as Justin probably is when anyone insults Britney, especially when it's someone who claims to be his fan. Think about that next time before you make any comments about her.
Just to make myself perfectly clear, for those of you who may be a little slow: Despite any similarities, Rachel is in NO WAY supposed to represent Britney Spears.