Chapter Thirty: Mmmm, Nice

The second their lips touched, Audrey felt a jolt of electricity her entire body. She couldn't get enough of him, of the feeling of his lips against hers, the feeling of his silky curls twined around her fingers. "Mmmm, nice," she sighed against Justin's mouth.

I've got to stop. I can't take advantage of her like this. Okay, well techincally I'm not taking advantage. She is definitely the one doing the taking. But she's drunk. She doesn't know what she's doing. I've got to stop. I've got to.. ohhh... Justin lost his train of thought and his willpower the moment Audrey's tongue emerged to trace his lower lip. On second thought, just five more minutes...

Justin slid his strong hands up Audrey's neck until he was cupping her cheeks, using his gentle hold on her to angle her face so he could deepen the kiss. You shouldn't be doing this. She's drunk, that annoying voice in the back of his head nagged. Shut up. How could something that feels this right be wrong? he shot back. She's drunk, the voice repeated. Why am I having a conversation with myself? How long have I dreamt about kissing her like this? Why can't I just enjoy it?

She's drunk.

With a reluctant sigh, Justin moved his hands from her face down to her shoulders, gently pushing her away from him. His hand fumbled around beside him on the wall til he found the lighswitch, and flicked it on, blinking madly as his eyes adjusted to the light.

"Why'd you stop?" Audrey asked, eyes still closed.

"You're drunk."

At that, her eyes opened. "I am not." She was rapidly sobering.

"Aud, I don't want to fight with you. And I don't want to do anything with you that you'll regret in the morning. If you're so sure you're not drunk, then hold on to this feeling til morning and we'll continue where we left off." When she didn't respond, Justin stammered, "Could you.. uhh.. move?"

Audrey smiled sheepishly as she realized she still had Justin backed against the door. "Sorry."

"I wasn't complaining," Justin muttered under his breath. He looked around "So where am I sleeping?"

"You can share my bed."


"Calm down, Timberlake. I'm not going to molest you in your sleep or anything. I just figured it would be more comfortable for you than the couch," she explained, indicating the couch in question. It was lime green, looked fairly lumpy, and was obviously far too small for his large frame.

Justin sighed. He'd barely gotten any sleep the previous night since he had spent most of it on a cramped plane. He knew he needed a decent night's sleep tonight if he was going to be able to deal with all the interviews and promotional crap they had to do the next day. But what he didn't know was if he'd even be able to sleep with Audrey lying next to him.

"I don't know if that's such a good idea, Aud."

"Geez, you're acting like a virgin on her honeymoon. I promise I'll still respect you in the morning."

Justin had to snicker at that comparison. "Fine. But I don't want to wake up with your hand down my pants."

"I'll try to restrain myself," Audrey muttered dryly. "Come on."

He followed her down the hallway to what he assumed was her bedroom. "Wow, Aud, this is a really cool room!" Justin exclaimed after she turned the lights on. The walls were painted a deep blue with silver moons and stars stencilled on them. The bed had a wrought iron frame, and small white christmas lights were strung all around it.

"Thanks," she smiled. She pulled a tank top and a pair of pyjama pants out of a drawer. "I'm gonna go get changed. Did you bring pyjamas? I'm afraid I don't have anything that would come remotely close to fitting you..." she apologized.

"Oh crap! I am such an idiot. I brought a bag with me, but I left it in the rental car. Oh well. I guess I can just sleep in my boxers."

Audrey choked a little, but covered it by pretending to cough, then hurried out of the room. What have I gotten myself in to?

Justin waited until she'd left the room before he kicked of his shoes, then unbuttoned his shirt and slipped it off, his pants and socks soon following. He folded them neatly and set them on the single chair in her room, the one uncluttered surface he could find. He glanced around the room once again, this time taking note of the candles and pictures on every available surface. Most of the pictures were of Audrey and various people he didn't recognize, but a lot of them were pictures she had taken herself. Her favourites, he guessed.

He'd pulled back the covers on her bed and was about to slide in when something caught his eye. Another picture. An awfully farmilar picture. Reaching over, he picked up the frame off her nightstand and examined it. It was of him, but it wasn't like any of the ones she had sent to their management. In fact, he never knew she'd even taken the picture. It was in London, they had been taking a break between shoots, Joey had said something. For the life of him, he couldn't remember what it was, but it had been funny at the time. They'd all burst into uncontrollable laughter, and at that moment Audrey must have snapped the picture, capturing the pure enjoyment on his face. And she'd kept it. And framed it.

This has to mean something.

He could hear her footsteps coming down the hall, so he quickly replaced the framed picture and climbed into her bed, pulling the sheets up around him. They smelled like her. He sighed. Okay, it's official. I'm not getting any sleep tonight.

Audrey appeared in the door, her eyes widening slightly at the sight of him in her bed, a hint of his muscular chest and shoulders visible above the sheets. "You mind if I turn the lights off now?" she asked.

"Go ahead."

Audrey did so, then carefully made her way over to the bed and slipped in, careful not to brush against Justin as she did. She laid on her side, facing away from him, and closed her eyes, willing herself to go to sleep

"Goodnight, Aud."

"Goodnight, Timberlake."

Chapter Thirty-One
Say Cheese