we sellout, so you don't have to


The Used - In Love And Death

by: Matt Judge

October 16th 2004

In Love And Death This CD has been one of the most anticipated releases of 2004. From Utah's The Used... fans worldwide have been waiting egarly for this sophmore release. With their self-titled CD and the "Maybe Memories" CD/DVD releases The Used have carved out a name for themselves as a band defined by overcoming odds and making dreams come true. "In Love And Death" is no different.

With 12 tracks this CD is just long enough to satisfy our hunger for The Used. The first single, "Take It Away" has been setting the radio waves on fire... and thats just the beginning of what's on In Love And Death. i'll go through a song-by-song review:

1. Take It Away - This turbo charged single is a good indicator of the direction The Used is taking musically. Take it Away is ferocious. Bert brings a new element to his vocals... talking/shouting not to the music but in a style that makes you think of a revolutionary proclaiming the truth from the rooftops. One of the more entergtic songs on the CD.

2. Caught Fire - This love song takes the Used to new grounds musically, the band is picking up elements of different emo-punk bands that have been emerging since their first CD (think Brazil and Emery). theres a lot of work with layering vocals. the guitar is mezmorizing, and the composition is really beautiful. Uplifting.

3. Let It Bleed - another pretty hardcore song. dealing with addiction and overcoming.

4. All That I've Got - violins, pianos, chimes and keyboards give this song a magical feeling and the chorus is very anthemic. The verses have a playful feeling. Very powerful song.

5. Cut Up Angels - a very jazzy funky song, lot of bouncing sounds. lyrically interesting. you might not like this song if you're not into a poppy sounding playful tune.

6. Listening - This song, like others that have more hardcore showcase Jeph's explosive bass work. This song has a lot of heavy hitting rhythm... you don't know if you should dance or mosh. One of the best songs on the CD by far. Vocally breathtaking... this is the Bert we were introduced to in the self-titled CD.

7. Yesterday's Feelings - Very melodic. mezmorizing almost. a very soothing ballad-esque track. It's a little bit sing-songy... makes me think of a nusery rhyme. theres a lot of chimes and a little piano... very soothing.

8. Light With a Sharpened Edge - you could say this is the most spiritually charged songs. Bert sings, "Free from the torment of sin... all this i'm giving up...". This song follows the spirit of "Yestderday's Feelings" and is very melodic and soothing. This could be the most important song lyrically on the album... very moving and uplifting.

9. Sound Effects And Overdrammatics - This is a mixture between sorrowfull emotional mourning... and a violoent carthetic purging. This song is very bipolar and goes between emotional extreemes quite rapidly. Theres a lot of work done on the layering of vocals and it comes out wonderfully. One of the more hardcore songs.

10. Hard To Say - this song makes you feel like sprouting wings and start flying in he clouds. beautiful lyrics and intrumentation make this one of the best songs off the whole album. This is the kind of song you want to listen to as you're falling in love. very anthemic.

11. Lunacy Fringe - This song has acousitc guitar, upright bass and the drums are using brushes... and the effect is a very jazzy funky fun playful tune.

12. I'm A Fake - This is probably one of the most intense songs. Bert has almost a minute of talking while musical noise slowly gets bigger in the background untill he's screaming and the music is terrorizing your speakers. a very intesne song, it makes my heart jitter... even after hearing it like a 100 times. Maybe my favorite song.

Overall, if you can afford it...buy this CD NOW! if you can't afford it figure out a way you can then buy it... everything form the insert artwork to the lyrics to the music and the uplifting songs tha make you feel good to be alive... In Love And Death is the perfect drug.

RATING: (10/5)
thumbs up!thumbs up!thumbs up!thumbs up!thumbs up!thumbs up!thumbs up!thumbs up!thumbs up!thumbs up!


(by: Matt Judge October 16th 2004)

emo-er than thou policy

Please keep the "punk-o-meters" put away. Sellout wants to give everyone a fair chance to be heard, and to listen to what they have to say. So, aside from a gross attack against creative integrity (i.e. Britney Speares) please keep an open mind. All in all, just play nice.