Chapter Thirty-Two: Think Unsexy Thoughts

"Okay, towels are in this cupboard here. I should have an unused toothbrush around here somewhere... I bought one of those multipacks... here we go!" Audrey held up a hot pink toothbrush triumphantly. "Ummm... feel free to use my soap and shampoo and whatever else you can find. Sorry if you end up smelling quite girly, but it's all I've got. I think that about covers it. I'm gonna go make something for breakfast. Got any preferences?"

"Do you have any cereal?"

"Hrmm.. I think I have a box of Cheerios somewhere, but they're probably pretty stale. I'm not much of a cereal person."

"I'll remember to bring my own box the next time I sleep over."

"What makes you think there'll be a next time?"

The way you kissed me last night. "Some eggs and toast would be great, if you've got it."

"Sure thing. How do you like your eggs cooked?"

"It doesn't matter. Surprise me."


"Are you planning on watching me shower?" Justin asked pointedly.

"Oh! No, sorry!" Audrey blushed bright red. "I'll go now."

Justin grinned at her obvious embarrassment and watched her walk away before shutting the door to the bathroom. He adjusted the temperature of the water before slipping out of his boxers and stepping under the spray. She is so confusing. She wants me, it's totally obvious! But why won't she do anything about it? Okay, why won't she do anything about it when she's sober? he amended. And why does she pull back from me anytime I try to? Maybe she's worried it'll look unprofessional if she dated me. But that doesn't make any sense, because up until last night she wasn't working for us. Well, she was in England, but that was over a month ago, and we've been in constant contact since then! But we haven't been together in person until now. I just can't figure it out! I can't figure HER out. Who wouldn't want to date me? Okay, now I'm sounding arrogant. But come on! Who wouldn't want this? Just look at me! He couldn't help but glance down at his well-defined body. Oh yeah. I am HOT! No girl can resist me. And Audrey won't be any different. It just might take a little convincing. But hey, she'll be with us constantly for the next few months, so I'll have plenty of time to work my wiles...

* * *

Maybe taking this job wasn't such a good idea, Audrey worried as she slipped two pieces of toast into the toaster. Justin. Timberlake. He's basically my employer! I can't jump him! Much as I want to... NO! Audrey, don't even think thoughts like that. Don't even think about him in that way. Don't even think about the fact that he's less than 20 feet away, extremely naked and extremely wet. Don't think about the fact that there's no lock on the bathroom door. Dammit, Audrey, what's wrong with you? Why didn't you buy a lock for your bathroom door? Because you never thought you'd have an extremely sexy popstar using your shower, that's why, she answered herself. A sexy, wet popstar, standing in your shower, wearing absolutely nothing, with nothing standing between you and him but an unlocked door. DON'T THINK ABOUT IT!

"Audrey? Do you have a robe or something I could borrow?"

Her head snapped around at the voice of the focus of her thoughts. He was standing in the doorway of the kitchen, with nothing but one of her white towels wrapped around his slim hips, another held in his hands as he towel-dried his damp curls. Drops of water were still clinging to his shoulders and collarbone, occaisionally being dislodged by his movements to slide silkily down his chest before being absorbed by the towel at his waist.

He's trying to kill me. Death by an overdose of lust. Or something.

"Audrey? Hello, earth to Audrey?"

"What?" her eyes finally made their way to his face, and they held a slightly dazed look.

"Do you have a robe I can borrow?" he asked again, trying to keep the smug grin off his face. "I don't have my clothes yet, and I really don't want to put those two-day-old boxers back on."

"Umm... a robe?" Audrey looked confused for a moment, trying to gather her thoughts and concentrate on anything other than the nearly naked man in front of her. "No, I don't have a robe."

"I guess I'm stuck in a towel til Mike gets here. He should be here any minute, though."

I'm not sure whether to be thankful or disappointed. Dammit, Audrey, tommorrow you are going to WalMart to buy a lock for your bathroom door and a GODDAMN ROBE! "Who's Mike?"

Justin gave her a weird look. "My bodyguard. You know, the guy who's been following me around all the time."

"Oh! Mike! I don't think you ever told me his name."

"Well now you know. And Mike will hopefully be here soon, so let's eat breakfast before he arrives or else he might expect some. I see you made the toast, have you started the eggs yet?"

Audrey suddenly realized that the popping-up of the toast had gone completely unnoticed by her, as she'd been absorbed in her thoughts, and she had totally forgotten about the eggs. "Oh, crap, I forgot the eggs! I'll do them now. I mean, I'll cook them now."

Justin snickered slightly, but covered it by clearing his throat. "Do you want me to do anything?"

Well that's a loaded question... "You could butter the toast, I guess." Audrey opened the fridge and scanned the contents intently, anything to keep her eyes off Justin. What am I looking for again? Oh, right, eggs.

"Okay. Is the butter in here?" He moved closer to her, one hand holding on to his towel and the other reaching around her into the fridge.

"You know, on second thought, maybe you just better sit down. We wouldn't want you to lose your towel or anything."

"You sure?" Neither one of them was quite sure which one of her statements he was questioning.

Actually, maybe losing your towel wouldn't be such a bad thing. NO! Think unsexy thoughts, think unsexy thoughts. "Yeah, I'm sure."

Chapter Thirty-Three
Say Cheese