Last Update: July 15th, 2008
The site turned eight years old last month on June 26th (Tuesday). I've been making headway in moving my fics into my livejournal account which is here I'm going to start removing fics from the web site once they are on my livejournal account with the goal of closing down the web site to avoid deletion. I am of course editing almost every fic as it goes up since it's been a while since I've done touch-ups on a lot of my fanfics

List of fics/anime on Livejournal
X fics (4 total) ~ all done
Escaflowne fics (1 total) ~ all done
Johnny Quest (1 total)~ all done
Digimon (4 total)~ all done
Card Captor Sakura (4 total) ~ 3/4 done
YST (10 total) ~ 9/10 done
Cowboy Bebop (3 total)~ all done
Gundam Wing (29 total) ~ 6/29 done
Tekken (1 total)~ all done

Last Update: June 28th, 2007
The site turned seven years old on June 26th (Tuesday) and it's all very exciting! I've finally gotten a livejournal account where I'll be moving all my fics to with a twist: I will be re-editing and in some cases re-writing *all* the fics. It's a little crazy but it's been quite a while since I've looked back at my fics. If you would like to watch this crazy process unfold, come over to to check out the new location for my fics.

Last Update: October 16th, 2006
I still have the yahoo group listing to send messages of when the sites updates, but with one member left ( I think that it used to have around 5 members) this is perhaps not an efficient way to communicate with readers who come across my site and stories at various locations.

Perhaps I should create a livejournal alternate instead? I use it with more frequency, so perhaps that's the best way to go.

If using livejournal *is* a better option, then I'll go ahead and establish it, but only after I've gotten my life organized so that I can start writing again (yay for new yaoi fandoms)

If you're even remotely interested to see what the mailing is like, you can check it out here

Another option I could consider, and it's a *little* crazy is for me to move *all* my fics to livejournal. I won't have to worry about diskspace and content but this means less flashy images and what not, but I can use it as an alternate to the site. I'll make an attempt and see how it turns out ^__^

Last Update: June 26th, 2006
Whee! The site is six years old today *does a dance*

Last Update: June 14th, 2006
The site is almost restored completely. I *may* end up moving to geocities since their ads are *less* annoying >__> Let me know what you think!

Last Update: May 8th, 2006
The site is slowly being moved over to Bravenet, so I'll let you know when you should change bookmarks!

I just found out a few hours later that such a move is impossible due to fic content issues so it looks like we stranded with Angelfire until I come with an alternative >__>

Last Update: April 29th, 2006
Major revamping in the works as you can tell from the spiffy image map!

Last Update: April 6th 2006
I might be redesigning the site to deal with the pesky ads >_>

Last Update: December 14th 2005
Just wanted to wish readers happy holidays ^__^

Last Update: June 26th 2005
WOOT! The site is 5years old! Which is pretty damn amazing! No new fics as of yet but I'm working on it! ^__^V

Last Update: June 1st 2005
The site is running properly. All wonky links have been fixed and everything is running fine. The site's 5th anniversary is coming up on the 26th of June, and hopefully I'll have some fics for you all ^__^V

As of Wednesday May 25th 2005, Angelfire deleted my main Angelfire account without telling me and I don't have any way of getting any of my HTML files back, which really sucks since I've had that site for over five bloody years. This just came to my attention since I've been very busy and I'm still looking for a way to contact folks to tell them about this abrupt address change ^^;;