Self Service is:

Craig plays bass and sings for Self Service. He writes the lyrics and most of the songs. Castro writes some music too. And yes, girls, he's single. And all the girls think he's hot. And if you're a girl and you don't think he's hot then you should. Besides playing music, he enjoys, j-ing O, Mbing, f-ing off, and he likes to say "Hi" a lot. Sometimes he plays Starcraft and loses, but he usually wins. There's not much mkore to, on to the next member.

Favorite Bands:
Saves the Day
Less Than Jake
Green Day
The Bouncing Souls
The Violent Femmes
The Ataris
Self Service
The Sloppy Meateaters
The X-Presidents

Castro is the lead guitar player from Self Service. He likes to sit at home and look at PN. Then he MBs to it. He writes some songs for the band and plays a Les Paul! Sometimes he MBs to that too because its so bad ass. One of these days he might buy a half-stack too. Uh...he has stuff stolen a lot so if you see him around give him some money. And he's the person on the album that says "Oi backwards is IO" and he likes to go to Block-BUS-ter. Oi oi oi!

Favorite Bands:
Strung Out
Phase 10 (fuck ya)
Green Day

Joher plays drums for the band and likes to JO. His peni is huge. Samson gets him lifted. He plays a lot of video games and doesn't do much else. But definitely his favorite thing to do is get lifted and then Mb to PN afterwards. He also hates school just like everyone else out there and can't wait until this school year is over. And he's in no shape to excercise.

Favorite Bands:
Jackson 5
Smoothe Masturbators
Mr. Oizo
The Deftones

Cole plays guitar in Self Service and sings back-up vocals. He used to be in an amazing band called Phase 10. We covered Punk Rock Band by them one time. It was the greatest, and Cole's bass line is quite catchy on that song. He also has red hair and freckles, which is pretty much the only reeason that he's in the band. He jacks off with his left hand if anybody wanted to know. He used to love going to McDonald's and buying 39 cent chesseburgers but those motherfuckers stopped that deal so he hates the bitches now. His words, not mine. Anyways, we love Cole.

Favorite Bands:
Flogging Molly
Dropkick Murphies
Linkin Park (Nobody knows why)
The Bouncing Souls
Me First & the Gimme Gimmes