Takeo - Another angsty fic...oi…


They swell and rise within me
To long for love
To offer my soul
It's all too painful for me.

The offering is simple and painless
The rejection comes as a blow to my fragile world.
My heart breaks, but my tears,
My tears are shed only in darkness.

Hugging my blanket for warmth
Craving this sweet warmth
Eases the pain that I feel
But it's always there.

I open my eyes.
The blinds are shut.
I hug closer to my pillow as the moon's light filter's in.
I look up and my tears are bathed in the pale light.

I turn away,
My heart still weeping.
Full of unspoken words,
Full of never to be realized hopes.

There's a darkness in my heart,
There's no hope in my life.
My souls screams for salvation.
My eyes say all that needs to be said

Yukito sighed as he closed his curtains in his room. His last thought drifted to his conversation with Touya that night . I still love you Yukito's thoughts whispered as he climbed into his bed. Touya would never hear those words, at least, not from Yukito, who lived his hopes in all his dreams.


Takeo - ^^;; Once again, the poem is mine.