Takeo - Been such a long time, but let's get back in!
Yukito - ^^ Takeo doesn't own CCS or us.
Touya - Warnings of lime, lemon and angst.

Chapter Two : Isukiyomi's Yukito

The next few weeks at the Emperor's palace revolved around excitement and anxiety. Excitement because by the next day, the talented entourage of 500 would depart for Venice in Italy to take part in a world celebration of the arts. People were already geared to go, and as nightfall approached, people made their final prayers and settled down to sleep. At 4a.m, they would all be awakened and guiding down to the port from which they would depart. They would travel for 3 weeks before reaching Italy (1).

Syaoran kept an eye on Yukito as the silver haired boy once again disguised his unhappiness by being radiantly happy and helpful. Syaoran found it hard to crack through his cousin's facade, but once in a while when no one was looking, the hazel eyes drooped with sadness, adding even further mystery to Yukito's aura of life. Syaoran debated telling his father all that Yukito had told him, and he came to the conclusion that it was up to Yukito to tell the Emperor himself. Syaoran found himself late in the evening watching as people prepared for the trip in the next couple of hours. He knew the only reason he was down here was to find Yukito. He heard laughs drifting from the people and he sighed. He had always wondered what it would be like to be a normal kid…Yukito had talked constantly about Touya Kinomoto, the boy that he had met as well as his sister. Yukito seemed quite taken by him and Syaoran felt certain that his cousin was attracted to him. It hurt him deeply to know that there was no chance of Yukito returning his feelings. Syaoran shut off his mind and gazed at the crescent moon, sadness in his brown eyes.

Touya strummed his violin strings as Yukito sat opposite him in his apartment. Tomoyo and Sakura had stepped out for a minute to talk to some friends that they had made.

"The trip is going to be great isn't it Touya." Yukito grinned as he polished the strings of his harp in a loving manner.

"Certainly. I'm looking forward to it, as well as spending more time with you Yuki…" Touya whispered back as he stirred intently at the silver haired youth. Yukito blushed.

"Touya you silly." Yukito replied as he laughed. Touya rose from his seat and sat beside Yukito.

"Could you, play something for me? You never really have." Touya asked as his dark blue eyes caught hazel.

"Okay." Yukito smiled. Taking a deep breath, Yukito's fingers traced slowly over the strings and his eyes slowly slid closed. His fingers plucked at the strings and glided over them, first slowly then quickly, up and down, the soothing tempo seemed to make Yukito glow as he immersed himself in the music. Touya watched spellbound. Yukito looked simply beautiful. Hazel eyes slid open and as Yukito played, he watched Touya's smoldering gaze on him and understood. His fingers stopped their magic as the music slowly ended.

"That was beautiful Yuki." Touya whispered. Yukito adjusted his black kimono and smiled shyly.

"Do you mean the music To-ya, or me?" Yukito asked as he blushed. Touya smiled and pulled Yukito into his arms.

"Both. Forgive my forwardness Yuki-chan, but, I think that I'm, in love with you." Touya whispered heatedly, his fingers running through silvery strands of silk. Yukito blushed, and leaned forward.

"Music moves us both To-ya and sings to me." Yukito whispered as his lips brushed against Touya's in a light touch. Touya pulled him closer and devoured his lips hungrily. Yukito moaned as Touya's hands circled his body, his tongue slipping into his mouth, tasting the silver haired youth. Touya pulled away slowly, his eyes slightly clouded over.

"Yuki, ai shiteru." Touya whispered as he clasped Yukito's hands in his.

"Touya, I'm…not certain…but I know that I care so deeply for you." Yukito whispered back, tears stinging his eyes. Touya's grip loosened.

"I won't ever force you Yuki-chan. Just know that, I'll be here." Touya whispered as he kissed Yukito's forehead. Yukito nodded and left, Touya starring after him. Touya missed the shower of tears from Yukito's eyes as he ran out into the open air.

Syaoran sat at the shrine again. Beside him, his father sat in silence. The burning fire before them crackled as Syaoran's father scattered leaves in it and watched them burn.

"Father, I have to talk to you." Syaoran spoke as his eyes watched the fire.

"What is it my son?" his father replied, stroking his white beard. Syaoran turned and faced his father, bowing down to him before he began speaking.

"It's about Yukito sir. He told me of a sickness that has plagued him, and due to your ignorance of the problem, he is very ill. I wished for him to speak to you privately of this, but I do not wish to cause him anymore harm." Syaoran spoke in earnest. The emperor was silent for a moment and then spoke.

"I already know all about Yukito. It was never his fault that he suffered so greatly. But he is still part of our family. He has earned it. He took care of Mei's family; farmed, sewed, he was like a true son to Mei, and therefore a true cousin to you as well. I'll tell Yukito that just because his blood isn't ours, that doesn’t make him an outsider. So, he should move on with his life. I sense that he has trials to face. Some of my priests have said that they can sense the touch of the goddess Isukiyomi, that he is somehow tied to her. We know nothing more about him except that his mother died as she gave birth to him and his father had died that same night when their village was attacked. Who knows what his future holds. But anyway, don't worry my son. I'm glad that he believed in you enough to tell you all. He's a good boy." The Emperor spoke as he got to his feet and left. Syaoran smiled. Oh Yukito, you are free.

Yukito ran down the grassy path to the shrine. His soul was in turmoil. He *knew* that he loved Touya, but he also loved Syaoran. The brown eyed boy had been always kind to him, and was still kind despite his past. He knew that the prince loved him, he could see it in those brown eyes. That was why he had run from Touya. Would Touya, accept just like Syaoran has? Oh Isukiyomi, I'm confused. Yukito's heart cried as he kept running. He almost ran into someone heading down the path in his direction.

"Good evening uncle." Yukito said as he stopped and bowed to the Emperor.

"Ah Yukito. I wanted to talk to you. Syaoran tried to tell me about your past. I already knew about it. I'm sorry that I made you feel so uncomfortable, but your past doesn't matter to me. You're still an honorable lad, and our Mei accepted you as a true son. Therefore there isn't any reason why my family shouldn't accept you as our true cousin. So don't worry, just play your harp and be happy. Good night now." The Emperor said as he continued on his way. Yukito stood shocked for a moment and a thrill of happiness ran through him.

"Arigato otou-san!"(2) Yukito called out as he waved, tears streaming from his eyes. He continued his run up to the shrine. He reached the toriis and stopped as he saw Syaoran get up from his kneeling position. Tears embroidered Syaoran's face and he wiped them away as he saw Yukito.

"Good evening Yukito." He said with a smile. Yukito ran up to him and wrapped his arms around him in a hug.

"Thank you so much for caring." Yukito whispered happily. Syaoran blushed.

"It's okay Yukito. I guess that you met father. I…I should go now." Syaoran replied as he untangled himself from Yukito and ran back to the palace. Yukito frowned. Syaoran's eyes had reflected hurt and sadness all mixed up with love.

" Syaoran, what have I done to push you away?" Yukito asked to no one. The fire in the shrine intensified and a voice spoke out.

"Nothing really Yukito my child." A woman's voice answered as Yukto turned around. As the fire died down, a tall woman stood before Yukito, glowing in the moon's light. Her hair hung around her waist, long white silvery strands and she was dressed in a red silk kimono with sakura petals blowing past her. Her cerulean eyes glowed warmly and she stretched her hand out to Yukito.

"Isukiyomi." Yukito whispered as he fell to his knees in the presence of the goddess that he prayed to.

"Yukito, only you would have know that it's me. Rise, let me answer your question. Syaoran feels that you can't love him because he doesn't think that you like him, when you in fact love him." Isukiyomi said, her voice sounding like a pleasant melody.

"How, can I show him? Without forsaking Touya?" Yukito asked. Isukiyomi laughed.

"Change of course. Here." Isukiyomi whispered as she placed a sakura petal against Yukito's forehead. Closing his eyes, a warm light radiated through him and when Yukito opened his eyes, he looked into the lake; he was dressed in silk robes and his hair was long and white, he had white feathery wings, his glasses were gone and his hazel eyes were a pale blue and he was taller than he had ever been!

"Oh gods!" Yukito whispered as he touched his hair. Isukiyomi chuckled.

"When I chose to watch over you, I sort of adopted you. Now go and play with your love. I'll be back when you need me." Isukiyomi said as she disappeared in a sparkle of moondust. Yukito smiled and focused his mind on Syaoran and poof! He was in Syaoran's room where the prince had already shed all his clothes in preparation for bed.

" Syaoran." Yukito whispered, his voice almost hypnotic as it reached Syaoran's ears. Syaoran turned around, clutching a sheet to cover his nakedness.

"Who are you and how did you get in here?" Syaoran asked as he reached for wards under his pillow. He prayed that this angel wasn't a demon in disguise.

"It's only me, Yukito, but call me Yue." Yukito said with a giggle as he approached a confused Syaoran.

"Yuki-chan! I'm glad that you're okay, but what do you want?" Syaoran asked nervously. Yue smiled.

"Call me Yue, my love. And I want you." Yue replied as he snatched away Syaoran's covering and pushed the prince on to his bed. Syaoran blushed as Yue's clothes disappeared. Ivory skin bathed in moonlight caught Syaoran's eyes and long white hair that sparkled covered both their bodies, pale blue eyes heated with passion grazed at him.

"Please…" Syaoran whispered as the beautiful being whispered words like a twisting spell and Syaoran's hands became bound by soft silk. Yue pouted, his red lips distracting Syaoran who was trying hard not to be so easily seduced by the beautiful moonchild.

"Let me show you my love for you Syaoran." Yue whispered. He closed his eyes and warm light flowed through him. Syaoran watched as Yukito appeared, his short silvery hair, and his hazel eyes.

"Yukito, what's going on?" Syaoran asked in confusion.

"I just wanted to show you that I'm here. I just want you to see me in my true form. I didn't know about this till tonight. I love you Syaoran, and I also love Touya." Yukito said as he rested atop Syaoran, feeling the frightened prince's heartbeat slowly begin to match his.

"But if you love Touya, you…you shouldn't be here with me." Syaoran replied, blushing as Yukito's hands traced his lips.

"I know. But I love you both, and I want to see, just how far I would go for you. I want to make love to you Syaoran…will you let me?" Yukito asked so sweetly that Syaoran found it increasing hard to deny Yukito anything.

"Hai, I've always dreamed-" Syaoran whispered, his reply cut off as Yukito's lips claimed him. Syaoran moaned as Yukito's hands traced his body and he transformed back to Yue. Yue's subconscious took control of Syaoran's conscious, removing any reasoning from the Prince, as well as repressed Yukito from resurfacing. An un-noticed twinge of energy passed through Syaoran and his brown eyes glassed over, leaving him in a semi trance. Yue then smiled and focused on his objective.

"I want to love you like this." Yue whispered heatedly as he spread Syaoran's legs and in one quick motion, he deep throated Syaoran's manhood. Syaoran moaned loudly, almost desperately as Yue's tongue brought him into higher levels of ecstasy. Yue's lips left Syaoran's aching manhood and he let Syaoran's hands loose. Syaoran wrapped them around Yue, feeling the large feathers and the long silky hair. Yue moaned as tingles of shivers ran up and down his wings. He traced Syaoran's inner thighs, nipping at the soft creamy flesh that lay there. Syaoran tugged at Yue and the youth wrestled Syaoran's hands down, and kissed the swelling lips again, his tongue dancing with Syaoran's. He moaned, rubbing his body against Yue's in a passionate frenzy.

"Yue..." Syaoran whispered as Yue's lips left his, the pale blue eyed beauty smiling softly.

"What is thy desire?"(3) Yue asked softly. He knew that through the spell he had cast on Syaoran, the boy would whisper all the dreams he held of Yukito, and eventually those dreams would be of him. Sure enough, Syaoran blushed, his eyes still blank and lifeless.

"To be with you…to feel you in me." Syaoran whispered, his lips finding Yue's. Yue nodded and threaded his fingers through soft brown locks.

"It's yours." Yue whispered back as he kissed Syaoran, nipping at the youth's bottom lip before letting go. His lips toyed with already aroused nipples, Syaoran moaning louder as Yue bit down on one and then the other, driving the lithe form underneath his into a squirm of ecstasy.

"Oh Yue…" Syaoran moaned as Yue's hands closed around his manhood, sending jolts of pleasure all over his body.

"Shh…" Yue whispered as he produced a jar of lotion. Syaoran's sighed softly as the smell of oil and vanilla filled the air. Yue oiled his fingers and parting Syaoran's legs again, pressed two fingers into Syaoran's entrance. Syaoran cried out, the intrusion striking him." Sya-chan, it'll be okay." Yue whispered as he eased Syaoran open, enabling the youth to slowly relax until he wanted more of Yue's attentions. Yue smiled. Syaoran was ready. Removing his fingers, Yue oiled his shaft and slowly eased it into Syaoran. Syaoran trashed wildly. The pain was a lot harder than before and the lines of pain and pleasure began to blur.

"Yue." Syaoran cried as Yue slid completely into him, the pain reaching a dulling ache. Yue pushed sweaty brown locks back. Syaoran placed his legs around Yue's waist and the moonchild kissed Syaoran, removing the boy's attention as they began to move slowly, establishing a rhythm. Syaoran rocked against Yue as they moved faster, moans becoming louder as Yue thrust faster into Syaoran. Yue could feel his climax building and he could sense it in Syaoran too.

"Oh gods." Yue whispered as Syaoran's body clenched him tighter. Syaoran screamed as he came, spraying Yue's stomach with his seed, and at the same moment breaking the spell that Yue had over him. Brown eyes returned to normal and Yue cried out as he came, coating Syaoran with his essence.

"Yue" Syaoran whispered, a feeling of guilt settling in him as Yue's blue eyes opened, regarding the fully conscious boy beneath him.

" Syaoran" Yue replied as he kissed the boy sweetly, his heart grateful for the chance to give his love what he desired.

"No, Yue, I mean Yukito. We shouldn't have!" Syaoran said as Yue pulled out of him. Yue looked confused.

"But it was what you wanted." Yue replied as he got off Syaoran and a cloth appeared in Yue's hands. The corners of Yue's eyes began to gather tears.

"Yue…I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." Syaoran said as he pulled the angel towards him and hugged him tightly. Yue smiled as he cleaned Syaoran and then himself up.

"It's okay. It'll soon be dawn. I should go." Yue said as he willed his clothes back on. He reached for Syaoran's pjs and dressed Syaoran up.

"I-- I enjoyed it, all I remember is the feeling." Syaoran said as he blushed beet red. Yue smiled.

"As it should be. Now, to sleep my love." Yue whispered as he kissed Syaoran's forehead, sending the boy straight to sleep in his arms. He then lifted Syaoran and tucked him into his bed. With a sigh of happiness and a look of tenderness, Yue disappeared and reappeared back in Yukito's room. He then let himself fall asleep and when he would open his eyes next, they would be Yukito's.

~ End of chapter two ~

1 - I'm pretty damn sure that it would take a longer time to get to Venice but hell, it's just time.
2 - Otou-san actually means father but Yukito calls the emperor father because he reminds him of Mei, his adoptive father.
3- Ah yes 'what is thy desire' is from Outlaw Star. The Galactic Leyline voice thing asked this question.

Takeo - Well, I didn't except Yue to surface, let alone bang Syaoran in one night!
Syaoran - I'm scared.
Yue - What does that mean?
Touya - Ummh, does Yukito know about Yue?
Takeo - Not really ^^; He just knows that he can turn into this other person, but as you can see, Yue taking Syaoran has now separated Yue and Yukito into two separate people in the same body. This will all make sense in the next chapter ^^;;