Chapter Thirty-Five: Girls Like Puppies

"I'm thinking we could devote a whole chapter to Busta."

"Wow, Chris, I think that's the stupidest idea you've come up with all night!" The five members of N Sync, plus Audrey, were seated around a large table in some out-of-the-way bar, chowing down on chicken wings and sharing a pitcher of beer. Well, except for Audrey. She had opted for a Pepsi, having learned her lesson the night before about drinking in the presence of extremely attractive men. They were tossing around ideas for the upcoming book that Audrey was taking pictures for, and the more alcohol that was consumed, the sillier the suggestions were becoming.

"No, no, I'm serious. Hear me out." There was a pause, but the others were unsure as to whether it was for effect, or if Chris needed the time to compose his complex thoughts. "Girls like puppies."

"That's it? That's your reasoning?" JC laughed, nearly choking on his mouthful of chicken. "That's the stupidest idea I've ever heard."

"Not as stupid as Joey's suggestion that we have photographs of our favourite foods!"

"Hey, girls are interested in our favourite foods!"

"Girls are interested in our shoe sizes! That doesn't mean they need pictures of our hairy feet."

"You have hairy feet?"

"Umm.. nevermind."

You know, that beer is starting to look a lot more appealing, Audrey thought as she listened to the guys bicker among themselves. Just one glass, and I'm sure this conversation would be a lot more entertaining... NO! Be strong, Audrey. Remember what happened last time you got drunk.

You ended up in Justin Timberlake's arms.

Okay, bad example. Don't think about that. Think about anything but his smooth, golden skin and his pink lips and his-

"ARGH!" Oops. That shouldn't have been out loud.

All conversation ceased.

"Err, sorry, don't mind me. Just, you know, talking to myself," Audrey mumbled, her face turning red.

"You okay, Aud?" Justin turned concerned eyes on her.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm thinking I better call it a night, though."

"Awwww," Justin pouted, and the others followed suit.

"Don't whine. It's unbecoming."

"Heh... heh.. coming... heh... heh.." Joey snickered.

"Okay, you've officially had to much to drink," Audrey said, equal parts disgust and amusement. "I'm gonna call myself a cab."

"Our driver can give you a ride back," Justin informed her.

"Nah, he should be here in case you guys get kicked out, which I could see happening any time soon," she nodded towards JC who was trying to teach Lance to play the spoons.

"I'll ride back in the cab with you, then," Justin offered.

"No, don't worry about it." She dialed the number of a farmiliar cab company, gave the name of the bar she was at, then hung up her cell phone. "There's no point in you going all the way out there with me only to come back here."

"Who says he'll be coming back?" Joey blurted, unabashedly eavesdropping.

"Shut up, Joe." He slapped Joey playfully on the side of the head, then turned back to Audrey. "I don't feel comfortable with you taking a cab by yourself." His voice was lowered, lending an air of intimacy to the conversation and protecting his words from the prying ears of his bandmates.

"I've done it hundreds of times before. I'll be perfectly safe."

"Okay, but call me when you get home, to let me know you're alright. And call me in the car if the cabbie starts weirding you out."

"Stop worrying."

"Are you gonna come out with us tommorrow?"

"I don't think so. I have so much stuff to get done."

"But we're only in Toronto for two more days!"

"I know, but I'll be on tour with you guys in less than a month. You should be grateful for this time away from me, because you'll get sick of me pretty soon."

"I could never get sick of you," he whispered, his head dangerously close to hers, his eyes half-closed.

"Awwwwwwww, you're so sweet, Justin," Joey slurred, slinging a limp arm around his bandmate's shoulder.

Justin shrugged off Joey's arm and stood up. "I'll wait with you for the cab," he offered.

"Alright," Audrey accepted, standing up as well and slipping into her coat. "It was nice seeing you guys again," she addressed the others.

There was a chorus of agreement and goodbyes, and Chris called out "Think about my idea!" as she and Justin made their way to the door.

"Well, this evening was thoroughly... unproductive," Audrey grinned as the two huddled in the doorway of the bar and watched for the cab.

"Yeah, but wasn't it fun?" Justin asked.

"I think it would be impossible not to have fun with you stooges."

"Promise me you'll see me again before I leave."

"We both have way too much to do in the next couple of days, Timberlake, I really don't think it's practical..."

He pressed one finger against her lips, effectively silencing her rambles. "Promise me."


"Say it."

"I promise."

"You promise what?"

"I promise we'll see each other before you leave."

"Thank you. I think that's your cab," he indicated the taxi pulling up beside them.

"Goodnight, Timberlake."

"Night, Aud," he whispered, leaning in to press a soft kiss to her cheek before pushing her gently in the direction of the cab. "Remember to call me when you get home."

"I will," she responded, desperately fighting the urge to change her mind and ask him to ride home with her, or to go back into the warm bar and spend the rest of the night talking and drinking with him. She didn't particularly care what they did, all she knew was that she was loathe to leave him. The less time you spend with him, the better, she reminded herself. The less chance you'll have of developing feelings for him.

"Are you coming or not?" the cabbie called through the opened window.

"I'm coming." I think it's too late to worry about developing feelings for him. Supressing them is going to be your biggest problem.

Chapter Thirty-Six
Say Cheese