Chapter Nineteen: Wishful Thinking

What just happened? Audrey asked herself as she sunk into one of the chairs in the hotel lobby. Okay, well it's fairly obvious what just happened,she answered her own question. But why did it affect me so much? She raised her hand to her lips and a small smile graced them as she remembered the feeling of his mouth against hers, brief as it had been. Involuntarily, her eyes sought him through the lobby window and was shocked to find him staring at her as the others bustled around him loading everything on to the waiting bus.

* * *

I wish we didn't have to leave so soon, Justin thought, watching Audrey through the hotel window. We were just getting to know each other... she's so much fun to hang out with... her lips are so soft... Hold up, where did that last thought come from? he asked himself. He sighed softly. It had been such a short kiss, and he wondered what it would be like to kiss her again, longer this time, to be able to tangle his hands in her hair and feel her fingers on his back. I can't just leave it like this, he suddenly decided, straightening up and sliding his bag off his shoulder to let it settle on the ground. He'd barely taken a step towards the hotel when JC grabbed his arm.

"Come on, man, we gotta go."

"But - "

"Come ON, Justin. We can't miss this plane."

"But Audrey - "

"Whatever you have to say to her, you can call her from the bus!" JC said impatiently. "It can't be that important."

I guess not, he though dejectedly, grabbing his bag and following JC onto the bus with slumped shoulders. We're just friends, after all. Just friends sharing a friendly kiss. And maybe if I tell myself that enough I'll start to believe it.

* * *

He almost looked like he was coming back, Audrey thought. Nah, it was probably just wishful thinking. You're making too big a deal out of this, Aud. It was just a friendly kiss. Put it out of your mind and move on. I bet he has.

Yet she sat there watching his bus til it had driven out of sight before heading back to her room to pack.

Chapter Twenty
Say Cheese