Chapter Sixteen: Sweet Dreams

"We better call it a night. I can't believe it's so late already! And we both have lots of travelling to do tommorrow."

"Where are you going?" Justin asked.

"I was just going to head to Bath early, I guess. Well, after a stop at Raine's to develop the rest of my film and make some contact sheets to send to your management."

"How long are you going to stay in England?"

"Well I want to be home for my birthday, so no longer than a month."

"When's your birthday?" he inquired.

"February 8th," Audrey replied.

"Mine's January 31st!" Justin exclaimed. "Will you be 19?"

"Yeah. You too?"

"Yes! We should definitely do something."

"It might be a bit hard seeing we'll both be in separate countries."

"A mere technicality. We'll figure something out," he assured her.

"If you say so," she replied dubiously. "Now we really should call it a night."

"I get the feeling you're trying to kick me out."

"I knew you were perceptive!" she grinned teasingly.

"Fine, fine, I get the hint," he grumbled, stretching his legs out over the side of the bed before standing up. "I'll see you tommorrow, right?"

"Yeah, we'll get a chance to say goodbye tommorrow morning," she said, getting off the bed and following him to the door.

"Well then I'll see you in the morning," he smiled. "Sweet dreams." He leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to her cheek before leaving.

Audrey stared at the door for a moment before flopping down on her bed with a sigh.

Stop it, she reprimanded herself. There's no point in developing feelings for this boy. You'll probably never see him again.

Sighing again, she rolled over and buried her face in the pillow.

Chapter Seventeen
Say Cheese