Chapter Twenty-Seven: Press This Button

"Hurry up, hurry up," Audrey muttered, as if that would somehow speed up the slow progression of the elevator as it made its way down from the 6th floor where her apartment was located. Audrey was never one for waiting. "Dammit, I should have taken the stairs." Sighing loudly, she stared at the lit-up numbers at the top of the elevator doors and willed them to move faster. "Third floor... second floor... come on, come on! YES! Lobby!" It seemed to take forever for the elevator doors to open, and once they did, Audrey practically fell out in her eagerness.

It must be in my mailbox, she decided, heading over to the wall where row upon row of small metal boxes were located. She selected the right key on her keyring, inserted it into the lock, and pulled the box open to reveal... nothing.

What the hell? she thought. Where else could it be?

"Looking for something?" a voice behind her enquired.

Audrey whirled around, accidentally smacking her head against the metal door of her mailbox that was left open. "OW!"

"Whoops!" came the voice again, this time sheepishly. "Didn't mean to startle you."

"Timberlake?!" Audrey cried after recovering from her slight knock on the head. "What are you doing here?"

"We just happen to have some promo stuff scheduled in Toronto on the 9th and 10th, so I figured I'd fly down here a day early and surprise my favourite birthday girl. C'mere," he grinned, holding his arms open.

Not needing to be told twice, Audrey flung herself into his arms and hugged him tightly. "It's so good to see you."

"Right back at ya," Justin whispered, closing his eyes and savouring the feel of her in his arms. Pressing a quick kiss to the top of her head, he pulled back so he could see her face but kept his arms around her. "I hope you've got your ID on you, because we are getting sooo drunk tonight."

"It's upstairs, I'll go get it."

"Nope, no time for that!" Justin declared, grabbing her hand and heading towards the door. "We have too much to do today, we have to leave right now. I guess I'm buying the drinks tonight," he added with a grin.

"Wait, Timberlake, I can't go like this! I need my wallet and a jacket!" she protested, knowing that while her thin sweater had kept her warm inside, it would offer no protection against the cold february weather.

"You don't need your wallet, because today is my treat. And here, put this on," he ordered, shrugging off his jacket and holding it out to her.

"But then you'll be cold."

"Nah, I won't. It's not very far to the car, and besides, I'm pretty hot blooded." He raised his eyebrows suggestively at the last comment.

Deciding not to waste anymore energy arguing, Audrey slipped into the jacket, sighing deeply when she realized it was still warm from his body. Pulling the jacket tighter around her, she inhaled the lingering scent of Justin's enticing cologne.

"The car's right over here," Justin informed her, leading her over to a red mercedes with two strange men in the front of the car. "You said you wanted a mercedes! It's only for the day though. You know my bodyguard, right? Unfortunately he goes whereever I do. The other guy is our driver for the day, because I don't know my way around Toronto, and I know you don't have your license. After you, milady," he held the door open for her in gentlemanly fashion, then slid in after her.

"Where are we going?" Audrey asked.

"You'll see."

* * *

"The Science Centre? Why are we at the Science Centre?"

"We're here to play!"

"Timberlake, it's the Science Centre."

"It's fun and educational at the same time! Come on," he cajoled.

"Alright," she agreed. "Let's go."

The pair made their way inside the large building that was one of Toronto's biggest attractions, followed at a more sedate pace by Justin's burly guard. Grabbing a pamphlet off a display, Audrey flipped idly through the pages. "Where to first?"

"The sports section!" Justin replied without hesitation.

"Surprise, surprise," Audrey muttered, rolling her eyes good-naturedly, allowing herself to be pulled along towards the section Justin was so eager to visit. "You know your way around this place far too well," she observed.

"Yeah, whenever we're in Toronto, me and the guys always come here. It's so much fun!"

"I never figured you for the type to get excited over science."

"Well it's not the science part that I love, it's just all the toys. Like this!" he exclaimed, pulling her over to the station where you could go on a simulated bobsled ride.


"Yeah, it's cool!" Justin said, climbing into the sled and indicating she should get in in front of him. With a reluctant grin, Audrey maneouvered carefully into the odd contraption, slipping in front of Justin and sucking in a sharp breath when she realized she was situated between his legs.

"This is cozy," Justin grinned, wrapping his arms around her stomach and craning his neck so he could see her face.

"That's one word for it. How do we start this thing?"

"Impatient, aren't we? You just press this little button here," he explained, leaning over and pressing the button.

Audrey's hands immediately shot out and gripped the sides of the sled as it began to shake and wobble from side to side as a screen in front of them showed video footage of what bobsledders must see as they race down whatever it is bobsledders race down.

"Relax," Justin whispered in her ear, covering her tense hands with his. "It's impossible for you to fall out."

But it wasn't the jerky motions of the bobsled that were making Audrey uncomfortable. It had a lot more to do with the popstar whose hard chest was pressed against her back, whose large hands were covering hers, and whose soft breath she could feel against the nape of her neck. This is going to be one hell of a long day.

Chapter Twenty-Eight
Say Cheese