Chapter Four: Prolonging The Inevitable

It was now 3pm, and Justin and Audrey were seated at a table at an outdoor café in Covent Garden, sipping tea and listening appreciatively to the buskers entertaining the afternoon crowds. They were both surrounded by numerous bags from the many stores they had visited.

“How long are you staying here?” he asked.

“Where?” she asked. “The café?”

“No, I meant the city,” he corrected.

“Well I’m staying in London for the next five days, to do the shoots and all, but after that I think I might head down to Bath for a few days, just relax, do a bit of shopping, chase the sheep, you know.”

“Sounds nice,” Justin said enviously.

“Have you ever been to the Bath?” she asked.

“No,” he replied.

“You should go!” she encouraged! “It’s absolutely beautiful there! It’s so picturesque and and has so much character. I’ve taken loads of photographs there, maybe I’ll show you them sometime.”

“I’d like that,” he smiled. There was an awkward pause, and they both sipped from the warm cups of tea that sat on the table in front of them. “What are we going to do next?” Justin asked.

“We should probably head back soon,” she said reluctantly, to be met by a groan from Justin. “My bags are getting a too heavy to keep lugging around, and I do have some last minute details to finalize for the shoot tomorrow. And stop looking at me like that,” she reprimanded as Justin stuck out his lower lip and gazed at her with soulful eyes.

“I don’t want to go back yet.” The lip protruded further.

“We have to go back eventually.”

“No we don’t,” he said, half-seriously. “Let’s change our names and rent a flat here in London and live out the rest of our days in anonymity.”

“That sounds kind of nice,” she agreed. “But I can’t be responsible for breaking the hearts of millions of pre-pubescent girls all over the world.”

“I guess you’re right,” he grinned. “It would be cruel to deprive the world of me.”

“Your arrogance astounds me,” she laughed, grabbing a packet of Sweet N Low off the table and tossing it at his head.

“But seriously, can’t we just stay out a bit longer,” he pleaded.

“Where else will we go?” she asked.

“Do we have to go anywhere? Can’t we just stay here and talk?”

“That sounds nice,” she smiled in agreement.

The two signaled the waiter, ordered more tea, and spent the next few hours simply enjoying each others’ company.

Chapter Five
Say Cheese