Chapter Twenty-Nine: Those Lips

"Wine cooler?" Justin wrinkled his nose in distaste after Audrey had given the bartender her order. "That's a sissy drink."

"So I'm a sissy. See if I ever come drinking with you, if you're going to do nothing but insult me. Besides, I don't see you downing any Jack Daniels."

"Beer is a man's drink!" Justin boasted.

"Then what are you doing with it, little boy?"

"Ooh, Aud, that was harsh."

"You called me a sissy!"

"I meant it as a term of endearment," Justin protested, slinging a casual arm around her shoulder as he guided them towards a table, drinks in hand. Justin's bodyguard followed at a more sedate pace, but was sure to keep a close eye on his charge because of the crowded atmosphere.

"So how long will you guys be here for exactly?" Audrey asked once they were seated, sipping her drink.

"Well the other guys are arriving tommorrow, sometime early in the morning, I think. We've got a bunch of radio interviews and such. Then the day after that we're doing a little Much Music appearance and an autograph signing, I think. After that, we have a free day here before we move on to New York."

"And when exactly am I supposed to start this job, anyway?"

"March first."

"WHAT? Shit, Timberlake, that only gives me three weeks to get everything together."

"You're not backing out on this, are you?" His forehead crinkled in worry.

"No... no... This is just gonna be more difficult than I'd first anticipated."

"Don't worry, baby, I'll make it worth your while," Justin winked.

"You'd better. So where are you staying tonight, anyway?"

"With you."

Audrey choked on her drink. "Pardon?"

"I was hoping I could crash at your place."

"I would barely have enough room for you, let alone that behemoth of a bodyguard who follows you around everywhere!"

"It would just be me. He's got friends in Toronto that he wants to visit. Please, Audrey, don't make me stay in a big, impersonal hotel room all by my lonesome," Justin whined, batting his eyelashes at her and sticking out his lower lip.

"Fine," Audrey agreed. For some reason she was finding it impossible to tear her eyes away from that lip, that mouth. She drew in a sharp breath as his tongue came out, trailing across his lips in an incredibly slow, sensual movement. All she could think about was how those lips would feel pressed against hers, how that tongue would feel as it slipped into her mouth. Maybe I shouldn't have any more to drink tonight...

* * *

"Audrey, you are so wasted."

"How ungentlemanly of you to point that out," she grumbled. "What about you? You've had a lot more to drink than I have!"

"But I have a much higher tolerance than you. Plus, I probably weight twice as much as you do, so the alcohol doesn't hit my system as hard."

"Well aren't you special," Audrey said, reaching a hand across the table to poke him in the chest.

"Most girls seem to think so," Justin responded, grabbing her hand before she had a chance to retract it.

"I can see why," she remarked, but this time her voice was lacking her customary sarcasm, and her eyes were once again fixed on his lips.

Could she be anymore obvious? Justin grinned to himself. I should get her liquored up more often. "We should probably head back to your place now. It's getting pretty late, and I have got a long day ahead of me tommorrow." He reluctantly released his grip on her hand.

"Yes, let's go, Timberlake. I can't wait to get you into bed. I mean... get in to bed, and you into a separate one. Or something."

Justin bit his lip to keep from laughing at her, but when he noticed his bodyguard chuckling quietly, he let a small giggle slip past his lips.

"Are you laughing at me, Timberlake?" Audrey asked, standing up, then sitting back down again quickly as the room started spinning around her. "Whoa."

"You alright?" Justin asked. "Here, let me help," he offered, slipping his arm around her waist for support and helping her stand.

* * *

"Call me when you need to be picked up tommorrow," Justin's bodyguard instructed as he dropped the pair off in front of Audrey's building. "And no matter what, don't you dare go out anywhere by yourself. The last thing I need is a popstar casualty on my conscience."

"Yes, sir!" Justin saluted as he helped Audrey out of the car. The two carefully made their way up to Audrey's apartment, and after a few shaky tries, Audrey managed to unlock the door. Stepping inside, she didn't bother flicking on the lights. She waited until Justin had follwed her inside before slamming the door shut behind him and pushing him none-too-gently against it.

"Umm.. Audrey.. what are you doing?" Justin asked as Audrey trailed her hands up the back of his neck before tangling them in his curls.

" I've been wanting to do this all night." It was barely a whisper, but Justin heard it loud and clear. Before he could ask her what she meant, she was using the leverage of her hands in his hair to pull his mouth down to hers.

Chapter Thirty
Say Cheese