Play Mogchords!
Rick Batey
The Guitar Magazine
June 1999
"The classic Mogwai chord, if there is one," shares Stuart, applying felt-tip to paper, "is probably C9, or maybe E5 at the seventh fret, which is undoubtedly the loudest chord on the guitar. Plus, of course, the old flattened fifth... aye, the devil chord, hahahah."
TGM's exclusive Mogwai micro-masterclass includes C9 and A9 (as found in 'r u still in 2 it' and 'Small Children..'), the aforementioned, seventh-fret E5 and a way-high 17th-fret E7 (as located on 'Summer' and 'Like Herod'). Don some smart sportswear, sweep your hand firmly over your amp knobs (important: do it from left to right), strike strings and enjoy.