Chapter Eighteen: Say Goodbye

"Yeah, I'll be there in a minute," he called to his bandmate. "Looks like I have to go," he grimaced ruefully.

"What were you about to say?" Audrey pressed.

"Oh... nothing.. it doesn't matter," Justin hedged, standing up and grabbing his bags. "Come on, walk me out so you can say goodbye to the other guys."

Frowning slightly, she followed him out of the restaurant and up a flight of stairs to the lobby, where the rest of the guys and their entourage were gathered.

"Hey Audrey!" Joey smiled. "Come to see us off?"

"Something like that," she smiled in return.

"Hug!" he demanded, holding his arms out expectantly.

She grinned and stepped forward, letting herself be embraced and planting a friendly farewell kiss on his cheek. "It was certainly an... experience, Joe. I hope you keep in touch. Justin's got my number."

"Figures," he grumbled good naturedly.

She raised an eyebrow but said nothing, moving out of his arms and making her way to the next waiting N Syncer, Lance. "Don't be a stranger, Poofoo," she snickered as they hugged, and kissed his cheek.

"My turn!" JC exclaimed, pulling her out of Lance's arms. There was a similar exchange between the two, and then Chris, and soon the only one left was Justin.

"I had fun," she said quietly as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Me too," he replied, squeezing her gently. "This is kind of sad."

"It's not like we'll never see each other again. I know where you live," she added with an evil grin.

"Well that's hardly reassuring," he said, but contradicted his statement with a smile.

She went to press a kiss to his cheek like she had with the others, but at the last moment he turned his head slightly and his lips brushed gently against hers. She pulled back in shock, to see him staring at her with a similar expression of amazement.

"Audrey, I --"

"Come on guys!" Jason, the head of security yelled, holding the hotel door open. "Let's get a move on!"

Belatedly Audrey realized her arms were still around Justin, and she released him, her face turning a bright shade of red. "Bye Timberlake."

"Bye Aud," he whispered, giving her one last sad glance before picking up his bags again and following the others out the door.

Chapter Nineteen
Say Cheese