Chapter Twenty-Two: Less Repulsive Than Usual

January 18, 2000

"These are amazing!"

"The play of light and shadow is so intricate."

"I had no idea she was so talented."

"I look HOT!"

Four pairs of eyes swivelled to look at the member of their group who had uttered the last comment. "Joey!"

"What? I do!" he said, holding up one of the prints in front of them as if for proof.

"You know what, he does look less repulsive than usual in that picture," Chris agreed. "The girl is DAMNED talented!"

The five members of N Sync were gathered around a table in their manager, Johnny's office, going over the contact sheets that had been sent to them by Audrey. They were all pleasantly surprised, and quite frankly amazed, at the quality of the photos.

"Justin, what do you think?" Johnny asked. "You haven't said anything."

"She's amazing."

Their were vague murmurs of agreement, but no one payed any attention to the awed note in Justin's voice or the slightly dazed look in his eyes and he stared down at the photograph of himself in his hands. Is this how she sees me? he wondered, unable to tear his eyes away from the picture.

"This is the shot she has picked out for the cover," he informed them, holding up another print for their inspection. "What do you guys think?"

There was a pause before all of the guys voiced their unanimous approval.

"I want to work with her again," Justin spoke up, his voice coming out much louder and demanding than he'd intended.

Johnny looked at the other guys for approval, and when they seemed to agree with Justin, he said "Well, since you mention it, there's this project we've been planning that she'd be perfect for..."

Chapter Twenty-Three
Say Cheese