Chapter Eleven: Easier Said Than Done

Audrey waited until she was well and truly out of his sight before she let the tears that had been threatening all through their argument stream down her cheeks. I can't believe he could accuse me of something that! I thought we were actually becoming friends, she thought sadly, making futile swipes at the tears that kept streaming down her face.

She kept running until she reached a bus stop, and waited impatiently for the five minutes it took for the bus to arrive. She wasn't exactly sure where she was going, she just knew she had to get as far away from Justin as possible. Digging in her bag for change, she produced the correct amount for bus fare and paid the driver, then sat down in the very back of the bus. She brought her knees up to her chest and rested her head on them, trying to figure out what had just happened.

Why did he freak out on me like that? It was totally illogical. Why does how I dress make a difference?

Stop trying to figure out his reasons, she reprimanded herself. He's just a jerk and you need to forget about him.

Easier said than done, she agued with herself. At least I won't have to see him anymore, since I cancelled the photoshoot, she reminded herself.

Why did I do that? It hadn't really been very professional of her, but she knew she wouldn't be able to work with Justin after the way he's just attacked her. And it was true, she did have enough photos. It would have been better to have a wider selection to choose from, but she could easily make do with what she had. After developing her pictures at Raine's the night before, she was almost positive that she had the cover shot picked out.

But what would the repercussions be? She considered for a moment. The record company would be pleased that she had shortened the shoot because that would be less money they would have to pay her. The guys would be pleased because they would have an extra couple of days of free time to do whatever they wanted. And she would be able to leave London earlier and spend more time in Bath. Everything seems to have worked out for the best, she thought. So why do I feel so awful?

Chapter Twelve
Say Cheese