Chapter Thirty-Four: Hard To Resist

"That was soooooooooooooo sweet!" Clare gushed.

"I know. Why does he have to be so sweet? He's making it awfully hard to resist him," Audrey sighed. She'd called up her friend Clare in the hopes of getting an unbiased opinion, but so far all Clare had done was sing Justin's praises.

"Well why do you have to resist him?"

"Um, hi, he's practically my employer! How unprofessional would that look, if I were involved with him? I'm 19, Clare. I'm just getting my career started. Working for N Sync could be an amazing opportunity for me, and I don't want to screw it up! Anyways, there's probably some clause in the contract that forbids me from any romantic involvement with any member of the crew or the band."

"You haven't even signed a contract yet! Have them put in a stipulation saying 'I may have wild sex with Justin Timberlake whenever I choose to do so'"

"CLARE! You're not helping. Should I even do this? Is taking this job a good idea?"

"How can you even think about not taking this job? Aside from making more money than I could ever hope to in my lifetime, you'll be travelling the world, seeing all the sights, while in the company of five of the hottest men alive. Also, this tour will give you a chance to get closer to Justin, if you get my drift."

"If I take this job, there is no way I will ever let anything happen between me and Timberlake."

"Then maybe you shouldn't take the job..."

"Clare, you just told me what a wonderful opportunity it was!"

"Well yes, but a relationship with Justin would also be a wonderful opportunity. And think how wonderful it would be if you combined both opportunities..."

"Why are we even having this conversation? It's not like Timberlake has any romantic feelings towards me."

"Pardon? Did I hear you right? This is the guy who flew down to spend your birthday with you!"

"He had to come anyways."

"Yes, but he gave up his own free time -which he must have very little of, mind you- to come down and see you. To give you a phenomenally sweet tape, to spend the day with you, to take you out to dinner, and to spend the night holding you."

"Look, that last part wasn't even intentional. We were both drunk."

"Whatever you say..."

"ARGH! You are so frustrating. Why did I even call you?"

"You're just mad because I'm telling you the truth and it's not what you want to hear," Clare replied gently.

"Look, so I may have feelings for him. He is an attractive guy! But that doesn't change the fact that this job is one of the most important things that could ever happen to my career, and certainly much more important than some fling I could have with a popstar."

"Maybe you know it could be much more than a fling, and that's why you're so scared to let anything happen."

"Look, I don't have time for this. I have so much stuff to do before I start touring with them."

"Just think about what I said."

I think it'd be impossible for me not to. "Okay."


"I promise!"

"And come see me before you go gallivanting off around the world with those men."

"I will. Bye, Clare."

"Bye, Audrey."

She'd barely hung up the phone before it rang again. With a sigh, she grabbed the reciever. "I promised I would think about what you said, Clare! Can you stop harrassing me about it now?

"What did Clare say?"

"Timberlake? Aren't you calling a little early?"

"It's like half-past-five! What did Clare say?"

"It is? Shit!" Audrey sat up from her position reclining on the couch and glanced at the clock. Sure enough, the bright red letters glowed 5:30. Looks like I won't be getting much work done today...

"What did Clare say?"

"That's none of your business!"

"Was it about me?" Justin prodded.

This boy is just too astute for his own good... "You're so egotistical."

"And you didn't answer my question."

"Are we meeting for dinner?"

"Yeah, like in half an hour. Is that good for you?"


"We'll drive by your place and pick you up, then. Be ready. And what did Clare say?"

"You never give up, do you?"

"I'm stubborn."

"Well, so am I. See you in half an hour." Audrey hung up the phone with a gentle click.

Chapter Thirty-Five
Say Cheese