Takeo- The second story in the 'Crest Trilogy' ^__^ Warnings of citrus


~Jyou’s POV~

I opened my apartment door and let Yamato enter, flicking on the light switches as I shut the door. I was laughing, my face flushed red as Yamato cracked a joke. We’d been laughing for almost an hour after we left the restaurant. The startled look on the waitress’s face when she saw Yamato huddled over me on the floor had been so amusing that I couldn’t help but laugh. We hung up our coats and I went into my small kitchen to prepare some tea.

“I’m going to make some tea, would you like some?” I asked Yamato as I filled the kettle with water and sent it on the cooker.

“That sounds good. It was really cold outside.” Yamato called back as I found myself humming a nonsensical tune. I felt happy. When Yamato held me and kissed me…I felt my whole body light on fire. To have his love was…better than anything I could imagine.

“Jyou, the water’s boiling. Didn’t you hear the kettle whistling?” I heard Yamato ask as I return from my dream state and take the kettle off the fire. I blush, running my free hand through my hair.

“Ah, so it is.” I reply as I pour the hot water into two mugs. Dropping in the tea bags, I carried the two mugs into my living room. Yamato was sprawled on my couch and he moved over as I sat down, placing the mugs on the coffee table. “It’s oolong.” I supply as Yamato picked up his mug and sniffed. He smiled. I love his smiles.

“Smells really good.” He replied as he took a sip, making a face as the hot liquid nearly scalded him. I took his mug away and fanned at his mouth, concern etched deep within me. I hated it when people got hurt.

“It’s hot silly.” I murmur as I try to examine his mouth. His arms wrap around me and pull me closer. I blush, my glasses slipping from my nose. He reaches for them and takes them off my face, placing them on the coffee table.

~Yamato’s POV~

I stare into Jyou’s eyes, those storm blue eyes looking back at me with a look of confusion, love and longing. I cradle Jyou’s chin in my hands, noticing that my skin was tanned and his was paler. He blushed as my eyes met his.

“I’m okay baby doll.” I drawl, my lips locking onto his as I devour him softly. He moans in my arms as I push him back into the soft cushions of his couch. His hands wrap around my waist, his eyes shut as our tongues sparred. Years ago, I would have never imagined that Jyou Kido was within my reach.

“Yama.” I hear him whisper as our lips part for the necessity of breathing. He used to call me that a long time ago, when we were still kids. In my dreams, I had always called him baby doll. Mine to own and conquer. Mine to drown in for all eternity.

“Yes?” I respond as my hands travel under his white shirt, touching his warm milky skin. He blushes prettily, adding colour to his face. If he knew what he did to me…

“I…tonight is…I mean…I never…” he mumbled, stumbling over his words.

“No words tonight baby doll. It’s just you and me. No distractions. I love you Jyou.” I whisper into his ear, nibbling at his earlobe. I hear him sigh, his heart beating in my ear.

“No words?” he asks, a small smile tugging at his lips, something mischievous in those beautiful dark eyes. I nod and he smiles. He pulls me to him, stealing a kiss from me as his hands bury themselves in my hair. He’s confident and assertive and I’m beginning to like it. I attack his mouth fiercely, my hands unbuttoning his shirt as our mouths meld into one, our tongues sparring as Jyou’s fingers deftly do away with my shirt without breaking our contact. My hands drift down to his jeans and he shimmies out of them, dark blue boxers greeting my gaze as our kiss ends. His lips are slightly swollen and his cheeks are flushed, his body is warm, his nipples erect. My Jyou’s aroused.

“Mmh, seems that you’re ready for me.” I whisper as I grind against his obvious need, a moan escaping his lips. My Jyou made a lovely picture. His dark blue hair fanning out behind him, his body lean and smooth and his face contoured in pleasure.

“You said no words. Or would you prefer it if I asked?” he replied, his eyes traveled up my body, his eyes resting on my own lack of clothing.

“Ask? That sounds promising baby doll.” I whisper, my hands pulling off his boxers in one swoop. Jyou blushed but swung a slim leg around my waist. He smiled almost smugly as he pushed me up on my feet. With a shake of his hips he led me to his bedroom.

~Jyou’s POV~

I pushed Yamato onto my bed and took off his pants and boxers. I wanted to be with him, and damn all my little doubts if I couldn’t have him. He was smiling at me, his azure eyes tasting my body, I shuddered involuntarily as he licked his lips. His eyes…they held the promise of so many things. Things that I didn’t realized I craved. I pressed my body into his, delighted to hear his deep voice rumble in my ear as my lips kissed his neck softly. I love the way he smells, like a mountain spring. I feel his hands travel down my back and I gasp as his hands hold my buttocks hostage. He thrusts his hips into mine, his erection colliding sweetly with mine. I moan softly, my eyes slowly shutting as I get used to the feel of his body rubbing in a frenzy against mine.

“Jyou.” He rasps as my eyes open again. I capture his lips again, holding his face in my hands. His hand rakes through my hair and his lips leave mine. I feel him bite into my neck, his tongue tasting my skin.

“Oh…” I moan, as his fingers caress my body. His mouth latches onto one of my nipples which he sucks, my mind unable to form coherent thoughts from the sensations that racked my body. I push him away from him and I settle between his legs. Without discourse, I take him into my mouth, hungry for the taste of the golden haired man. Yamato moaned, his hands buried in my hair as I began to suck on him, my head moving under the guidance of his hand.

“Oh gods Jyou.” Yamato moans as my mouth speeds in movements. I feel him angle his hips and he thrusts into my mouth, his breath becoming scant as his body arched. He came with a cry, his essence spilling down my throat. I haven’t done this often but I forced back the natural gag reflex and swallowed his essence. He tastes of spice and salt and something entirely Yamato. I let his organ slip from my mouth when he is done and I sat back on my haunches. I could feel a smile lift my lips as Yamato opened his eyes.

~Yamato’s POV~

Gods! His mouth felt like a wonderful cavern. He just kept sucking until I was ready to scream to high heaven if I didn’t come. I open my eyes and stare at him. His smile is one of a pleased cat and he crawls into my lap, stroking me softly, I can feel his erection trapped beside my thigh and I could feel my body already aroused again, ready for the second round.

“How did you learn to…?” I ask. Jyou blushes, his blue hair falling across his eyes, gently brushing his cheeks.

“A little practice. Besides, I wanted to make you feel good.” He replied, hiding his face in my chest. I smile as I kiss him, tasting myself on his lips. He moans as I press him into the bed, my knees parting his legs. My hand grabs his erection, already leaking. I stroke him firmly, Jyou’s head thrown back in pleasure as he moans my name.

“Yama, please, no more.” He rasps as he thrusts into my hand.

“What do you want?” I ask as I lick my fingers, tasting his pre-cum. It tasted sweet and a bit like the ocean. Jyou moaned, his eyes dark with desire.

“Take me, please.” He begged as he slid into my lap, my erection rubbing invitingly against his hole. Gods, he wasn’t helping me concentrate with the way he rubbed his body against mine. I wanted to take him hard, drive him into his sheets as he moaned my name. I wanted to be gentle…I wanted, so many things.

“Anything you want Jyo-chan.” I whispered back as I kissed him. He nodded and leaned over the side of his bed. He handed me a tube of scented lotion. Opening it, the smell of jasmines filled the air. I poured a generous amount into my hand. Laying him back down on the bed, he spread his legs. I nudged a well oiled finger into him and he squirmed. From his movements I could tell right off that Jyou hadn’t been penetrated before. I felt a rush of warmth fill me as I continued to prepare him, paying attention to every movement he made. He was willing to give his virginity to me, without telling me. I couldn’t do it if he wasn’t sure.

“Yama. I wanted to tell you…I love you.” Jyou whispers as my fingers leave him. I kiss him, drawing him into my lap.

“I know what you’re giving me freely Jyou, and I thank you for it.” I whisper. Jyou blushes as he buries his face in my neck.

“Thank you.” He whispers in reply. I lay him back on the bed. Placing his legs securely around my waist, I kiss him deeply as I thrust into his body.

~Jyou’s POV~

I cry out, my body singing in a sizzle of pain as I feel *all* of Yamato within my body. It feels right and as my tears run down my face from the initial pain. It dies to a small gentle numbing force as pleasure begins to seep into me. Yamato’s above me, his hand tangled in my hair as he kisses me.

“Gods, you’re *so* tight.” He whispers as he continues to kiss me, not moving at all. I find my body adjusting to the feel of Yamato in me and I thrust back up. Yamato moans above me, his blue eyes blazing with desire.

“Yama…please move.” I whisper as my hands clutch his ass, pulling him deeper within my body. He nods and tries an experimental thrust into me and I moan loudly, wanting more of him. He moves steadily within me. Our hands locked in a tight hold as his thrusts become faster, both our breaths ragged as we cry our pleasure to the night. I feel my body arch off the bed and I cry out, my body tingling with intense pleasure as I come all over our heaving chests. Yamato’s voice joins mine as he comes within me, my body feeling fulfilled and so warm all at once. Yamato releases his hands from our punishing hold and he drops on top of me, his sweaty blond bangs mingling with my hair as he kisses me, seeking me out. I return the kiss with equal fervor. I didn’t want to move.

~3rd POV~

Yamato opened azure eyes and gazed at Jyou. Jyou smiled at him, pulling Yamato into his arms.

“That was incredible.” Yamato spoke after he found his voice. Jyou nodded, his eyes fixed on how heavenly Yamato looked in his moment of passion.

“I don’t want to move. I just want you in me forever. Even though I’m going to be sore tomorrow.” Jyou replied as he nibbled at Yamato’s neck. Yamato sighed in pleasure. He pulled out of Jyou, a smile on his lips. He got up from the bed and walked to Jyou’s bathroom. He returned with a warm cloth and cleaned he and Jyou up. Discarding the cloth, he climbed back into the bed and pulled Jyou into his arms. Jyou pulled the covers over them.

“I love you Jyo-chan, my baby doll.” Yamato whispered as he kissed Jyou.

“Why do you call me that Yama?” Jyou asked somewhat sleepily as he snuggled into Yamato’s arms.

“It’s what I call you when I dream of you.” Yamato replied as he tangled his legs with Jyou’s. Jyou nodded.

“I like it Yama. Goodnight love.” Jyou replied with a sweet smile as he placed his head down on Yamato’s chest and drifted to sleep. Yamato closed his eyes and slept, and in some part of both men’s minds the thought of what the future held for them stayed quiet.


Takeo- Oh, I thought this would end it, but for some reason I keep thinking of new ideas, ah well ^__^