Chapter Ten: It's Over

The group paused at the first booth they came across, which carried assorted objects covered in fun fur.

"Look at this," Justin exclaimed, as he held up a condom package. "I didn't even know they could make fun fur condoms."

The others wore similar expressions of surprise and amusement, except for Joey who had a knowing smirk. Unable to resist, Audrey snapped a picture of Justin's bemused expression, snickering slightly.

"You'd be surprised what they can do with fun fur," she commented, thinking of Raine's apartment, but recieving slightly shocked looks from the guys. "You have sick minds," she grumbled.

They continued on to the next booth, then the next, occasionally ooh-ing, ahh-ing, snickering, and purchasing the items that caught their fancy, all while Audrey took pictures.

After taking about three rolls of film, Audrey decided it was time for them to split up. "Who wants to come with me first?" she asked. None of the guys were too eager to volunteer, as they were more interested in checking out the market on their own, unobserved. "How about you, Justin?" she asked.

"Fine," he agreed shortly, avoiding her eyes.

Gee, someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, Audrey thought. I hope he's not going to be cranky all through today's shoot, or else he's going to make this very difficult for me. "Okay, Lance, you'll be after Justin, so make sure your cell phone is turned on."

Lance did as she asked, and soon he and the other guys wandered off in different directions, followed at a discreet distance by their bodyguards, leaving Audrey and Justin alone - well, as alone as they could be with Justin's bodyguard keeping a close eye on them.

"Why don't we go over there?" Audrey suggested, pointing to a brightly coloured booth filled with stained-glass windchimes and sun catchers. Without waiting for Justin's response, she headed towards it, leaving him no choice but to follow, while his bodyguard remained a few booths behind but kept his watchful eye on the pair.

"This is nice," she commented, picking up a blue glass and copper windchime and holding it up for his inspection.

"Yeah," Justin agreed, idly running a finger over the hanging windchimes and producing a variety of tinkling noises. There was a prolonged silence as Audrey tried to figure out why Justin was acting like such a brat.

"It won't work, you know," Justin finally blurted, angrily.

"What won't?" Audrey asked, her forehead wrinkling in confusion.

"I know what you're trying to do, and it's not going to work," he repeated. "You know, I really thought you were different."

"Wait, hold up Justin, I don't even know what you're talking about!" Audrey exclaimed.

"What are you trying to accomplish by dresing like that?"

"I told you guys, I spent the night at a friend's house and had to borrow some clothes from her. This was all she had that would fit me. Believe me, I don't like it anymore than you do," she defended.

"And you couldn't wear the clothes you had on yesterday?"

"She had them sent to the cleaners with her maid in the morning before I woke up."

"How convenient," Justin muttered.

"Why are you so upset about this?" Audrey demanded. "It's just an outfit."

"It does seem rather coincidental, doesn't it? One day with us and you're suddenly dressing like this. What, are you hoping to snag yourself a member of N Sync? Going for Joey? Everyone knows he can't resist any girl in tight clothes. Or would any one of us do? It's probably me." The last thought seemed to occur to him suddenly, and he took on a bit of an attitude. "Is that what you were trying to accomplish by becoming all buddy-buddy with me? Don't think I haven't had to deal with that before, and I recognize a pathetic attempt when I see one. Oh, and speaking of pathetic - if you're going to wear a shirt like that, you might want to get a chest to go with it," he added nastily.

Audrey had endured his tirade in silent disbelief, but at that comment she snapped. "Excuse me? EXCUSE ME? Where the hell is all of this coming from? My attempt at friendship with you was just that - an attempt at friendship, but now I can see what a total waste of time that was. You're totally overreacting to this situation, and you're making an absolute jerk of yourself. Why did I ever think I could like you?"

Justin was silent for a moment, a bit shocked by her outburst? Was I wrong? he asked himself. No, this is probably just another act or something. "Why did you ever think I could like you? Thankfully you'll only be around for another couple of days," he retorted meanly, trying to ignore the doubt that was suddenly growing in his mind.

"Oh, as for this photoshoot?" she continued. "It's over. I can make do with the photos I have. You just better hope I don't airbrush your big, over-inflated head out of all of them. Don't ever come near me again!" With that final comment, she whirled on her heel and ran out of the market.

Justin stared at her retreating back and suddenly wished more than anything that he could take back his accusations.

Chapter Eleven
Say Cheese