Chapter Twenty-Eight: A Proposition

"This is soooo good," Audrey grinned over a mouthful of chicken ceasar salad.

"Don't talk with your mouth full," Justin replied with his mouth full.

Audrey kicked his leg gently under the table in a silent reprimand before grinning again. "I've had so much fun today, Timberlake. Thank you." After spending the majority of the afternoon exploring the Science Centre, Audrey and Justin were now seated in a small cafe having dinner. Justin had asked his bodyguard for some privacy, so after surveying the place for any potential threats, so he agreed to wait outside in the rental car.

"Don't thank me yet. This day is far from over. You and I are getting absolutely sloshed tonight. But before we do, I have one more present for you."

"No! You've already spent way too much money on me today."

"Actually, this present didn't cost me any money."

"Well what is it?"

"Patience, my dear. Finish your salad and I'll tell you."

"Unfair!" Audrey exclaimed. An evil grin spread across her face and she picked up her plate, dumping it's contents on top of Justin's food. "There, I'm done."

"Hey! I wasn't finished with that!"

"You should know better than to tease me."

"Most girls like it when I tease," Justin replied in a seductive voice.

"Oh please. C'mon Timberlake, just tell me," she all but whined, taking a sip of the soda in front of her.

"All right. I have a proposition for you."

Audrey choked on her drink. "Pardon?"

"Not that kind of proposition," Justin snickered. "A business proposition. Sort of."


"Well Johnny brought this up after we looked at your prints for the first time, and we all agreed that you would be the right person for the job."

"WHAT job?" Audrey asked. "I'm lost."

"Well, for the past few months our management has been toying with the idea of putting out another book. One to come out sometime in early fall, maybe. I think they're hoping to ride on the success of the new album, if it's successful. Anyways, they want totally new pictures that none of the fans have seen before. More incentive for them to buy it, I guess. So they want someone to travel with us once the promo appearances and then the tour kicks off. Someone to take a bunch of candid photos of us for this book. And we all think you'd be really good for the job. What do you think?" Justin looked at her expectantly.

Audrey stared at him for a moment in silent shock. "Seriously?"

"Yeah! Will you do it?"

"I don't know, Timberlake... Wow, this is totally out of the blue. I don't know if I want to pack up and leave my home for months on end. What does this job entail? I wouldn't have to share a bus with you guys, would I?" I would never make it through a single night knowing he was lying mere feet away from me.

"You make that sound like a bad thing!" Justin feigned a hurt expression. "No, you'd be on a bus with some of theother women on the tour. Our tour manager, makeup artists, wardrobe mistressed, etc. Obviously you'd have to come on our bus occaisionally to get some pictures of us in our "habitat" but you wouldn't be sleeping there or anything." Justin noticed the hesitant look on her face and continued, "The money is really good." He then named a sum that made her eyes pop out of her head.

"Are you serious?"

"As a heart attack, baby."

"I think I just might have to take this job," she replied slowly.

"YES! This is gonna be so much fun. You won't regret it, Aud."

I hope not.

"Come on, let's really go celebrate," Justin said, throwing enough bills on the table to cover their meal several times over before pulling her towards the door.

Chapter Twenty-Nine
Say Cheese