Chapter Eight: I Can't Wear This!

January 7, 2000

“I can’t wear this!” Audrey shrieked as she emerged from Raine’s bathroom.

“What’s wrong with it?” Raine asked, a confused look on her face.

“I look cheap!” Audrey cried. “I look like a prostitute! I look like… like… YOU!”

“You know, I could almost be offended by comments like that,” Raine said, giving Audrey a once-over. “But you look stunning, darling!”

“I can’t wear this,” Audrey repeated firmly, staring at her reflection in the mirror.

“You don’t have much of a choice,” Raine replied. “It’s pretty much the only thing I have that will fit you.” That much was true. The women had very different figures. Where Audrey was tall and thin and quite flat-chested, Raine was a good 4 or 5 inches shorter with a very voluptuous shape. They’d ransacked her closet in the morning, and all they’d managed to find that would fit her was a pair of stretchy black capri pants and a glittery blue top that tied in the back. It hadn’t looked too bad on the hangers, but once Audrey had tried it on she realize just exactly how clingy and revealing the clothes were. The only thing that kept the top from being entirely backless were the two thin black straps that tied to hold it together

“It's not that bad,” Raine argued. “I’ve seen you wear stuff like that before!”

“Yeah, to a club! I have to work today! “

“I’m sure the guys won’t mind at all,” Raine giggled, raising her eyebrows suggestively.

“I’ll just have to wear the clothes I had on yesterday,” Audrey decided with a sigh.

“Uh oh.!” Raine gasped.

“What?” Audrey asked with a feeling of dread.

“Well I let the maid take them this morning,” Raine replied. “I didn’t think you’d be needing them!” she defended, seeing the deathly glare Audrey gave her. In all truth, she’d known Audrey was going to react like this and she’d purposely slipped them in with the load the maid was taking to the cleaners. But she wasn’t about to let Audrey know that.

“RAINE!” Audrey exclaimed.

“I’m sorry! I can try and get them back, if you like.”

“No, there’s no point,” Audrey sighed in defeat. “I have to leave in a few minutes anyway, or I’ll be late.”

Raine supressed a triumphant grin and wished she could be there to see the guys' reaction when Audrey showed up.

“I’m glad you came to visit, darling!” Raine said as Audrey collected her bags. “You’ll have to come see me again before you leave London. Wait, you’re not wearing those, are you?” she asked in horror as Audrey slipped her feet into her shoes.

“What would you like me to wear?” Audrey asked with a sigh. “We’re far from being the same shoe size, and this is the only pair I have with me.”

“I suppose they’ll have to do,” she muttered, eyeing the shoes with distaste. “At least the laces match your top.”

Audrey smiled at that and looked down at the laces that did, in fact, match her top. She was wearing her favourite pair of shoes: dark blue suede adidas trainers from the 70s that she had found at a thrift store in near-perfect condition. She had taken out the grubby white laces they’d come with and replaced them with a cool pair of blue glittery laces she had.

“It was nice seeing you again,” Audrey grinned, hugging Raine one last time.

“You too, darling! Don’t be a stranger.” She gave Audrey a peck on the cheek and pushed her out the door. “Now go on! Don’t keep those fine specimens of american flesh waiting!"

Chapter Nine
Say Cheese