Chapter Thirty-One: Rather Intimate

Owwww, my head. That was Audrey's first thought as she woke.

OHMYGOD. That was her second.

Oh. My. God. What the hell did I do last night? Audrey thought frantically, assessing her situation. She was in her bed. With Justin. A very much shirtless Justin. And his arms were around her. And vice versa. Audrey let out a gentle sigh at the feeling of his smooth, golden skin under her fingers and resisted the temptation to snuggle into his warm chest and go back to sleep.

This could be nice, under different circumstances. If I actually knew what happened last night. Please, God, tell me I didn't sleep with him. I couldn't have! I wouldn't do something like that. I'm not that type of girl... Is he even wearing any clothes? With trepidition, she let her hand slide slowly down his chest, across his tight stomach, to his waist, where, to her relief, she encountered the waistband of his boxers.

"I thought you told me I wouldn't wake up with your hand down my pants." His voice was slightly raspy from sleep.

Audrey jumped slightly. "I didn't realize you were awake."

"So you thought you'd take advantage of me and cop a feel while I was sleeping. Shame on you, Audrey." Justin grinned lazily down at her.

"Ha ha, Timberlake. I was just checking to make sure you were.. ummm.. clothed. ...What happened last night?" Audrey pulled away slightly, removing her hands from his waist and forcing him to loosen his grip on her.

"You mean you don't remember?"

"No. What happened?" Her expression was a mix of anxiety and fear.

"Nothing," Justin lied. "Don't worry, Aud, nothing happened. You offered to let me share your bed because the couch was too small for me. I guess we must have just unconsciously cuddled together in our sleep or something."

The look of relief that crossed her face was almost unsulting. "Thank God."

"Am I really that repulsive?" I can't believe she doesn't remember. One of the most amazing kisses I've ever experienced, and she doesn't remember.

"Oh, no, it's not that! Believe me, you're about as far from repulsive as you could get. I just meant... you know... that would be a really bad way to start off our working relationship... us getting emotionally - or physically - involved. Bad idea."

"Yeah." Fuck. Why does this always happen to me?

"Because, you know, that would cause problems. Lots of problems. You guys probably even have a policy about dating employees. We could get in trouble. I could get fired. And I haven't even really been hired yet. How pathetic would that be? Getting fired before I even got hired..."

"You're rambling, Audrey." Methinks the lady doth protest too much.

"Sorry." I'd be a lot easier to concentrate if I weren't inches away from that gorgeous body...

"Shit, is that the time?" Justin asked as he caught sight of the clock on her bedside table. "I'm supposed to meet the guys in an hour." Justin hopped out of bed quickly, and the disappointment Audrey felt as his warmth left her was quickly replaced by appreciation as she caught sight of his almost-naked body, bathed in the morning light shining through her curtains.

Justin grabbed the pants he had been wearing the previous day and pulled out his cell phone, dialing a number. "Yeah, it's me. Can you come pick me up now? Make sure you bring my bag, 'cause I need a change of clothes. Half an hour? Okay, thanks! Bye." Justin hung up the phone and turned around to find Audrey staring at him. "Like what you see?"

"What? Oh, sorry," she apologized, when she realized she'd been caught ogling his body.

"I don't mind," he grinned. "Mind if I make use of your shower?"

"Sure," Audrey agreed, climbing out of bed. "I'll show you where it is."

"This feels rather intimate, doesn't it? Us in our pyjamas together, having just woken up in each other's arms."

Audrey gulped. God, I want him.

Justin grinned. God, she wants me.

"Shower?" he prompted.

"Oh yeah. Follow me."

Chapter Thirty-Two
Say Cheese