Chapter Twenty-Four: Meaningless Endearments

January 31, 2000

"Do you think she forgot?"

"For the tenth time, NO! I'm sure she didn't forget that it's your birthday, Justin," JC reassured him. The members of N Sync were gathered with some friends at the Harless household in a small birthday celebration for their youngest member. Despite being the guest of honour, he didn't seem to be having a very good time.

"Then why hasn't she called? I thought she would at least call and wish me a happy birthday." There was a slightly forlorn note in Justin's voice.

"It's only 7pm," JC pointed out.

"I know. I'm overreacting, aren't I?" Justin sighed. "I don't know what's gotten into me lately."

JC and Lance exchanged knowing grins, but let the comment slide. For the moment.

"She wouldn't forget your birthday, Justin," Lance repeated. "Maybe she's got something special planned."

"You think so?" Justin perked up at the thought.

"I'm sure of it."

As if on cue, the doorbell rang.

"Who could that be?" Justin asked, glancing around the room. Everyone he'd invited was already present. Curiousity got the better of him, and he went to check the peephole. A UPS man?

"I have a package here for Justin Timberlake," the delivery man informed Justin once he'd opened the door.

"That's me," Justin exclaimed, a grin spreading across his face.

"Sign here." He did so, thanked the man, and took the package.

"It's from Audrey!" he all but squealed as he made his way back into the main room where his friends were gathered. "I wonder what it is!"

"Open it and find out," Chris prodded.

"Good idea!" He ripped open the package to find a small wrapped box, and an envelope with the words 'OPEN ME FIRST' scrawled on the top in big letters. He did as instructed, and pulled out a short letter. His smile grew even bigger as he read it.

Well, Justin, you're a year older but probably not any wiser. That's alright, I like you just the way you are. Most of the time. But anyway, I'll cut to the chase because I'm sure you're anxious to open your present (if you haven't already). You're impossible to shop for, you know that? If there was anything you wanted, you could buy it yourself. And what do you get for the guy who has everything? (No, Timberlake, I am not bringing you love.) I decided to make you something instead, because that way it would be completely original and I know you wouldn't already have it. I hope you like it.


He paused for a moment. Love? No, she's just using one of those meaningless endearments that everyone signs their letters with. Why do you keep overanalyzing everything she does? he asked himself.

"Well, what does it say?" Chris asked.

"Nothing important," Justin replied, folding the letter carefully before Chris could read it, and sticking it in his pocket. He picked up the small package and stared at it for a moment before gently pulling off the silvery wrapping paper.

Chapter Twenty-Five
Say Cheese