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Stu [In His Own Juices]
Stuart Braithwaite
November 2000

I have entertained myself this month by falling in with a bad crowd and pondeing the astonishing levels of homo-eroticism in the World Wrestling Federation. These infatuations themselves are of no worldly use to any mortal person and as i have been presented with a task of telling folks something they wish to hear I shall exclude these thoughts from your perusal. So there.

Rock'n'roll is a war and her trenches are steeped in blood and milk. Being merely a footsoldier in this crusade I can only look upwards to the generals who shall lead us into the new of noise. Rhyss, Bulloch, Quimby stand up and be counted!!! If you are unaware of their whereabouts or identities then I shall let you enjoy your placidity for now.

Since I am theoretically a 'musician' I feel it is only right to address the issue of music. 'Trance' music is a cunt's game.

Folks who brainwash themselves into believing that it is anything else than Thatcher's tool [sic] to make people think that having no hope, no future, no aspirations, no ambitions other than to imagine that they are as foxy/handsome as the idiots on the HAndbag Nation 3 TV ads and that they are not having their brain turned to mince whilst the world is swept from under their feet and turned into a fucking stripmall deseve to rot in a CESSPIT OF THEIR OWN bodily secretions. Machines are not our enemies. We must look no further than Hermann and Kleine and The Remote Viewer to see that robotics can be more than mechanics and that the soul can be translated into binary. Hail the drum machine!!!

I saw this wanker on TV the other night stating that the French unions deciding to take action over the fact that the government were taking the piss in regards to fuel prices as being "so French". What a cunt. Does nobody understand the democratic system? If someone fucks with you then it is the obvious and equal reaction to fuck with them back. France has had a revolution and that is why they appreciate their freedom and their liberty. Britain does not. We need to string the queen up with the guts of her dead daughter-in-law (who she murdered). WE should burn every petrol station because by giving them business we are allowing them to take the piss out of us. I have now become aware that I have strayed somewhat from the theme that I started this paragraph [?] with, ie, how shite trance house music is, but from the fact that it stinks so badly that my wanderings have ventured to the abolition of our inbred racist stagnant insipid royal family it's all too easy to fathom how turgid it has all got. 'Ride On Time' came out when I was 11 years old and wouldn't sound dated compared to today's Top Ten. E is a tool for fun not the gift of absolution.

PS. Don Barlow is a don

WORD OF THE MONTH: sendition

Stuarto 2000