Chapter Twenty-Five: Make A Wish

"What is it? What is it?" Chris asked as Justin pulled the lid off the box.

"Geez, Chris, calm down. You'd think it was your birthday or something," JC reprimanded teasingly.

"I can't help it!" Chris protested. "I like presents! So what is it?"

"It's a cassette tape," Justin said, a note of confusion in his voice. He pulled the tape out of the box it had come in, and examined it, looking for some clue that would tell him what was on it. He flipped it over and noticed a small post-it note with the words "Play this when you're alone" scrawled in Audrey's handwriting.

"What's on it?" Chris asked.

"How should I know?" Justin replied.

"Well play it!"

"Umm.. no.. not right now," Justin mumbled. He didn't know what was on it, but for some reason Audrey wanted only him to hear it.

"Why not?" Joey asked.

"Well.. because.. umm.."

"Time for cake!" Justin's mum announced as she appeared from the kitchen carrying a large cake

"Because it's time for cake!" Justin grinned. Thank you, mom.

"Happy birthday to you..." his mother began singing as she set the cake down in front of him, careful not to dislodge any of his nineteen candles. She was joined shortly by Justin's friends and family, and they all gathered around him as he closed his eyes, made a wish, and blew out the candles.

"I can't believe my baby is already nineteen," his mother sighed as she affectionately ruffled his hair. "What did you wish for?"

"If I told you, then it wouldn't come true!" he protested. And this is one wish I really want to come true.

Chapter Twenty-Six
Say Cheese